Chapter 3

Be Mine?






“Linnie!” You squealed as your best friend that you hadn’t seen in three years turned around to face you.


“MiMi?!” she yelled before tackling you in a bear hug. Kim Cho Lin had been one of your best friends since you were a kid, but when you became a trainee at Woolim you never had the time to see her.


“Oh my goodness! Linnie, I can’t believe it! What are you doing here? How long have you been here? Since when did you want to be a trainee?” You bombarded her with questions.


“Woah, hold up! Okay, so I’m also a trainee here and have been for the past year and I’ve always wanted to debut but never thought I would get in,” she said in one breath. “I auditioned for Woolim and they accepted me right away! I couldn’t believe it! What about you, huh? I thought you were a trainee at Cube…?” she raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows.


“I was… but I just…” you started.


She pulled you into a hug, “No need to say anymore. I get it, I heard about you and Junhyung. The others must have been hard on you right?” you only nodded. “Omo! Look at you, I can’t believe it! You’ve got new hair, new clothes! Are you taller than me?! I can’t believe you 17 now?”


“Just turned 18, unni!” you playfully punched her on the shoulder, “and what are you…ancient?”


She gasped at you, “Ancient?! I’m 20, thank you very much!”


Cho Lin had changed so much since you had last seen her. Her long black hair was now coloured blonde and cut to her shoulders with a side fringe. Her almond eyes and pointed nose had stayed the same though. She was only shorter than you by a couple of centimetres but you enviously eyed her long legs.


“Look at me? Look at you! You look so gorgeous! I’m so jealous and I love the new hair by the way,” you smiled at her warmly.


“Thanks MiMi! So this is your room too now? I can’t believe I got you as my roommate! It’s fate!” she laughed, “Now, sit we need to catch up! We can unpack your things later.”


You two sat down for hours talking and detailing everything about your lives since you had last seen each other, before unpacking your things and finally settling down.


“Omo! Look at the time!” Cho Lin gasped looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, “Let’s go get lunch in the cafeteria!”


She grabbed you by your hand before dragging you out the door. You two walked down the hallway and out of the building, heading down to the large glass building ahead of you. Wide eyed with awe, you followed Lin in.


“So this is the cafeteria!” she announced, “now you go find a table anywhere and I’ll get our lunch.”


Lin scurried off to the lunch line leaving you to search the seemingly endless room until you found the last spare table. You finally found one closer to the line than you would have thought possible. You saw a guy sitting on a table not far away, flirting with some girl. You quickly looked away - you didn’t want to be caught staring, but you couldn’t help but keep stealing glances at him. He had well-styled dark hair, dark eyes and a tall build. The way other girls were sitting around him all doey-eyed, while he was shamelessly flirting with the girl in front of him, had you scoffing though.


*Geez, that guy seems like another stupid player?!* you thought to yourself, you hated playboys like him. You saw Lin coming back, struggling to carry two trays so you went to go help her.


“Thanks,” she smiled gratefully as you took one of them from her. Turning around however, you saw the flirt and his ‘girlfriend’ had stolen your table to get some privacy. *Ugh, one table wasn’t enough for him and his followers so he just had to steal ours?!*


You huffed before marching over to the table, “Umm, excuse me?” you said, tapping the guy on the shoulder, trying to be polite. He didn’t even turn around.


You let out a breath before trying again, “Excuse me?”


“What? Can’t you see I’m busy?” the guy didn’t even bother looking at you.


Your blood began to boil, “Sorry, but we were sitting there,” you said through gritted teeth gesturing to yourself and Lin.


“Yeah, well, go get another table…” he muttered before returning to play with the girl’s hair while she babbled on about some new fashion craze.


“Look excuse me but-“you hissed, bending down to his level hoping he would listen, but  were cut off when the guy finally turned around but in doing so his shoulder pushed your tray upwards – causing all the food on your be pushed into your face, mashed potato and all.


“UGH?!” you exclaimed, wiping some of the food from your face, “What the hell?!”


“Bahahahahaha,” the guy started laughing, holding his stomach. The cafeteria had turned quiet as they swivelled in their seats to look at the source of the ruckus. “I… told you… to find… another table,” he managed to say between his laughter. It then seemed as though the whole student population had joined in, laughing at you as well.


You huffed. This was by far the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you. In fact, the actual purpose of moving to Woolim Ent. was to avoid these situations. You clenched your teeth in an effort to control your anger, but it was no use. You felt tears start to sting your eyes as you tried your best to hold them back.


“I hate you, y-you greasy flirt!” you yelled into his face as Lin grabbed your arm and started to drag you towards the exit.


“MiMi, let’s go,” she offered, “I’ll clean you up back at our room,”




*At the dorm*


You sat on the floor, your head in Lin’s lap as she started wiping off the remainder of your lunch from your face and hair with face wipes.


“It’ll be okay, MiMi, it wasn’t that bad…” she tried sympathising with you.


“It’s okay, unni, you don’t need to lie. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life and it was all his fault! If that big-headed idiot had stopped flirting for a moment to actually listen to what I had to say, then this probably wouldn’t have happened! Ugh I hate him, him and his stupid hair and stupid…just everything!” you snapped.


“MiMi…” Lin sighed, “his nameis Woohyun. You can’t hate him either, he’s one the most popular boys here and probably one of the most talented.”


“Talented? At what? Being a jerk?” you sulked, “Besides, I don’t care how popular he is, I still hate him. I can and I wil. Hmph!”


“Go take a shower,” Lin ordered you with a giggle as she got up.


You sighed and thought to yourself, *I swear, if I see that jerk-face Woohyun again I’m going to give him a piece of my mind!*


Lin bit her bottom lip, “I think you’re going to be seeing a lot more of him than you think. I read your schedule. He’s in a lot of yout classes.”


“Perfect!” you exclaim, throwing your hands in the air and marching off towards the bathroom.



Hey everyone! as promised, i updated! yay! so i hope you like the chapter! and to my original subscribers, i have changed some of the plot, so hyuna and woohyun are NOT dating. Sorry for mix up >.< Anyway! I hope you all enjoy and I love you all!

Subscribers & Comments Loved and appreciated! XD

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Haha, thanks XD
Maddie! I've subscribed :D
no problem XD
haha, thanks :) any clue on who the guy in the last chapter will be?