이름없는 기억

A/N: This is the first update in like forever. Sorry guys! But I hope you enjoy reading.

“I love you…” The words kept running around her head, but she willed them away forcefully. She concentrated on the road flying by outside the window, and the snow falling on the windshield, steadily being removed by the windshield wipers every five seconds, they all seemed to be extremely fascinating in her current state of mind. Beside her, Xander shot random glances at her face, his brows furrowing infinitesimally with every look. He could tell something happened between her and Kevin again. It was evident on her face.
He kept a straight face. “Hmmm?”
“I don’t know what happened.”
He stole a look again. Her face was passive, but her eyes mirrored pain. She looked so much like the pale girl who’d said goodbye to him all those time ago. And he knew it was for the same reason. “Think,” he said simply.
“He told me something,” she continued, looking at his profile. “Kevin, I mean.”
Who else? Xander thought, but her knew he should be patient.
“He said he loved me.”
Xander winced, his grip tightening on the wheel. Quite the card to play, the ‘I love you’ thing. He stopped the thought. This wasn’t a card game. This was Lexi. And although he couldn’t be sure if Kevin was being serious with getting her back, he was sure the guy wouldn’t do anything to hurt Lexi again.
Xander’s threats had made that possible. “What did you say?”
Lexi sighed. “Nothing. That’s not something I give so freely anymore.” She stared out the window again, thinking back to an hour later when Kevin was looking at her with eyes that said so much -all the things that made her so in love before. Only this time they didn't do anything but confuse her.
The boy sighed. Suddenly he felt a cold hand through his. Surprised, he jerked to the left, making the car swerve. He slammed his foot on the brakes. “God, Lexi!” His heart was pounding when the silver Lexus grinded to a halt. His hands were gripping the wheel so tight that his knuckles were turning white.
“Did I nearly kill us?” the girl asked in a small voice.
Biting his lip, Xander suppressed a smile. His shoulders began to shake and soon he was laughing hard. Lexi looked at him, completely bewildered. “I’m sorry,” he said, in between fits of laughter.
“I hardly see the humor in this situation!” Lexi exclaimed, slapping his harm hard. But she was smiling too. Just seeing the boy beside him laugh made her smile. Even if the reason for laughing was completely off the point, and plain mental. “Tell me what’s funny before I kick you out into the snow.”
“I seriously don’t know!” Xander was doubled over on the steering wheel.
“That’s it. I’m having you admitted to a mental hospital.” But she was laughing now.
It was almost fifteen minutes before they could look at each other without bursting into another gale of laughter. And by then it was well past midnight.
“I don’t know why you’re so affected, Alex,” Xander muttered suddenly, breaking the silence that had enshrouded them. “I mean, you’re a completely different person now. You’re you, but improved. Beautiful, sophisticated, talented.”
“You mean I wasn’t any of those things before?” she said dryly.
“That’s not what I meant,” he answered. “You’re you. And more. I’m not saying you should close your door to Kevin completely -” oh, what am I saying? “-but now, you already will know what to do.”
Lexi was looking at him like he’d said something incredible.
“Do what your heart tells you.”
“My heart,” she repeated. Slowly, she let out a breath. 'I could do that.' She looked at him meaningfully. His heart thudded in response. But knowing her, he could never be sure if he could take what she was saying by face.
“But?” he muttered.
She smiled. “You know me well, Xander.”
“So what is it?”
“But I have no idead what it wants.” She leaned back and sighed. “Not right now.”
He raised an eyebrow. Lexi caught his expression and looked just a bit affronted.
“Do you have something to say to me?”
Xander shrugged. “It’s completely off the point.”
“One, this conversation seems totally backwards to me,” he muttered, holding up one finger. “Two, you’re over-thinking. And three, baby girl, it's always been your choice. It's just a matter of what it is.”
quirked up. “This is so ironic. He’s pushing me, and you’re all ‘you don’t need to hurry’.” It must have been a pretty painful joke, but she smiled sincerely. “Although I’m pretty flattered. I mean, you two are famous. Fangirl dream.”
Xander laughed, then sobered up. “Yes, that was what you called it, right?”
She nodded solemnly. “I still feel that way, you know.”
He took her hand. “Well, I’ll have you know, L-XS. I’d consider this a fanboy’s dream come true.”
And then he kissed her.


