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Okay.. So it's been a week since i started this story. But here's the second shapter! for you! Enjoy -bow-




            Kevin felt Lexi shudder involuntarily as he let his cool hand trace from her cheek down to her jaw. He let it settle to hold her face with his thumb and forefinger, and tilted it up to meet her eyes. His lips parted in anticipation and his breath turned slightly ragged –as it always had. Her eyes were dark orbs, a sure sign that she was angry, or rather, not quite entertained. Kevin closed his eyes to tune out her icy stare. She seemed to him, devoid of any emotion.

            “I didn’t come here for this.” She grasped his wrist and pulled his hand away, though not as roughly as he’d imagined.

            Kevin sighed. “No you didn’t.” Of course not. I’ve been a complete idiot, and some people just know how to get to me. He sighed, more deeply this time, and stepped away from her.

            He watched Alexses survey the room, her head moving from left to right. It was a mess. Food wrappers were strewn about, leaving barely enough standing room. Clothes were thrown haphazardly, giving the room a more depressing look –an evidence of his one week retreat to said apartment. The girl made her way to the television, which he’d only noticed, was showing some horseracing rerun, and clicked it off, throwing him a look that clearly communicated her disgust. He flinched from the expression.

            “What have you been doing, Kevin?” she asked, finally speaking. “What have you been doing that Alexander actually had to call me to help your groupmates? Alexander, for Christ’s sake! He isn’t even really part of UKISS anymore!”

            She was asking, but she knew it was clear to her. But he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of hearing him say it. It would mean that she won, and he lost. In a technical sense, their current relationship pointed to that. He could see it in her eyes now –the burning triumph. He’d left her because of someone new –someone famous as hell. And she’d only waited. Not for him to return –not anymore –but for him to fall down. Because that’s the kind of person she’d become.

            When he didn’t answer, she walked towards her forgotten bag and picked it up. For the next five minutes, not one of them spoke. Lexi sat on the couch and Kevin stood by the door, both waiting for the other to talk.

            “She left.”Kevin stared at the empty wall above her head, waiting for the exclamation –the vindication he knew she was hiding, but it didn’t come. “She went off and-”

            “Stop.” She’d stood up to face him. “I don’t want to know. I didn’t come here to know.”

            Kevin let out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, right. That’s exactly what you came here to do. Rub in my face that I was wrong. That I was a cad. A pig-headed -”

            “No.” there was her voice again. “Not that. Even if it didn’t happen then, how am I supposed to be sure that it won’t happen eventually? Nothing lasts forever. At least not anymore.” Her face was a smooth mask, but a potent smile was playing on her lips as if she found things amusing.

            It felt strange to Kevin. It was like she passed it as inevitable. Somehow the acceptance hurt him more than the words she’d elicited when the wound was still new. “Why did you come here then, Alexses?” He let her name roll around his tongue. It felt familiar –comforting. Like hot chocolate on a winter’s day.

            “Because I had to.” Her words were blunt. “Because isn’t that what I always do? Rescue you?”





A girl.

Kevin was with a girl in his room.

Lexi caught sight of them just before he drew his curtains down. She tried to concentrate on her book, but all that seemed to be on her mind as Kevin. Kevin and the effing who was with  him in his blasted room. The idea that Kevin was Kevin was cheating on her to her face was comical to the point of impossibility, but there it was.

“…his left hand moved to grasp her nape to pull her closer to him, his mouth demanding entrance…”

The words swirled in her vision, imagining Kevin doing just that to Ye Jeun. Of course she’d recognized the girl at once. Who wouldn’t? with a grunt, she closed the book and flung it across the room.

“Lex?” her brother, Byunghun, peeked at her from the kitchen, a quizzical expression on his face.

“Nothing. Don’t mind me.” She waited until he’d gone back before letting her thoughts wash over her, searching her brain for some kind of explanation. She questioned herself why six months after her birthday, there was this. Was Kevin playing some kind of joke? Or was he really just that kind of guy?

Deciding that it was best to ask the bastard himself, she clamped shut and grinded her teeth together, making a frustrated sound deep in . Although this was quite real, she didn’t believe her current reaction suited the situation. He should have been murderous by now. It made the whole thing quite comical. But then again, she’s always been passive with her emotions.


She called Kevin that evening, deciding she was too chicken to talk to him face to face. Or rather, he tried to call her about forty-three times before he gave up and told her to call back or else he would storm to their house. So here she was, calling him back, suddenly feeling what she should have felt hours ago –hurt, scared, unsettled.

