이름없는 기억


\m/ sorry for being so slow in updating... I promise to be attentive now^^



Lexi remained silent, unsure what to make of Ye Jeun’s appearance. Kevin wasn’t anywhere near the neighborhood. Or at least she thought so. “Who are you?”

The older girl laughed sarcastically. “We both know you know who I am, Alexses.”

She scoffed. “Look, just because you know my name doesn’t mean I have to know yours, right?”

The girl lost her simpering expression. “Is this some game you want to play?”

“I don’t know,” Lexi answered. “You were the one insisting on it.”

“Song Ye Jeun? Ring any bells?”

“Should it?” Lexi challenged, pretending to lose interest and turned back to the slow-flowing water, plunking pebbles as if it commanded more attention than the girl behind her.

“Probably,” Ye Jeun shot back. “You’re from Japan, right? I did a movie there a year ago. Desperate Fates, know that?”

Lexi turned to look at her again. “Sure I do.”

“Hah! See? So you do know me.”

“Right. That trash didn’t even sell fifteen percent of my album sales here in Korea.”

They looked at each other, Ye Jeun with an ugly expression that should have sent anyone running with their tails between their legs; and Lexi, with a cool expression that communicated how blasé she was of the current confrontation.

“What you were saying earlier,” Ye Jeun taunted when she realized she had practically nothing to go against Lexi. “Were you talking about Kevin?”

Lexi stiffened but acted nonchalant. “No. And even if I was, you wouldn’t have anything to do with it.”

“Is this why you’re hanging out at the house beside theirs?” She let out  a mocking laugh. “That’s just low.”

Lexi tried her best to look insulted, but she couldn’t hide the insulting smile on her face. She couldn’t care less what Ye Jeun thought or said, but it was a fact that she was getting on her nerves. “Uhm, excuse me? Brain check?” She pointed out at the house behind Ye Jeun. “That’s my house right there. See? Jung residence.”

Ye Jeun’s face coloored but didn’t give up. “I know you’re the reason Kevin’s not so keen on getting back with me.”

Lexi couldn’t resist. She laughed out loud. “Anyone, well anyone in their right minds at least, wouldn’t be so keen to get involved with you twice.”

“You !” The older girl threw herself at Lexi, but she dodged, sending her attacker sprawling. “You think you’re so high and mighty.”

“What are you so mad about? I never even did anything.”

“I don’t care what you say,” Ye Jeun spat. “Stay away from Kevin. He’s mine.”

“You do realize how desperate you sound.”

“If you don’t, I have ways of making sure you do just what I want,” she said menacingly.

Lexi stiffened, “You don’t mean that.”

“I’d do anything to get him away from you.”

“Aren’t you overreacting?”

Ye Jeun laughed humorlessly. “Just do what I say, Alexses. I mean every word I say.”

Unable to restrain herself, Lexi marched forward and hit Ye Jeun’s face with a resounding slap. The other girl raised her hand but Lexi blocked it, locking her wrist in a vise-like grip. “Listen closely, you good-for-nothing . You think you can scare me with your threats? You can’t. If you even think of doing anything remotely undesirable to Kevin, UKISS, or anyone else just to get what you want, I can do worse than what you threaten me of. And unless Kevin himself announces to the world that he wants you back? Get a quick reality check.”

“So you’re trying to get Kevin.”

“No,” Lexi spat. “But I do strike back when provoked. Remember that, unnie.”

Ye Jeun freed herself and strode away, madder than ever. When she was out of sight, Lexi released her tense muscles and looked up at the house that had been witness to her past. She wished with all her heart she could go back to that: a high school kid with an uncanny penchant  to drifting away from the cliché. She smiled.

Then she remembered Kevin. Her smile slipped. “It’s all because of you.” She plopped down heavily among the grass and lay down, making her almost obscured from view. What had made her come back here anyway? Was it because Byunghun would be? Or was it some sick masochistic inclination?

Shielding her eyes from the muted glare of the sun, she frowned disapprovingly., at her actions, at the way she let Ye Jeun get to her nerves, at her complete ignorance of her own feeligs,

She let herself slip to unconsciousness, calmed down by the cold and comforting familiarity of the place. “Doute,” she whispered, before giving herself up completely.


She woke up some time later at the sound of someone calling her name.


There it was again. She opened her eyes but didn’t answer. Biting her lip to keep from laughing, she d around until her hand encountered a mildly-wet stick.

“Lexi! Where the hell are you?”

She covered when a snicker threatened to escape. Then she threw the stick to wards the direction of the voice, still keeping well-hidden. An outraged hiss told her she’d hit her mark.

“Lex! You’ll pay for that!”

Lexi let out the laugh she’d been holding, not even bothering to sit up. She let out a shriek when Kevin launched himself at her, tickling her sides mercilessly.

“Why would you do that?” he demanded, straddling her legs.

She let out another burst of laughter. “Because it’s always funny when the stick hits you.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “So where’d it hit you this time?”

Kevin groaned. “Upside.” Then, “You just got lucky!” When she started laughing again, he smiled. “I remember you doing that everytime my mom tells me to call you for Sunday brunch.”

Her smile faded at the recollection. She questioned her sanity again. After Ye Jeun’s threat, she wasn’t so sure. “Why are you here anyway?”

Kevin felt his own smile fade, but he managed to keep his face emotionless instead of irritated. “Xander called. Said you weren’t answering your phone.” He shrugged noncommittally. “I guessed you’d be here. What with hyung coming back.” He smiled again. “Besides, the only time you never answer your phone is when you’re here.”

Lexi made a face. “Aww, shut up Seunghyun. You just called your mom and asked.”

He beamed. “Well, sort of.” But he was smiling for an entirely different reason. She called me Seunghyun again, he thought. He was never Kevin to her then. He was just plain old Seunghyun.

“Mom said to stay for dinner.” Then he added. “Oh, and Xander says to call him or else.”

It hit Lexi(well, Kevin did say so). “Xander called you, did he?” she wanted to strangle her knight slash tormentor.

“Nae,” Kevin answered. “Why?”

“Nothing,” she seethed. I didn’t tell him what I did so he can watch me get awkward, she thought.

“You know, ” he said, changing the subject. “If this was then, you would have kissed me by now.”

Lexi froze, feeling heat creep up her cheeks. “Kevin, if you value your face, you’re going to stop now.”

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That was awesome!! Please update more!!!!
AlexsesKim #2
^^ glad to be of help...!
and thank you for continuing to read^^
アリガトウ ゴザイマス!
Gosh those bombastic words!I cant!!But still,i've got to thank you though.Those words u used on this story helps me improve on my essay tremendously!Once again,thank you!Best well-written fanfiction i have ever read,100 out of 10 stars:)
AlexsesKim #4
haha! we'll see!
Omo~! Will maknae his chance?!?!? xD
Baby_Doodle #6
I really wanted to see how alexander reacted to the last chapter.
Woah~!!! didn't see that comin...O_O lol<br />
AlexsesKim #8
haha! of course! Kevin's for everyone !
ukissfreak #9
yippe~<br />
we can share him right :3
AlexsesKim #10
aww...<br />
THANK YOU!!<br />
Kevin's my major bias too!!!<br />
(that's why i always make him suffer -evil laugh-)