もののあわれ ; Mono No Aware


"That's it, for today."

"I hate this story. You always give me cliffhangers."

"Sssh. It's time to sleep, Krys. We'll continue the story tomorrow. See? It almost reaches its end."

"You know that I can't appear-"

"Hey. I promised."

"What if I won't be here tomorrow..."

"Time to sleep! I'll turn off the lights. Good night, Krystal."

"Urgh... Okay. Good night, Kai."




"Damn it. Turn on the lights."


"It's Soojung. What has she done?"

"Nothing. She didn't appear that long."

"Oh, God."

"Now that you're here, I'll go back."

"Yeah, right. Just go."



"I'm still here."

"Thank you."

"my pleasure."






Mono no aware 


(n.) (phr.) lit. "the pathos of things"; the gentle wistfulness at the transience of things, and the awareness of the sadness of existence

"Bittersweet awareness of the passing moments of life."




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