PARK: Child+Hood friend


so kris said hi with his waving. just wow! he still recognized me after we hadn't met up for so long. he was a fine looking guy after all. he played basketball back in middle school so that was him. since he was in exo and even now he no longer was, this was the first time i met him here in a coffee house in seoul. I didn't expect this bump-into-each-other neither him.

he was all psyched up about meeting me his long lost friend! yes we played snowball combat during winter in vancouver and sometimes he joined my family for dinner when his parents were working. he didn't know I had migrated here in seoul years ago. we just couldn't help but having a very warm hug.

so when myungsoo in surprise asked me " you do know him??" Kris rapidly responded " yes of course! Park was my childhood so called girlfriend" while bursting his laughter out loud. he was totally the same dork i knew. LOL.

" myungsoo, can we stay for a while more please? "

I grabbed myungsoo's arm as I was begging him to have a seat again and had another cup of long black to sip down so that I could be having a proper small talk with Kris and he could get to know his hoobae in the industry. myungsoo looked at me while having his eyebrows raised as a 'yes' to the request I made in prior.

" so Park you haven't changed at all except for a little bit taller now I guess and hey you're still wearing glasses. don't have speckles now that's it!" he chuckled to his own comments about the physical features of me which he observed in a glimpse.

" come on Kris that's lame I tell you. so what's up? I watched you on telly with the boys so what's your plan now?" I exhaled a long deep sigh before being curious on the life he was living now as a well known Kris Wu.

" my plan? I'm no longer attached to the company but still I keep in touch with those fellas from the group. we were doing fine but you know it's something to do with the company that i just couldn't go on with no more. I'm doing things on my own I do dramas but they haven't been released yet".

Kris was still keeping a smile curved despite of talking about a little bit on the surface what he had gone through last year. On the other hand, myungsoo was just a sitting statue beside me because I knew he didn't know where to place himself inside the conversation. Perhaps because we had a tad bit of mandarin unavoidably blurted out of our mouths. He rested his hand on my lap while another gripped the ear of the white porcelain cup.

" you're doing fine now. very busy with stuffs. hey you're living your life to the top now yi fan! make it worthy every second."
I totally sound like positive vibe spreader with the exra life advices encouraging people to be like what myungsoo said 'carpe diem'." oh I'm sorry. This is L."

Myungsoo who was sipping down his long black, stopped for a moment from enjoying the coffee, lifted the cup as a response to my introduction of him to Kris before giving out his hand to meet with Kris'. I loved how myungsoo did not act immature and being jealous out of nothing.

" for god sake! are you kidding me who doesn't know L from Infinite. so,L how long have you been dating Park? I assume both of you are dating. Might as well I am the third wheel here".
Kris was being Kris.

" I'm not dating her.."

Myungsoo stole a glance at me who was being awkward of how pathetic Kris was of not knowing anything about us or how pathetic I was at the moment myungsoo stated the words 'no I'm not dating her' that quickly caught by my mind right away. I became aware of that real quick especially when it wasn't on my side. Is this bad? I smiled even though it made me look like an idiot. Myungsoo out of a sudden fitted his fingers into the spaces between mine under the table. I was jerked a tad bit of his action. He then raised our intertwined hands showing Kris the wedding rings on our respective fingers.

" we're married". myungsoo pecked my cheek without I even had the opportunity to stop him from doing so with my mean hand." hm because she wanted to marry me and wake up next to me each morning." he again was being absurd like what joke were you making and why on earth did you twist the plot and how was that legal for him to laugh at me.

" yaaaaa kim myungsoo! you big fat liar, I didn't say that. You were the one who initiated this marriage stuff. That's it don't believe this retarded guy".

Both of us were looking at each other with dissatisfaction. He always made up stories to trigger my hunger to get mad like a lioness. Kris was watching us with the confusion clearly written on his face.

" yaaa both of you can you please stop. I'm not watching a reality show program. no wonder these two are married for real! You guys just can't be in WGM you're blacklisted".

Kris cupped his jaw with his both hands.

" Kris, you should have known better your kinder friend she makes me living hell..but that hell seems so heavenly built for me".

He looked at me with his sweet moon beam. That was a relief to hear that. He always had that closing line to every fight whether it was real or the mock ones,he had that soothing remedy that tamed the rebellious monster inside me and later woke all the sleepy butterflies in my stomach to rave to any rhythm he wanted.





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