이름없는 기억

Sixth Chapter! alert!!!!!

The TV screen was blank and black, but Lexi was staring at it. In fact, that was the scary part. She was staring at it with a mildly psychotic expression on her face as Simple Plan blared in her ears. It was Friday and they were given three day’s rest. After all, they’d finished recording at record-breaking time. As a treat, she’d managed to snag a day-off for her manager too.

It was a moment before she completely digested what was happening.

“Wow.” Her voice seemed to echo in the otherwise empty condominium. “This is lame.”

She pulled off her headphones and jumped up, mumbling. “I haven’t been like this since more than a year ago. Maybe I should go read a book or something.” Good idea, she thought. A great book would pass some time.

Grabbing the nearest article of clothing –a black hoodie, she ran for her keys and jumped to the door like an over-excited kid. She pulled the door close while pushing her feet into a pair of Chucks and ran for the elevator(I know, It seems impossible). Certainly, the past hour alone made her want to feel like a normal person again.

The bookstore was not but two blocks away but she had to walk past the blasted UKISS dorm, which probably accounted for the ruin of her entire day.


She stopped jogging. There was only one person on the world who would call her noona because of a month’s age difference. “Hey, Dong Ho.”

“Ah, gamsahamnida for stopping,” he mumbled.

Hoon was right behind him, looking quite bored(Author’s note: I think that’s just his perpetual reaction to things though), as if he’d just been forced into following the younger boy. He gave her a crooked smile, flashing white teeth. “Annyeonghasaeyo, Eun Byul-ssi.”

Lexi blushed as she bowed at him. Since when was she ‘silver star’ to them?

“Tsh.” Dong Ho made a face at Hoon. “ Hyung, Kevin-hyung told us  not to call her that.”

She flashed the boys a quizzical glance. “Kevin?”

“Oh, noona,” Dong Ho continued. “Speaking of kevin-hyun. Will you please, please, please come to the dorm?” he pouted cutely, scrambling Lexi’s thoughts.

“Oh, dear lord.” She covered his face. “please don’t do that.” And I thought I’d be immune to that pathetic aegyo thing by now, she thought. “Why? What’s the deal?”

“Well,” Hoon muttered,.  “Since we won’t be at the studio today, we thought we’d just invite you over.”

“For what?” The girl turned from one to the other, confused. They weren’t making any sense whatsoever.

“Kevin’s birthday.”

The voice came from behind Hoon. Lexi craned her neck and spotted AJ walking towards them, looking irritated.

“Would it be so hard to just-“ he reached down and grabbed her by the waist “-to tell her ‘hey, it’s Kev’s birthday so come have a party’ instead of standing there like a couple of idiots?” He heaved her up and settled her on his shoulder like a sack of flour. “If she doesn’t agree, just kidnap her. Aish.”

Lexi exclaimed in defiance. “Put me down!”

“Eventually, Lexi,” he answered. “just wait. Patience is a virtue.”

“Funny coming from the guy who wants me kidnapped.”

He didn’t answer.

“Uhm, AJ-hyung. Wait up!”

It’s the twenty-fifth, Lexi thought, holding on to AJ’s shirt as he moved towards the back door. I’ve already been back more than a month.

Kevin was annoyed.

Once again, he’d woken up to the screaming of his alarm clock(yes, he bought a new one) and a particularly accurate ray of sunlight shining right at his face.


“Agh!” He reached out and threw his alarm clock to the wall. Again. It read the time before it flickered out. “Nine-thirty. I thought this was supposed to be a day-off.” He tried to get back to sleep but it was too late –he was wide awake. With a groan that perfectly communicated how crabby he was, he stumbled out of his bed, out the door and into the full kitchen.

“What the hell?” he shouted, claiming full attention of the six other boys in the room. “What are you dweebs doing? It’s like bedlam in here.”

“Erm,” Soohyun answered in a garbled voice. “Wur irtking burpfurf.” His mouth was full of the microwaveable pizza he always stocks in the fridge.

Kevin made a disgusted face as he picked through the garbage in the sink. Pizza poxes, empty cereal boxes, spilt milk and juice, a huge glob of ketchup and something that looked suspisiously like mushroom soup.  It seemed like a long time ago when he’d made a selfsame mess. “What did you do, murder these?”

