How It All Started

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SeolHyun's pov I usually have a peaceful morning but I AM FREAKING LATE TODAY MISS SONG DEFINITELY WILL KILL ME! I fled across the room and hurriedly wear my sneakers. "Mom, I'm leaving!" I ran as fast as i could. I probably ran even faster than usain bolt and maybe even faster than lightning. And to make my day even worse, i fell down. I AM FREAKING LATE WHY DO I HAVE TO FELL DOWN NOW WHY CAN'T I FALL DOWN TOMORROW OR MAYBE THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW ! Then i looked at my watch and realized that I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE IT IF I DIDN'T STOP BLABBERING so unwillingly i get up and run even faster. When i saw that my school gates are still open and few students just arrived i slow down. I thought I'm not going to arrive on time but LUCKILY! I went straight to my locker and then hurried to class. WAIT WHY IS EVERYONE STARING AT ME IT'S NOT LIKE I KILLED SOMEONE I WAS JUST LATE UGHH THESE PEOPLE ARE SO JUDGEMENTAL LIKE COME ON THE GATES ARE STILL OPEN SO WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL I- Woah I need to calm down. Realizing that the teacher haven't arrived yet i hurriedly went to my table and sit down cus i can't put up with Miss Song's nagging early in the morning. But to be very honest, who can ? "GOODMORNING EVERYONE !" GREAT! Speak of the devil and she comes. I mean she's not really that mean but that small mouth of hers are jus- wait who's that ? Why am i even asking myself. He must be new. Woah he's good looking. No wonder ever
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