01... I knew you (3/3)

Kidnapped from Reality
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After the day, they had the meeting, they never knew that their kidnapper was watching and following them...

Jin: Hey Kookie!!!

Jk: Hi Jin hyung!!

Jin: Do you know where Tae is???

Jk: No, why ask???

Jin: Tae is suppose to be in class with me today, but he's not... ugh... this trouble maker...

Jk: haha!!! Hyung calm down, I think he's sick again, just ask Yoongi, bye my class is starting now <3


Jin: Hey Yoongi where is Tae at?!!!

Yoongi: I dont know, he just left the dorm without telling me where he was going

Jin: Aish... when Jungkook and my class is over, we have to find him... he can't just leave us like that...

Yoongi: I know, I called him 8 times already and he didn't pick up... so Im going to look for him first, see you later hyung!!!

Jin: Okay annyeong, I'll text you when we're done with our class


Taehyung is with the kidnapper... 

"I knew you would find me someday... why are you here..." Taehyung said with a sad tone. "I didn't come here for you, you were always my best friend Tae... but Im here for someone else. So don't follow me..." the Kidnapper said with a serious tone. "But Chu!!! Why are you doing this!!! You already done enough... you can't blame it on someone else anymore... please... listen to me... I've known you since we were born... I don't want you to get hurt anymore..." Taehyung answered while hugging her. "Tae... please... this is the only person left on my list... I need to accomplish this or I won't be able to... to..." Chu replied while looking down. "To what! Chu tell me!!! Just tell me the reason!!" Taehyung yelled. *Chu took off running away from Tae, but Tae didnt follow...*


Jk: Taehyung where are you!!!

V: I... I was with someone that I've finally found after 10 years...

Jk: Huh??? Whatever Tae!!! We were worry about you!!! Get back to the University, before you get punish by Jin hyung!!

V: I dont care anymore... Jungkook... I'll accept any punishment from Jin hyung...

Jk: Tae are you hiding something!!! Tell me!!!

V: I... I... I've finally met with my old friend again... after I lost her 10 years ago... she was the only person I knew back in my childhood...

Jk: What?!! Didn't Jin said he was your childhood friend!!!

V: That was 3 years after I lost...

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SJKRY123 #1
OW .A real good story