
Only You

Since forever Jaebum has always loved Jinyoung, from the beginning. They grew up together and that's what drew the boys close. Im Jaebum, at the prime age of Five told his mother he'd marry Jinyoung.












"Umma!!" Jaebum yelled as he ran into his house dragging a four year old Jinyoung with him.

"Yes, Darling?" Mrs. Im called out, making the boys some cookies.


Jaebum ran in, his fingers laced tightly around Jinyoung's. His face in a serious, determined face. His mother thought he looked so adorable. Jirongie, jinyoung's nickname from the mother thought he looked too cute with his flower crown. 

"Umma, I want to marry Jirongie." Jaebum told his mother, holding the latter close. Jinyoung surprised by the sudden idea blushed. Mrs. Im thought it was cute, but she wondered why all of a sudden he wanted to marry his friend.

"Why, dear?" She asked.

"Because, I love him and he's my bestest friend and I don't want to lose him!" She couldn't help but smile at her son, Jinyoung looked at Jaebum and hugged him. "Jaebummie! I'll never leave you!" He cried squeezing the older boy.

She could see the love radiating from the boys. They were inseparable,  No matter where one would go they wouldn't feel safe without the other. 


Jaebum smiled at the fond memory, his mother would always so much, maybe Jaebum just knew Jinyoung was the one. Though, his father, he didn't agree with it.. 

Jaebum hated to think about his homophobic father but he was the reason for his harshness to Jinyoung. He was drilled in his head that it was wrong. It was inhumane. But Jaebum couldn't help how he felt for Jinyoung. The latter from the beginning stirred something inside. At the time from middle school to High School, he was cold to the latter. He would tell himself he hated Jinyoung...









"Leave me alone, freak!" Jeabum seethed at the younger, shoving him into a locker as his friends chuckled and teased with him. He watched as his best friend turned freak of nature (or so he thought) slumped to the floor, clutching his shoulder that was slammed.

"You should just go home, no one wants you here!" One of his boys yelled.

"You don't deserve to be alive!" 

Jaebum couldn't handle it anymore so he told his boys "That's enough for the today..."




"Why Jaebum?" His Jinyoungie sobbed when he thought he was alone, though he wasn't, Jaebum was hiding behind the corner watching as his best friend broke down all  because of his bullying. He watched as JinYoung held himself crying into his knees. He knew he broke Jinyoung more than anything.


"Jaebum?" His mom asked as the boy walked into his room, his mother was the first to notice the change in her son. She would always notice.

"Yes, Umma?" He said this trying to hold up a facade of happiness.

"What's wrong?" She asked, she noticed the way he tensed as she asked. His stature changed drastically. 


"I think I lost the closest person in my life..."


That night, Jaebum cried in his mother's embrace, he couldn't keep it in any longer. He broke down. Despite his mother being disappointed at him, she understood why he did it. Though she's not happy.

His father surely thought otherwise. He praised Jaebum for doing 'what's right'. His mother was shocked to say the least. Jaebum was torn, never seeing his parents argue that badly. He hated this...

"Jirongie" Jaebum wept in his room clutching his best friend's shirt to his chest, it was something he stole from the boy, he kept it to remind him that Jin will always be his...

"I can't let you go..." He whispers... 






Jaebum sighed, not understand why these feelings resurface when he's intoxicated, maybe it's a good thing. Maybe...

Jaebum doesn't really want to worry about. He downs another shot as he watches his "girlfriend" dance in the club. He uses the term loosely. He knows it's wrong to play with the girl's heart but, he was always a selfish guy. He always has been and always will be. He was the first for everything Jinyoung has done, so when he says he's selfish it's beyong return. He remembers giving his Jirongie his first kiss, well...


More like stole, but technicalities aren't something worth stressing about.










He cornered Junyoung, he had to! The latter wouldn't let him get close. Well, it's his fault anyways. Everything in his life seems to be his fault. The two boys now standing only a couple of feet from each other stare with nervous looks, rapid beating hearts, erratic feelings, and determination... for one of them that is.

Jaebum took this piece of silence to admire how much Jinyoung as matured. He always said Jinyoung was beautiful and now here he is. In the flesh. His soft brown, curious eyes stare at Jaebum. His cheeks accented with a soft pink. His lips currently in a pout that makes Jaebum want to kiss it away. Jinyoung is too pretty to pout. 


"J-Jaebum..." Jinyoung speaks, his voice filled with fear and Jaebum scowls. He doesn't want him to be afraid of him...


"Jirongie." Jaebum says, his eyes connecting with Jinyoung's. And he swears he almost dies as his fear is slowly replaced with a soft kindness. Gentle...

Jimyoung was an Angel compared to Jaebum...


"I missed you." The older says as he walks close to the younger, he just wants to hold him. He wants to hug Jinyoung so bad...

"Jaebummie..." Jinyoung feels like this is too much but he can't help but reach out for the older.

"Can I kiss you?" Jaebum knew there was no turning back after this. It was all or nothing. 

The kiss was innocent, soft, gentle. Both coning to terms with how they felt for each other. "I'm not good for you..." Jaebum told him inbetween kisses,"I don't deserve you..." 




And Jaebum was right... he didn't deserve Park Jinyoung, he, the corrupted temptation, just wanting a taste of the pure innocence that was Park Jinyoung. Jaebum can say he lavished in it and everything between them will be sacred and cherished. He just hated how he ruined his Angel. Broke him for himself. He knew it was wrong but Jiyeon was always the temptation that corrupted Jaebum. 

He just couldn't get the younger out of his head. He missed him and hopefully he can fix it, cause he misses his Angel. The one whose innocence made him feel pure again... 


He knew he shouldn't but he has to hear his voice. He has to. He picks up his phone and dials that number he'll never forget... 



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Chapter 1: Thanks for writing a prequel, author-nim. It's nice to have a little background story on the two of them ^_^