Chapter one — Two Months Until Debut.

『TWENTY』— Moon Entertainments first girl group!— Question for members and Trainees!
The six girls walked along the dim lit road, it had just started to become night. They were told to go home early from practice, which did seem kind of odd, but apparently their managers had something to show them. and of course, they wern't complaining. They entered the apartment building and started the hike up the six flights of stairs. it wasn't ideal, but they had were use to it by now. They walked along a narrow hallway until they reached apartment 60,. Hojung entered the code for the apartment before pushing the door open.
"Yes! Home!" Miyuki said happily, kicking her shoes off at the entrance before plopping down on the couch. with Kyungmi following after her.
"Don't get too comfortable." Kyungmi said, sitting down beside her on the couch. "The only reason we got off early was because the managers have something to show us, remember?"
"Oh! What do you think it is?"
"Maybe it's food!"
"Why would they want to show us food?"
"Well maybe it's something for our dorm or practice room?"
"Food sounds like the best out of those options."
"Whatever it is, I hope it's not something bad." The girls speculated as they moved around the living room, finding places to sit on the couch and floor.
After about five minutes the girls started to relax, but soon after they did they heard the door open. They scrambled to stand up quickly and bowed once they saw their managers. Greeting them with a "Hello" That was more or less in unison.
"Hello girls!" They female manager greeted with a wide smile on her face, She always seemed to have a large smile on her face. She motioned behind her for someone to step forward. The girls tried to peak around the corner to see who it was before a girl they had never seen before appeared next to their manager. The girls looked at her in silence for a few seconds, she looked slightly scared or worried, while the members of Twenty just kind of looked confused because of the strange girl standing in their entrance way.
"This is manhwi." Their male manager started. "She just joined moon entertainment and She will be joining Twenty as of today which i am sure you know, means she will be moving in with you. We trust you will take care of her and treat her well." The girls nodded in response some mumbling a 'yes' of sorts.
Manhwi bowed to the other girls and with a small smile introduced herself. "Hello! I'm Manhwi. Please treat me well." The other girls bowed back politely.
After a moment of silence again, the managers looked to one another and nodded. "Okay," The female manager started, turning to Manhwi. "we'll leave you to get settled in." She said before turning back to the other members. "Do take care of her okay? Tomorrow you will have to meet with the producer and choreographer again so be at the studio by 6:30 to warm up." Some of the girls let out a small sigh, thinking about the time they would have to wake up.
"Well then. goodnight girls!" The male manager said as they turned to leave.
"Goodnight!" The girls replied, bowing before they walked out the door.
And then, it was silent. It was only silent for a few seconds, but to Manhwi and the other members, it felt like an eternity.
"Well the," Kyungmi spoke up, forcing a polite smile. She wasn't entirely thrilled about a new member being added this close to their debut. "welcome to your new home and family, I guess. I'm the leader, Kyungmi." She managed to say in a happy tone.
One by one, the other members all started to greet Manhwi and introduced themselves, even sharing a few laughs.
And so began the life of Twenty as a seven member group.
author note : I am sorry this chapter took a while to come, I have been very sick recently so I only now got the chance too do it! I hope you will excuse my bad writing, it will take a little for me to warm up to writing again. The next chapter will include more of the members talking and interacting! Also, the managers are currently nameless, so it would be lovely if any of you have name suggestions for them. There is one male and one female.
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I am currently in the hospital so there will be no update this week.


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Chapter 15: for dancing um. . . hello venus's would you like tea, rainbow's sunshine, girls day's something. for rapping dalshabet's someone like you or joker?

ps : i'm so so sorry i've been pretty busy
Chapter 13: it's a good chapter! poor you cause being sick ;; i hope you're doing well now. c:
i love this awkward scene as it somehow feel real tho ~~ good luck on updating and i hope the best!

for the names umm.. yookyung?yeonjoo?jihye? for the females
and for the guy.. seokhoon? taejun? sangwook?
idk ;;
Chapter 13: it's a very very nice first chapter aka the beginning of everything ! i love this omg♡♡
and um names, yena, woori? for the guy manager junhyung, junghwan?
Chapter 13: aH ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i this like 80 times over and over again because i just couldn't get enough ♡
it was an amazing first chapter! ♡

as for names, i always thought the names sohee, inyoung, and hayoung worked well for female managers! as for the male manager, maybe something along the line of seunghoon? i'm super bad with names, otl! ♡ ♡
take your time with the update !!! just focus on your health right now !!! ♡

I hope you feel better soon ~
Chapter 8: it's alright! i do hope you'll get well soon!
Chapter 8: It's okay, take your time
And get well soon~!
Chapter 9: hehehe,the display picture is yoon's c: i'm happy looking at it >.<
and it's a good page! and i see that you've finished the first i'll wait for it!
the tumblr page looks so so cutE !!! ! !
i really really love it, omg, that's such an amazing idea. ♡
Chapter 11: congrats to mio and hojung! yeay it's finally a complete group!