Beauty at the park

Beauty at the park

The boys couldn’t believe it. They were actually on vacation. Ok they might not have been on the sandy beaches of some remote paradise island, but at least they could sleep more than two hours at a time. In actual beds and not stolen time in dressing rooms. Their vacation time was finally drawing to a close, the boys all returning to the dorms from their hometowns to spend some time being just friends, instead of band mates.


Hoseok had enthusiastically suggested that they go to a park. The park was known for catering to mainly children and older people, so the chances of them being recognised were reduced. This meant that they would actually be able to enjoy themselves. Hoseok had woken the members up as early as he dared. He had taken careful precautions when entering Yoongi’s room. Choosing to use a broom to waken the grumpy rapper instead of getting into his strike range. In hindsight, Hoseok found out that arming a half awake Yoongi with any sort of weapon was the worst choice he could have made. The rapidly forming bruise on his thigh as evidence of his bad decision.


Once they were all up and ready to go, they finally headed to the park. They were all excited about their excursion. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining but it wasn’t too hot. Once their managers let them lose they all ran around, acting like little kids. Playing tag and other games, just enjoying the freedom of no one recognising them and not having to worry about their reputations or appearances. As predicted, the park was relatively quiet. There was clusters of grandmas chatting, grandfathers playing chess and a few young children running around playing with each other.


Jungkook had initiated a game of hide and seek with the other members, Namjoon being chosen as the first person to find them. He and Taehyung hid behind a food cart, hoping that Namjoon wouldn’t be able to spot them. They chuckled as Namjoon ran right past their hiding place. Jungkook risked a glance around the cart and a girl around his age caught his attention. She looked to be around his age, maybe a little older. She was standing near the fountain in the park and was handing out balloons to all the children around her.


He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. His heart skipped a beat as she smiled brightly at one of the kids as she ruffled her hair affectionately. His staring was finally interrupted by loud crying. He looked around and saw a child near the girl who was crying. Jungkook completely forgot about the game and left his hiding place, even as Taehyung tried to pull him back. He went up to the child, arriving there the exact same time as the balloon girl. They both exchanged quick smiles as they both crouched down in front of the little girl.


“Hey, are you ok?” she asked in a sweet voice. The little girl sniffed loudly and wiped away her tears. “I can’t find my mum.” She whimpered. The balloon girl took the little girls hand. “Don’t you worry, this unni and oppa will help you find your mum.” She said giving Jungkook a look. He nodded rapidly, “Yeah, of course we will. Where did you last see your mum?” he asked, returning his attention to the little girl in front of him.


The little girl pointed at the fountain. “O-over there.” She stuttered as she once again wiped the tears away from her eyes. The balloon girl pulled her phone out from her pocket. “Do you know your mum’s number? I can call her for you?” the little girl nodded and gave her the number. The balloon girl called the number but no one answered. She frowned at Jungkook, not sure what to do now. Jungkook felt just as lost as she did. The little girl started crying again at her mum not answering her phone.


Without thinking, Jungkook swept the little girl up into his arms. “Shh, it’s ok. Don’t cry. We’ll find your mum. I promise.” The balloon girl once again tried to call the little girls mum but the phone just rang out again. “Maybe we should walk around this area a bit and see if we can find her mum?” she suggested to Jungkook. He nodded and put the little girl down but kept her hand in his. The little girl stretched her hand out to the balloon girl. She smiled reassuringly down at her and held her hand.


The three of them wandered around the park until the little girl let go of their hands yelling her mum’s name. They watched on happily as the little girl was reunited with her sobbing mother. They exchanged grins as the little girl’s mother thanked them over and over again. The balloon girl gave her a balloon before the mother took her away.


They were left standing together, not entirely sure what to say now that the little girl had been safely reunited with her mother. They exchanged embarrassed smiles before Namjoon ran up behind Jungkook and slapped him hard on the back. “Found you maknae!” he yelled before running off with a chuckle. Jungkook sighed, completely forgetting that he had been in the middle of a game before getting distracted by the girl in front of him.


“I better get back.” He said, his previous confidence to talk to her completely forgotten. “O-oh, ok.” She said with a smile that didn’t completely reach her eyes. She cleared as Jungkook started to walk away, “Hey.” She called as she pulled a marker out of her pocket and scribbled something onto one of the balloons. She handed him the SpongeBob balloon with a smile. “To thank you for helping me find the little girls mum. I would have been so lost without your help.” He thanked her before heading back to meet up with the rest of s.


They all gave him strange looks at the balloon, but none of them questioned it, except for Namjoon who had seen the girl with the balloons. Jungkook pulled the balloon down to look at it, his fingers smudging the marker she had written with. He turned the balloon around, his eyes widening as he saw the girls name and phone number written on the side. His head whipped around and he saw her back in her spot. His eyes met hers and a blush took over his face as she smiled at him.


He quickly turned away so that she couldn’t see the blush on his face. He quickly copied her name and number into his phone before any of his hyungs saw what he was up to. He returned to the dorms later that night with the balloon in his hand, a big grin on his face, and a cute girl’s number in his phone.



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Chapter 1: I can totally imagine bts getting loose at the park, they might even cause a disturbance for being too loud lmao
Jungkook with children, ugh /dies
Lucky girl!
Chapter 1: Aww Kookie the sweetheart <3 If I go to the park with balloons for kids weird random creeps would flock to me to pass creepy catcally comments instead of kids flocking to me -_-'
Chapter 1: awwww, thats soo cute. ur writing is awesome
Chapter 1: Awww damn that was cute ~
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #6
Chapter 1: AHHHHHH so cute I loved it so much!!! THANK U!!! <3333