“Why?” that was her first word when he picked up before the end of the first ring.

“Don’t be like that Lexi.” His voice was pleading. “Open your window.”

“Why?” the repeat of her question was to glean the same answer, but Kevin misunderstood.

“I want to say something.”

She pulled up her blinds and  stood at her window, staring straight into Kevin’s window, where only hours ago, he was with a girl doing God-only-knows-what. His face echoed the pleading lilt in his voice. Echoed it enough to make her want to smash it in –or maybe just hurl something at him. Like maybe an encyclopedia set. Or her swivel chair. Just enough to make him bleed. “Who was it?”

He winced. He knew exactly what she was talking about. “You saw.”

“Only a matter of time, I should think.” She hissed. “How long, Kevin?”

He didn’t speak.

“Just get it over with, Kevin. I’m not going to beg or grovel. You know I won’t.” she gripped her phone, watching him debate with himself for a second.

“Five months.”

She let out a hysterical laugh. “So while you couldn’t get any proper shagging from me, you found yourself to . How perfectly appropriate.”


Kevin watched her, wincing at her blatant malice. It was a moment before he blinked. I might as well break it to her, he thought. No sense in hurting her further. “Lexi -”

“Let’s break up.” Her statement shattered him for a moment.

“Woo Seunghyun.” Her voice was cracking –not something anyone witnesses everyday. He’d wanted to do this smoothly –the way he’d visualized it wasn’t like this. “Let’s break up,” she’d said. But although this was what he’d been getting to, he couldn’t ignore the foreign numbing in his chest.

“Let me be the one to break this thing up,” she muttered, “No excuses, no reasons. That way -” She stopped.

Kevin saw a tear escape from her eye and slide down her cheek. Or maybe he’d imagined it because she didn’t bother wiping it away.

“That way you’ll be able to live with yourself,” she continued. “You won’t be guilty or anything.”

“Are you sure?” It sounded particularly lame next to her statement.

“Sure as you are.”

And now I’m not quite so sure. “Why?”

She let out a dry laugh. “That’s what I do, Kevin.” She shook her head in dark humor. “Rescue you. Even from yourself.”

Rescue me. “Alright then.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you.”


Lexi let her hand fall as she turned around. She in a heavy breath to steady herself, but it didn’t work. Well, hell, she thought. I’m still allowed to cry, right? A sob escaped and she let herself go. She fell to the carpeted floor and cried.





Kevin remembered that moment vividly. How Alexses had let him go. Her words washed through him. True. Once again, she was here. Rescuing him from himself. “Indeed,” he agreed. He let himself marvel at the child-like woman in front of him. The same, yet completely different. And he hated it. Hated that she was still the dark-haired beauty that captured his eyes when they were kids. Hated her slight physique and ivory skin that looked like cream and peaches hen she flushed. He hated the fact that she now oozed of maturity and strength. But what he hated the most was that he couldn’t bring himself to really hate her.

He knew this was her getting back at him. A return from Japan to conquer his world. He knew she hated being the center of attention, but she became a popstar(he found humour in the irony). This was her giving the universe the finger. This was her, surpassing him. But he couldn’t help but feel happy that she was there. That it was her who came to rescue him.

“I don’t care if you’re freaking heartbroken,” she said sharply. “Hell, I don’t care if you kill yourself because of Song Ye Jeun -” Kevin winced “-but don’t drag anyone else with you. You should know better.” She smirked. “Or has  something made you go dumb?”

There it was again. Mockery.

But then her voice softened. “Go to sleep. You’ll need it.”



There it is! Another sneak peek into their past^^. Continue subscribing =) And commenting =)

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That was awesome!! Please update more!!!!
AlexsesKim #2
^^ glad to be of help...!
and thank you for continuing to read^^
アリガトウ ゴザイマス!
Gosh those bombastic words!I cant!!But still,i've got to thank you though.Those words u used on this story helps me improve on my essay tremendously!Once again,thank you!Best well-written fanfiction i have ever read,100 out of 10 stars:)
AlexsesKim #4
haha! we'll see!
Omo~! Will maknae his chance?!?!? xD
Baby_Doodle #6
I really wanted to see how alexander reacted to the last chapter.
Woah~!!! didn't see that comin...O_O lol<br />
AlexsesKim #8
haha! of course! Kevin's for everyone !
ukissfreak #9
yippe~<br />
we can share him right :3
AlexsesKim #10
aww...<br />
THANK YOU!!<br />
Kevin's my major bias too!!!<br />
(that's why i always make him suffer -evil laugh-)