
Precious Angel

Rolling over in my bed,  I frowned when I heard the door open. Why did people always want to bother me when I was at my worst? I was already at a low! So, I responded with. ''Get Out Juniper!'' I growled without looking. and I frowned when I felt weight on my bed. ''I'm not Juniper.'' Said the voice. and i felt my whole body freeze over. 

Sitting up I faced Jeonghan. he looked a bit lackadaisical as he held the magazine in his hands. ''I saw this online when we were flying back.'' He said in his thick accent. I didn't look at the picture. ''Yeah? I was surprised, too. it's my fault.'' He said with a small frown. I sat up fully, not looking at him. ''No, It's okay. it's not your fault! I- I should have hid my face more. I'm sorry.'' Jeonghan frowned at me. ''I'm not ashamed.'' He said finally, his breath taking smile seemed to light up my whole room... Again.

''You aren't.'' Laying down beside me, he pulled me into his arms. ''No..I'm not. and you shouldn't be either..'' I looked up into his eyes in question, and he just whispered. ''I'll protect you.''

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