Incomplete trust

Insensitively drunk

“Alright, wake up guys. I know it’s early but come on.” Leeteuk, as the oldest and the leader went into each of s rooms to wake them up, including those on the 11thfloor. Everyone groaned when they were being woken up with smacks on their butts but did as they were told. After their breakfast and preparations, they finally reached the airport.


“Meet back here in half an hour, I don’t want you guys to be late.” He once again ordered the boys after checking in and left to do some last minute discussion with their manager.

“Donghae!” Hyukjae caught up with Donghae who was walking pretty fast to some wine shop, hoping to purchase some good champagne to bring over to Singapore. Knowing that voice too well, he didn’t stop. While searching for some good flavored bottles, he didn’t bother saying a word to the man who was following him like a lost dog.

“Look, I know what I did was horrible. I’m sorry, I was drunk!”

“Ugh.” The man shrugged him off and continued scanning for the desired bottle.




Ignored once again.

“Donghae! Would you talk to me?!” Feeling really annoyed, the blonde grabbed hold of Donghae’s wrist and dragged him away from the shop.

“Let go of me!” Struggling to free himself from the strong grip, he twisted his hand here and there but all he got was a stern ‘stop it’. Hyukjae brought him into the men’s room and managed to back the other up into a corner, hand still on wrist. “Listen to me.”

Turning his head to one side, Donghae shut his eyes tightly. “No.”

“I’m serious. Look at me or I’ll throw your nemo plushie away.”

At the thought of his baby in the garbage can, his eyes flew open. “You can’t!”

“I know it that you had to see me all over another girl and I’m really sorry. You need to know that no matter what, you’re the one I love. Or did you forget that already?”

“I didn’t, until that night.”

“Shut up, you know that’s never gonna happen again.”

“That was what you said the last time! Then a week later, you came home with another girl. How do you want me to trust you again?” Tears were already welling up in the younger’s eyes, so he rolled his eyes upwards to prevent them from falling. Damn, he hated crying in front of Hyukjae.

“Uh hum.” Someone clearing their throat reminded them both that they weren’t alone in the public place. Once again, Donghae was being dragged but this time, into a cubicle. Locking it behind him, Hyukjae placed both hands beside the other’s face on the door and leaned in closer. “Please, trust me one more time. If I let you down again, you can punch me so hard I won’t be able to breathe easily for the next ten days.”

The singer’s heart was pounding so hard, he swore the entire country could hear it. Blood rushed to his cheeks at high speed and he looked down, praying hard no one could see his red as a tomato face. “You’re blushing, I take that as a ‘yes you’ll forgive me?’”

In an instant, Donghae’s arms flew around Hyukjae’s neck, bring him closer till their lips connected. Hyukjae smiled into the kiss and sneakily slipped his tongue out and into the other’s mouth while dropping his hands, curving them around his hips. Pushing them together as close as possible, their heads tilted in opposite directions in order for Donghae to feel more pleasure in their touching chests. Just when they were really starting to get into the moment and Hyukjae’s hand slowly climbing up underneath his shirt,

“Yo, this cubicle has been locked for pretty long!” Some dude used urban talking and pounded their toilet door harshly.

“Oh… God.” The elder winced in pain as the noise caused Donghae to accidentally nip on the wet muscle that was currently in his mouth.

“Sorry! We’re coming out!” Hyukjae grunted and pulled the apologetic yet giggling Donghae out.

“Eunhyuk, Donghae! Where have you guys been?! Wait never mind, tell me later. Come on, your flight!” The out of breath Sungmin managed to say in between breaths and pushed them both to where their group was huddled at. “Let’s go! Let’s go!” Their manager chased them on board the plane while every fought over where and who they wanted to sit with.

“I pick Eunhyuk hyung!” Ryeowook hugged the said man’s arm and proceeded to whine on why he must most definitely sit with him. “Dips on Kyuhyun!” yelled a voice which no one could really recognize. “NO! Let me sit alone. I wanna play my starcraft in peace,” retorted back the maknae, who really didn’t feel like being disturbed. “Teukie hyung! I wanna sit with you~” Yesung aegyo-ed while poking the leader’s sides. “No, you scare me. I pick Shindong.” Even the most matured man went childish and played this game.

Frustrated, the manager hollered for the noise to stop.

“Okay let me settle this. Donghae right side of Eunhyuk, Ryeowook on his left, Shindong beside Ryeowook, Leeteuk beside Shindong, I will control Shindong’s appetite. Yesung behind Leeteuk, Siwon I’m leaving you to Yesung, I’ll get someone to sit beside Siwon, then next will Sungmin and Kyuhyun, you’ll get the solo seat at the side. That way Yesung you’re still close to Leeteuk but not that close, Sungmin you too. Everyone happy?!”

Everyone applauded for their prince manager’s quick thinking and his ability to say that chunk of words in one breath.


Plane already in the air, a few of the members were asleep, some still chattering away and one was still on his laptop. While everyone was minding their own business, Hyukjae’s hands managed to crawl under Donghae’s blanket and intertwined it with his. Feeling the weight back on his hands he smiled to himself and closed his eyes. Thank you.

However, in Donghae’s mind, it was like a busy fish market. What if he does it again? What if I get hurt again?

Scaring himself with his doubt, he jerked his hand free.



A/N: i thought this was an unnecessary chapter :/ its just to build up the plot i guess. :) thanks for your comments and subcribes~ ♥       

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Omg aff hates me so I will upload kyusmirk tomorrow


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967 streak #1
Chapter 9: Donghae should have learned by now three important lessons from the misadventures of a y drunken Hyukjae:
1. Hyukjae shouldn't be allowed to drink.
2. Hyukjae gets when he is drunk.
3. Donghae should be always beside a drunken Hyukjae to receive all of his lover's desires!!!
Thank you so much for sharing.
1644 streak #2
Chapter 9: Oh dear, thank god they had talked things out. I’m quite sure they know, that they‘re meant to be. Hyuk better be more careful in future. Thank you for sharing this story. Was really nice to read❤️
Chapter 1: Rereading this.. :-)))))
Chapter 9: I love this story haha
cloudye0705 #5
Chapter 9: I love this stry,,
Love the way hae accepting hyuk again,^^
Nice stry dear,,
although I feel bad for Kyu,,ughh,,you should have other idea kyunnie,,kkk
Chapter 8: Wow, such a long time since you last updated XD I still remembered your story though :3
I wish Hae would have latched himself at Hyuk's face. Because, after all, Hyuk gets all angry (they weren't even having , goddamn it) but did he think about Donghae ? He cheated on him multiple times (with girls, nonetheless) and when Hae goes for a little fling, Hyuk goes ape on Kyu.
Hyuk, get your together, man.
Chapter 8: Omg you need to update soon!! This is really exciting ahdjznxxf
Chapter 7: Ohmygod update