Chapter 1



          Being a designer you have to manage your time from working and even also doing simple things, in your perception all you believe is work work work to be happy in your future.


                    Miss __________ , i suggest , if you'll spend your first week here in a vacation-----said Chamy your assistant.


          Chamy is your responsible assistant, she's always on the go with you wherever you go and worke. Your working with her in almost 4 years. You treat each other like siters.

          Your brother (hyung) , mother, and fatheris in Japan. your hyung as a sculptor, your mother as a housewife and your father managing your family strawberry farm.


          Chamy is right, in 4 years you've been working you dont get a time for a break, even visitibg your family in Japan- you dont have a time.


          As soon as the both of you arrived in the new buy house of yours you immediately unpacked your belongings and things and check out the whole house


                    Miss __________, what can you say about the house??-----Chamy

                    i'm not wrong for letting you handle this one, its pretty and simple but its too big for the both of us......but i think...hmmmm... the space.....maybe i can use the space in the near future for some renovation-----__________


          The house had 4 rooms and one master bed room, its an american-japanes style house , with a lagoon , a secong floor and a veranda with a large swimming pool and a garden.


                    i was wondering , we dont have a time to clean the house , who will maintain this??-----__________

                    no problem Miss, i already hired 2 housekeepers-----Chamy

                           thats good-----__________

                    Miss i have something to tell you, i've been planning for this in a long time i hope you undertsand-----Chamy

                    whta is it??-----__________

                    i want to take a break, a vacation for good-----Chamy


     " vacation??omo!!! why now??" ----- you said to your self


                          please Miss-----Chamy insisted




short update please subscribe and comment kamsa :))) suggestions are much appreciated

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