“We were, er -” kiseop and Eli looked at each other. “Cleaning out the fridge.”

“Nae,” Dong Ho agreed.

Kevin shook his head and looked through the cupboard. Empty. The fridge was also empty beyond recognition. “No kidding,”  he muttered. “Everything’s been wiped out. Literally.”

“Did you, er –want breakfast?” Soohyun asked, properly speaking now.

“of course I did! Where’s the rest of the stuff?”

Soohyun was fidgeting. “You kind of have to go buy yourself your own breakfast.” Kevin didn’t notice him throw a helpless look at AJ, who was calmly eating his way through one of Soohyun’s pizzas.

He mouthed, ‘He’s yours’ and smirked.

Before anyone could react further, Kevin padded out the kitchen, footsteps echoing loudly. “obviously, since you dweebs inhaled everything.”

Eli waited with bated breath, releasing it only when Kevin shouted something like ‘I’ll be back in an hour’ followed by the slam of the door. Five seconds later, everyone was at their feet.

“Step one, piss Kevin off,” Hoon said, crossing off an imaginary line in the air. “Done.” He held up his hand.

Dong Ho met the high five  with enthusiasm. “Nothing to tick him off like the absence of breakfast.”

“Maknae,” AJ muttered. “I thought that was just you.”

Eli was laughing. “Did you see his face?” He doubled over in a fit.

It wasn’t funny, you idiots,“ Soohyun said, though he was trying to keep himself from laughing too. “He looked ready to sock me.”

“Guys!” Kiseop snapped his fingers. “We have less than an hour. Move!”

From: 리 기섭



Xander stared at Kiseop’s message on his phone. It seemed odd that they’d be texting him then, but hwe guessed it was kind of weird planning on their part. Of course he knew it was Kevin’s birthday, but he wasn’t exactly planning on going to the dorm uninvited.

He stood up and walked  to the door. “might as well go. He’s my friend, after all.”


Kevin was walking out the café when he saw her. He’d just had breakfast and he suddenly felt like puking it all out. But of course, he shouldn’t expect to be over her just within the snap of a finger. He was barely grasping the fact that they weren’t together anymore, now there she was, not fifteen feet away from him, still fabulous as ever.

Song Ye Jeun.

He felt his knees buckle. Control yourself!. He shouldn’t let her think he was some kind of pathetic lapdog who would chase after her.


He steeled himself. “Ye Jeun.”

She squealed in delight and ran to hug him tightly as if nothing considerable had happened the past month. “I missed you!” She kissed him full on the mouth, sending his senses reeling. “Terribly.”

“Whoa.” He stepped back, holding Ye Jeun at arm’s length. “What are you doing?”

Ye Jeun Smiled. “Getting you back.”

Kevin looked at her in confusion. “Uhm, there seems to be some kind of mix-up here.”

“No, no. no mix-up Kevin. I just want you back.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her out og the coffee shop before anyone noticed them.

“Where are we going?”

“The car seems private enough,” he answered, wondering why he was letting himself alone with the girl who made him an almost-hermit.


Author's NOTE: Yeap.. that's do hwe ji on the picture. i couldn't think of anyone else for ye jeun, and she's pretty enough..soooo...

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That was awesome!! Please update more!!!!
AlexsesKim #2
^^ glad to be of help...!
and thank you for continuing to read^^
アリガトウ ゴザイマス!
Gosh those bombastic words!I cant!!But still,i've got to thank you though.Those words u used on this story helps me improve on my essay tremendously!Once again,thank you!Best well-written fanfiction i have ever read,100 out of 10 stars:)
AlexsesKim #4
haha! we'll see!
Omo~! Will maknae his chance?!?!? xD
Baby_Doodle #6
I really wanted to see how alexander reacted to the last chapter.
Woah~!!! didn't see that comin...O_O lol<br />
AlexsesKim #8
haha! of course! Kevin's for everyone !
ukissfreak #9
yippe~<br />
we can share him right :3
AlexsesKim #10
aww...<br />
THANK YOU!!<br />
Kevin's my major bias too!!!<br />
(that's why i always make him suffer -evil laugh-)