이름없는 기억




The preparation for the album was as grueling as Kevin had anticipated. The songs had been demonstrated for them for the past hour. Six –more than any mini album ever, but not all of it were made exactly for the album anyway. They all went over the itinerary, Kevin noting that Lexi was supposed to be doing a duet with someone for a re-launch of their song ‘Story of April’. That, along with a Korean adaptation of ‘Moves Like Jagger’ were bonus tracks.

 Everyone was looking at L-XS as she struggled to singing her expected part. Apparently, she was an octave higher in pitch that Eun Young had been, so it sounded a bit off. Though she was weaving through her noted like a pro, she kept shaking her head every time.

Perfectionist, Kevin thought. Figures.

“She needs a particularly high-pitched voice to go with her if she wants to pull this off the way she wants to,” Soohyun remarked after he rewound the song for the seventh time.

“Ugh,” Lexi grunted, pulling at her hair stubbornly. “I’m sorry. I’m not usually like this.” The struggle was clear on her face and she took another deep breath to begin. But it came out sounding wrong again. She winced.

 Kiseop clapped Kevin’s back. “Kevin! It’s your time to shine.” Kevin began to protest but Kiseop gave him a look that clearly said he didn’t have a say on it.

 With a sigh, he stood up and held his hand out to the girl. She took it willingly and they moved to stand in front of each other. They both eyed each other warily for a moment, him, looking into her gray eyes which so aptly earned her the name ‘Silver Star’ –surprisingly light this time; and her, in his, which he presumed were probably more blatant than he preferred. Carefully, he rearranged his face in what he hoped was a nonchalant look and stepped closer. Thankfully, she didn’t recoil in disgust or anything. “Uhm, I guess you know what to do.” He looked across the room to where the others sat with the controls and motioned. “Hyung! Ready.”

The music started. It was already familiar to him, so he didn’t need the music sheet Lexi was clutching in her right hand. Her left rested on her wrist, what looked like a charm bracelet. He stared at it until he caught the star pendant that hung with quite a few other baubles on the chain. It was silver and had a single gem at the center. He couldn’t be sure if it was real or not. It seemed awfully familiar.

“Eoddon umyeonirado joha, neol bolus itdamyeon. Uri cheoum mannan geu gireul eonusae geotgo isseo…” He sang softly, but in a clear voice, leaving the superstar accent a bit off –enough for her to glean the right tone. Somehow he felt giddy. The only time he’d heard her  sing was when she sang him happy birthday when she was fourteen. He was curious what a year of popstar flavor did to her. “Ijen hwimihaejwo beorin ne mosebeul. Naneun ajikdeo gidarigo issseo…”

“Eddon umyeongirado joha bada deuril seu isseo…” Kevin watched as Alexses smiled wryly. She’s finally gotten it. He nodded encouragingly at her as if she needed any encouragement. “Uri cheoum mannan  geudaero dora galsu itdamyeon. Idaero hwimihaejwo na ijhyeo jil sun opseo uri dasi mannayaman hae…” She wove through the notes like no one. It was soft and strong. Lovely.

Kevin stared at her wrist as they sang the chorus and suddenly, he wasn’t there anymore.


Cold December air kissed Lexi’s skin, making her cheeks flame a bright peach color. It didn’t help that Kevin had her left hand in his right and elderly people who passed them smiled like they knew something she didn’t. They walked through Seoul, which looked like a flashing light bulb from the sky –sort of like a miniature New York. Namsan Tower rose before them, all steel and blunt angles. It wasn’t closed for the night yet, and tourists and locals alike were still milling about despite the cold. Some were holding steaming cups of coffee or sweet potatoes.

The two of them wove a lazy path across the snow-hewn concrete, bundled up in dark-colored clothing, sharing a pair of gloves, one for each, while their unprotected hands were intertwined and tucked inside his blazer. She was looking around, trying to spot something out of the ordinary. She was doing this to try and distract herself from the fact that Kevin was staring intently at her face.

They’d just come from the movies and decided it was too early, even with their current curfew. It was Christmas day, and they had to get home real early for their joint Christmas dinner. They strode towards an empty bench where he made her sit down.

“I’ll be just a moment,” he promised, letting go of her hand. “Count to fifty. I’ll be here by then.”

She laughed. “Don’t be stupid, Seunghyun. You can always leave me but you’re afraid of what me and Byunghun will do to you.”

“Good point,” he said, striding away.

All the same, she started to count. One… two…

This wasn’t a date or anything –despite what her brother kept saying. They went to the movies all the time, and this was already considered completely normal. Well, she told herself, except for the fact that not one of you actually ever dated anyone. She pulled her hand from her pocket, contemplating. Thank god it didn’t start to sweat when Kevin held it.




She looked around the lit park, watching people walk around, thinking about the movie, that’s when she realized she wasn’t even remotely aware what it was about. Internally horrified, she wished Kevin wouldn’t bring it up or she’d end up looking like an absolute fool . and then she’d have to admit that throughout the whole movie, she’d done nothing but cast sideway glances at him. Now that was pretty pathetic.

She sighed. “The problem with bestfriends.”




