Chapter 5// Back With You

Keeping my Sunshine

Moonbyul's POV

I wake up from my nap in my room surrounded by notes and pens. I organize them and sit them on my work desk, sliding on my slippers and putting on some pants. It has been a day since I saw Youngsun again. I wonder what she is doing today...

Why am I thinking about her? She cheated on me. But, the look on her face said something else. I can barely remember that night though. My mind is blurred, but my headache went away. I open my door to see Krystal sitting on the couch, watching TV. I start myself a pot of ramen. She walks into the kitchen and wraps her arms around my waist. She kisses my shoulder. I turn my head. "You weren't lonely were you?"

"I was. But...where were you last night? Wheein told me you went home with someone," Krystal whines. "Who was it?"

I sigh and took her hands and put them to her sides. "None of your business. I am home now right."

"Unni, what if you get married?" Krystal asked abruptly. "You are near the age."

"I am only 2 years older than you. I am nowhere near the age," I snap. "I am not ready to get married yet."

"I know who you went home with..."Krystal says, sitting down in a chair. "Youngsun. Did you two..."

"No," I huff. "Barely touched her."

"Then why else were you there?" 

"I was drunk and she noticed I needed help." I pour the ramen into a bowl and blew it. "I have a show tonight. Don't come."

Krystal rolled her eyes. "I have my secrets too, Moon Byulyi." She got up and left. I was slightly annoyed at her, but frustrated that I ran her away. I eat my ramen and wash my bowl. I shower and dress in dark clothing. Slipping on my snapback, I hear my phone buzz. I retrieve it and see a text from Youngsun. Biting my lip, I open it. The Kakao chirped and my heart fluttered.

Youngsun: I heard you had a show tonight. Can I come?

I didn't know how she got this information. Maybe because I am a huge rapper on the underground scene. And I am going to the biggest club in Itaewon. I reply with "sure" and then I pick up my bus fare and leave. It was still a little early. I went and got some iced Americano and studied my lyrics closely. Luckily, Youngsun was going to come to the right show. I was going to use the song I wrote for her.

Youngsun's POV

I am let in by the bodyguard of the club, setting in quietly. I see people drinking, dancing to the dubstep beats, and mingling. The banners had Moonbyul's name and 2 others in bold. I wonder if Moonbyul is backstage, preparing or anything. I wait patiently. I shoot her a text saying "what are you doing?''. She replies half a second later with a "bout to go onstage". I see the lights dim. People turn to the stage. I whip my head to see green and blue lights flash as Moonbyul walks on stage, with a lot of swagger. She has a cool face. My heart was pounding. She looked so attractive, just in jeans with holes, grey dusty Vans, and a Nirvana t-shirt. Snapback sitting on top of her hair. I wanted to spaz. There was a watch on her wrist, she held a microphone.

"This goes out to..."she looks down. The crowd is silent at her words as if she were a priest. She nods her head back and forth to the ballad hip-hop beat. I watch as her charisma pours out like her sweat. She is rapping to me. I am feeling every lyric she states. 

"Sunshine, sunshine//I miss you my sunshine//Once your moonshine..." she started scanning the crowd. I see her drop her microphone and take off her cap. I widen my eyes. "Look, there is a special person out there. I know you all been there maybe. You love them, accepting the mistakes and flaws they have. I want you to tell that person that you don't care. Do what you wanna// I really don't care." She hops off the stage, pushing people out the way. I am confused. What is going on? She makes her way near me. Oh dear. I felt my heart flutter as she made eye contact with me. Someone passes her a microphone. This is so cheesy.

"Youngsun-ah..."she smirks cockily. I fight a smile as she takes my hand. "I want to reset our relationship."

Moonbyul's POV

I hold Youngsun's hand, leaving the club, laughing loudly with her again. I missed her so much. Her smile. Her eyes. Her hair. She led me to a restaurant. A waiter took our orders and we sat there and waited patiently.

" really live with Krystal?" Youngsun asks.

I shrug. "I don't date her. She is my type but... she isn't you," I say. I wink at her. She smacks my wrist.

"You are so cheesy!" she coos cutely. I began smiling widely again. I never felt this happy in a long time. I didn't want anyone else right now. I wanted her.

"So Whee In likes you?" I ask her.

Youngsun bites her bottom lip. She looked so fatal for two seconds until she spoke, then she was cute again. "I guess. We work together under the same company, but I don't like her the same way."

"Good. I want you to myself," I say. She smirked.

"Likewise," she declares and we clink our glasses.  

I look up into her eyes. "I should get drunk more often." 

Youngsun blushes. She gazes into my eyes lovingly, then traces circles into my palms. "We did kiss that night...I don't think you remembered. Well you kissed me."

"Maybe I need a refresher?" I tease. 

Youngsun playfully swatted my arm. "Not here!" 

We eat our food and chatted, rekindling what we gave up on. I finally can date her again, have her to myself. She still wore the ring I gave her, and I still wear mines. After we left the restaurant, I took her home. She gave me one last glance before punching in her password. I reach for her waist and kiss her lips, hungrily. I push her against the door lightly and kissed her like our first kiss on that roof top. The only difference is that we are older and I am hers, she is mines. It wasn't even forbidden.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, looking at me with very seductive eyes. "Are you going to stay with me tonight, sober?"


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katmieu0926 #1
Chapter 15: This is so sweet and so good ♡.♡ Not gonna lie...I wish there's a 3rd season. XD
MarPisces39 #2
Chapter 15: Of all the fanfics I've read so far these one made me cried of laughter for the first
qtmoonstar #3
Chapter 1: i finished reading this first than the steal my sunshine // there was a link at the next chapter sending me here and i'm seriously so dumb not to know that this the sequel already aaaaaaaaaaarghh
Rune121 #4
Chapter 15: I was perfectly happy with this fic until it went crazy. Like what? You can't just kill people so abruptly ????? I mean yes this is a drama and everything but it makes almost no sense to just off characters. Author nim please.
Chapter 15: I loved reading this. Great end :D
chocolate_llama #6
Chapter 12: Wtf just happened?!!
chibey143 #7
Chapter 10: H..How can? Krystal is lying, isn't she?