What kind of people moves about and around you so mindlessly twelve hours after a shameless emotional show? Couldn't they have waited one more day instead of waltzing into my line of sight with little -maybe even none, tact? Of course they had to pick today to bother me to. You could literally feel the space spark to life. One by one, the people around became aware of the weird tension. Collectively, everyone ceased their activities to observe. Alexses decided to play ignorant and continued humming a little tune under her breath, one finger to her ear. That was until she noticed that everyone was looking at her unabashedly. Frustrated, she turned her back to the group and walked towards the far side of the darkened backstage. She was determined to not even glance at the two people who were the source of all the silent commotion. It was perfect. They can stare at each other instead.
'Lexi!' Kevin suddenly exclaimed. She panicked and began walking as fast as her five-inch stillettos would allow. 'It's call time in five minutes. Don't walk out now.'
She could feel each and every eye as they turned to follow her dim silhouette while she wove a hand and stopped walking. Why did I think ignoring any of them would work?
He must have realized he wouldn't get a reply from her, because the next thing she heard was, 'Four minutes now. You better get your cute over here.'
From a few feet away, she heard Xander sigh a little. She looked up to find him shaking his head.
She jerked around and stomped towards Kevin to glare right at him. Too late. It was obvious from his grin that she had given him the attention he'd been waiting for. He sauntered over closer to her. Whispered words of spazzed-up brains came from th rest of the group. The traitors. In disgust, she tried to drown them out as she began to sing again. It worked, except that after a couple minutes of unnecessary vocalization and loads of fidgeting, not only was she shaking with nervousness, she felt her breath coming out in quivers too.
'Come on, Alex. Stop singing,' Kevin said again. 'Come over here.'
She wondered if he was being annoying on purpose or if he had just turned mental and ridiculous in the past twelve hours. Exasperated, the rolled her eyes and headed back towards them.
'I'm practicing.' Still not able to meet his eyes properly, she averted her gaze. A couple of seconds later, she wished she had looked up, because she literally tripped on a fat wire two feet from them. Nothing like falling at his feet in a heap. Kevin chuckled gently helped her up. 'Whoa, Star, you have got to start watching where you're going.'
'Thanks,' she muttered, brushing her curled locks out of the way. Just then she realized the rest of the room was laughing at her. Of course, she had nobody to blame but herself and her silly stubborn pride, so she joined the others and laughed too. She noticed Kevin breath a sigh of relief when he saw her giggles. Careful, Alex, you might start that little cycle all over again. He surprised her further by making sure she was spotless and good as new. Then he picked up her wayward shoe and knelt down in front of her.
'You don't have to do that, Kevin. I could put it on on my own.' She started to reach for it. 
'What, and not have the satisfaction of seeing me on my knees in front of you?'
She knew he said it only to take her off her guard. It worked more than he realized. Alexses drew in a sharp breath and felt heat creep up her cheeks.
'Alex, you okay?'
She glanced over and found herself staring at Eli, who looked rather concerned, and Soohyun, who looked like Christmas had come early for him.
'Uh, yeah. I'm fine, I think,' she muttered.
Just then, someone brushed past her. She felt fingers her hand then squeezed it softly. It was Xander. The familiar feeling calmed her down a little.
She turned to look at him before he strode away and gave him a little smile. He returned it and disappeared into the light at the stage entrance. It was such a small thing, but - Her heart thundered again. Unceremoniously, she stuck her foot in the shoe on the ground and snapped her fingers at Kevin.
'Up, Kev. That's our cue.'
The boy complied and followed her to their designated place while the others entered the darkened stage amidst cheers and whoops.


The stage was almost pitch-black, save the soft light at the foremost part where the pink laser lights blinked and cast saber-like lines into the stage. The screaming was still intense. The voices echoed before the stage lit up. A soft, tinkling voice wove through his, teasing the ears. The audience became silent, giddy with anticipation.
'Yeah. We're back~' Eli sang in his smooth baritone.
'UKISS~' Came Lexi's whisper.
The music started as the lights went on, revealing the seven members of UKISS in a relaxed formation. The music started with a simple beat, then wove through with a symphony of electronica, pop and rock. It was infectious. First it was Kiseop, his usually ulzzang-y hair shaves at one side in a semi-mohawk.
The dance ensued soon enough -the stage was on fire. The voices sang in perfect synchronization, the movements a mixture of abrupt movements and soft waves. Then he was joined by Soohyun with his newly-bleached hair. Then Eli, Kevin, Dongho and Hoon.  Pretty soon, the frozen audience were humming to the beat and dancing in place. Then as suddenly as it started, everything stopped. The stage plunged into darkness again. A confused and very audible groan erupted from the audience.
Whoever heard of a one-minute performance anyway?
Suddenly there it was again.
'Drop it. It's L-XS. Here we go again.'
A lone spotlight was trained on Lexi in all her silver glory. Her naturally steel-straight hair fell down in a curtain soft waves that started as black then ended in a light blonde at her waist. The crowd had gone silent again as she started to rap in a mix of English and Korean. Then she started dancing with Kevin. It was the sequence they couldn't seem to get seven rehearsals ago. Now it seemed flawless to the point of perfection. And they were close -so close it almost seemed forbidden, like there was no one else around. Xander had to admit to himself they looked good together, dancing like that. Almost too good.
Beside him, Leeteuk, who was his co-emcee almost choked audibly when Lexi suddenly grabbed Kevin by his tie and pulled, so they ended up with their noses touching. 'Was that part of the choreography?'
Xander shrugged.
'It's like watching Troublemaker part two.'
They sang a line together in perfect harmony that led to the last chorus, leaving everyone screaming even louder than before. Onstage, the group their fists into the air in victory. It was the best show they ever performed.



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That was awesome!! Please update more!!!!
AlexsesKim #2
^^ glad to be of help...!
and thank you for continuing to read^^
アリガトウ ゴザイマス!
Gosh those bombastic words!I cant!!But still,i've got to thank you though.Those words u used on this story helps me improve on my essay tremendously!Once again,thank you!Best well-written fanfiction i have ever read,100 out of 10 stars:)
AlexsesKim #4
haha! we'll see!
Omo~! Will maknae his chance?!?!? xD
Baby_Doodle #6
I really wanted to see how alexander reacted to the last chapter.
Woah~!!! didn't see that comin...O_O lol<br />
AlexsesKim #8
haha! of course! Kevin's for everyone !
ukissfreak #9
yippe~<br />
we can share him right :3
AlexsesKim #10
aww...<br />
THANK YOU!!<br />
Kevin's my major bias too!!!<br />
(that's why i always make him suffer -evil laugh-)