Sure enough, the boy came shuffling towards her, looking appropriately clumsy since he was holding two steaming cups. He smiled at her as he approached.

She smiled back, making his stomach flip like a pancake he debated not going through with what he had in mind, but scolded himself for being a chicken. It’s Lexi, for heaven’s sake! “I told you I’d be back by fifty.” He gave her one cup.

“Fifty-three,” she corrected, taking it. “You’re three counts late.”

He beamed, feeling giddy. She’d counted. He didn’t expect her to. “It was just a couple of seconds!” he mused, jokingly. “You couldn’t miss me in that short time.” He poked her arm. “Why, did you miss me?”

She made a face. “Eugh. I see your face everyday I’m getting tired of it. I can’t see the reason why those fans of yours always scream at you.”

Kevin sipped his espresso and looked at her sideways.“Really? You see me everyday? Even in your dreams?”

She slapped his arm in protest. “God! That is so wrong!”

He turned serious. “I want to give you something.”

“Why? What do you want in return?” She was a bit suspicious.

“You’ll see.” He put down his cup. “Hold out your arm.” He scooted closer to her.

She hesitated. “Come on. I’m not going to burn you or anything.” He stretched out her arm in front of her, away from them and pulled something from his pocket.

“What’s that?”

Kevin dangled it in front of her: a chain bracelet with a tiny silver star hanging from it. “I was going to give it to you for Christmas, but I’m pretty sure you’re not going to wear it unless I force you to.” He looped it around her wrist and secured it. “There.”

She gave it an inquiring look.

“Lexi?” His voice came as a whisper.

Lexi turned her head towards him, only to find herself barely two inches from him. She flinched.

He stopped her, trapping her face between his hands. He laid his forehead on hers. “This totally ruins everything,” he breathed, closing his eyes.

Alexses caught her breath. She panicked, silently awaiting his next move. Knowing him, Woo Seunghyun, he was probably teasing her again –like many times before. She couldn’t point out any difference with the current moment. But when he opened his eyes again, they were burning with determination.

“I’m sorry, Lexi.” A long pause. “Neon naega banhaesseo(I’ve fallen for you).”

It went in slow motion. As everything probably does at moments like those. Kevin tilted her head up as his head bent down further. She closed her eyes as her lips met his soft ones. It was every bit as magical as every person or book had described. His touched was light as his hand traveled down to her neck as he sensed her relaxing –but she was tingling.

A shiver ran through her when Kevin parted his lips, his sweet breath washing through her face.

Kevin drew back abruptly looking as if he didn’t quite believe what he just did. Alexses had her eyes wide open, cheeks tainted almost bright pink by now. They could feel their hearts running a mile a minute, beating at an almost unhealthy pace.

A snowflake glided down and attached itself to her eyelash. Slowly, a smile crept through Kevin’s face he brushed it off. “Merry Christmas, Alexses.”


“Uri dasi manna saranghaeyahae..” Alexses’ voice dragged on in a melodic note, Kevin’s in an undertone. They had their eyes closed against the rearing emotion of the song.

Our first kiss, Kevin thought. He’d suddenly remembered. Of course the pendant was familiar to him. He gave it to her. It surprised him that she still had it. But somehow, it nagged him.

The nagging feeling turned to irritation when they opened their eyes at the sound of clapping hands.

“Well! I guess we’ve got our duet,” the producer said, standing at the doorway.

Kevin released his hold of Lexi’s waist roughly, freeing himself from the close proximity of their bodies. He felt her hand slide from his shoulder as they stepped away from each other. As he turned, he caught sight of the others’ reactions. Kiseop and Eli   were staring open-mouthed at each other; AJ looked as if he wanted to say something particularly nasty; Hoon was emotionless; Dong Ho was about to turn to the shade of a leaf and Soohyun was holding up his phone and was already on the act of pressing on his iPhone’s screen.

Alexses walked to the bags and chugged down half her water bottle.

“Great blending,” the producer walked towards Kevin and wrung his hands appreciatively. “Perfect chemistry, it all went down so naturally.”

Alexses walked past them, appearing unconcerned of what had just happened, or of what was happening –as if things like those happened to her all the time. She had her handphone in her hand. “Yo, Xander!” She was whispering as she walked out the door. “Mianhae…”

Eli and Kiseop looked at each other and mouthed. “Xander?”





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That was awesome!! Please update more!!!!
AlexsesKim #2
^^ glad to be of help...!
and thank you for continuing to read^^
アリガトウ ゴザイマス!
Gosh those bombastic words!I cant!!But still,i've got to thank you though.Those words u used on this story helps me improve on my essay tremendously!Once again,thank you!Best well-written fanfiction i have ever read,100 out of 10 stars:)
AlexsesKim #4
haha! we'll see!
Omo~! Will maknae his chance?!?!? xD
Baby_Doodle #6
I really wanted to see how alexander reacted to the last chapter.
Woah~!!! didn't see that comin...O_O lol<br />
AlexsesKim #8
haha! of course! Kevin's for everyone !
ukissfreak #9
yippe~<br />
we can share him right :3
AlexsesKim #10
aww...<br />
THANK YOU!!<br />
Kevin's my major bias too!!!<br />
(that's why i always make him suffer -evil laugh-)