The Incident and the Viral Video

Viral Video
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[CONTENTID1]The Incident and the Viral Video[/CONTENTID1]


He tries to make it past with his band mates, barely succeeding. The protective circle formed by the security, their manager & body guards is just enough to keep the rabid squealing teenage girls from tearing off their clothes and may be their limbs too. For heavens sake, it's the friggin airport. Can't these lunatic girls not behave like they are in one of their concerts?[/CONTENTID2]

[CONTENTID3]This is maddening. Jiyong feels like he is about to lose his sanity amidst the infinite number of camera flashes that go on in their faces, the multitude of phones right under their noses snapping a million pictures away at once, the frenzied high pitched squealing and the constant grabbing of their clothes & limbs & every other area reachable to the rabid fangirls. For ever so long Jiyong has had this dream of getting out of the plane, going in to the duty free, buying some stuff for his family & exiting the airport like a free bird without blinding flashes going in his eyes or high pitched squeals making his ears full. But so far it's just been exactly that - a dream. Fame definitely comes with a price, the price of freedom.

Jiyong looks ahead of him through his $380,000 Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses at the figure running about while enclosed comfortably within the VIP circle formed by the security and snapping pictures of him and his band mates with a sophisticated camera. Damn HER and her mediocre blog! This is all HER fault. The reason why he's never been able to have a hassle free time at an airport be it in Korea or any other county is because SHE announces the exact date and time of his flight to the entire world on her blog! It's all HER fault! How she gets his band mates to reveal them to her is beyond him but he presumes it doesn't take any more effort on her part than show a little aeygo with that cute bunny face of her-

Oh cut it Jiyong. Save your fantasizing till later when you are alone in your bathroom and your 'junk' is aching for some 'action'. What the hell is wrong with you? Since when have you thought she has a 'cute bunny' face?

Since FOREVERRR, his subconsciousness screams. He ignores it. It's just stupid. 

The more he stares the more Jiyong feels his blood pressure rising, the artery in his temple throbbing dangerously. This mediocre girl always has that effect on him for some reason unknown to him. Perhaps it's because he loathes her with every fibre of his being. Her mere existence irritates the crap out of him.The throbbing in his blood vessels, the deep aching pain in his heart, the rapid pulse ; they are all because he hates her. They SHOULD be. 

How dare she's in the same circle as he & his band mates are? Who does she think she is? Does she think she's as important as him and his band mates are just because she's in the VIP circle? How dare she takes their pics while not being harassed in the least by the rabid fans? How dare does she live so hassle free? How dare this woman. How dare she messes with his life? How dare she messes with his feelings-

Jiyong feels his hand reaching forward as if his hand possesses a mind of its own & grasping her camera full on blocking its lens with his hand. Her eyes go saucepan wide as she realizes what's happening. For a fraction of a second right before the calamity befalls, they stare at each other, their minds fast processing what's happening. The emotions in her eyes change from surprise to confusion to anger while Jiyong's eyes , torment her.Jiyong feels the airport going absolutely still :the screaming fangirls choking with their squeals mid-throat, grabbing hands freezing midair, the blinding flashes halting. The airport watches frozen on spot the scene that is about to unveil in front of them. Time stops in its tracks.

Jiyong pulls the camera.





Damn these social media.

These days they can create stars and they can destroy stars! All it takes is one little slip, Jiyong feels with resentment as he lies sprawled on the sofa in the Big Bang dorm's living room. Blasted SNS. He's never been fond of it and now it's ed up his life for good. His and his band mates lives.

'The incident' has caused an uproar throughout the country. Social media has gone berserk for the past 7 hours ever since he pulled th

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 3: Authornim, will you ever continue this fic? The story sounds promising.
maridanzannet #2
Chapter 3: Nice story
Chapter 3: I hope you continue this story, I'm interested to read where you're going with this one! Please don't have them start a relationship for "damage control", I noticed there's mutual attraction but that'll be tragic! Have Dara feel what she will, but please don't make her sn anti, she's known/loved BB too long to ruin everyone's career over something that should've been addressed/handled by GD&D a long time ago
dontmindmeguys #4
Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Omo. This is so interesting.
mihyun84 #5
Chapter 3: I hope dara would defend jiyong so he'll feel guilty.
tokki9 #6
Chapter 3: Is it too much if I ask you to change Dara into an anti fan coz Jiyong went overboard to what he did.
Putriand #7
Im reading thisss . Looks promosing
Chapter 3: Kyaaaa!! I am so dying for what will happen next!! I dunno but just thinking how awkward and fluffy theyll get i jussst cant! And Jiyong you pabo~ realize that you like her since day 1 already.. our poor poor dareomma TAT stop being a jerk just becoz your confused! Tch!
effy123 #9
Chapter 3: Jiyong is a freaking
Ignacia17 #10
Chapter 3: More please !!