

He was dragged along by his easily excited friends and what he had intended to do was study for his science final exam which was tomorrow. The male plopped down beside his crush and opened his large textbook. He silently tried to study while the other ten chatted about whatever the hell was interesting to themselves. His best friend Jackson cackled at something that had happened to Mark. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing." Jackson stifled a giggle. Mark just narrowed his eyes at the latter and continued to eat.

Youngjae pulled out his earbuds for a quick break and listened in on BamBam and Yugyeom's conversation. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned his head to look at Jaebum. He froze and realized how close the other's face was close to his. As he blinked the older turned away and he couldn't help but blush. He hid his face in his arms over his textbook panicking. His heart hammered against his chest and tears pricked at the corner of his onyx eyes.

"I'm sorry I really didn't mean it." Jaebum apologized multiple times, yet the younger's legs would not stop shaking. His whole body shook with nervousness, anxiety, and basically confusion to the point where he couldn't stand up. What a jerk move it was to pull at his heart strings like that. The older just reasoned that he wanted to know Youngjae's reaction.

Youngjae felt enraged at this but let it go anyways. It was his crush who had done this. Though the memory had been fuzzy and he knew his heart  had stopped for a beat or two. The tattooed male said his good byes to everyone and apologized once more to the shaken up male. 

The next day he had been dragged out once again to the same hang out spot. This time he sat across from the  older male. His random ring had fallen out from the change section of his wallet and onto the table. Jaebum picked up the ring and tried putting it on. "That fits my pinky." Youngjae pointed out. "Will you marry me?" The older joked. Youngjae just awkwardly stared at him and blinked. Once. Twice. The ring was put back down onto the table and the younger stuffed it back into his wallet. He felt a tug at his heart and frowned.

"God damn heart strings." Youngjae cursed. "What if he's just playing with my heart." "Aw man I know that feeling." Mark sighed. "I get that all the time from Jackson." He shrugged. Youngjae hadn't talked much to Mark and this was the start of talking to each other daily.

Jaebum had no idea that his freshman friend crushed on him. All he thought of these silly acts were as jokes. Sometimes he held hands with the younger. Other times it would be kisses to the cheek with no contact, cupping of the cheek, playing with his fingers, snuggling and pressing his cheek against the other's cheek. As he walked Youngjae to his English class the male stopped. "Can I kiss you on the cheek?" "Uh... Sure?" He answered. The younger pecked him on the cheek and fled to his class.

He stood there dumbfounded and put his hand to his cheek. Next week they would have the entire week off for break and he knew there had to be something done. Jaebum ran to his class before the bell rang and plopped himself down next to his friend. "Hey Jackson?" "Yeah?" He acknowledged the older male's presence. "Where does Youngjae live?" He asked. "Finally came to terms with your feelings?" Jackson continued to write down thing down on his lined paper. "What do you mean?" Jaebum asked confused. "Dude, ever since Youngjae started always stopping by where we hang out he fell for you cause you always like did... Something. I don't know what the hell it could have been but yeah." The younger just shrugged and drew a large heart on the paper with red ink.

"So are you going to tell me where he lives?" Jaebum leaned over the desk a little more than desired, accidentally getting stabbed in the chest by one of Jackson's drawing pencils. "Are you going to do something romantic? Like serenade him or sneak into his house and cuddle him? You know he's a touchy type of guy." Jackson continued avoiding giving away the address of his friend. "Cuddling since he really likes it that much. Now give it here." He held out his smartphone. The stubborn male gave in and typed down the address. "Thanks!" He grinned.

"Now you owe me Mark's address." Jackson looked dead serious. "Oh that's easy, just get it from BamBam." Jaebum looked down at his phone and texted the said male. He instantly got a reply. "And there you go, it's a done deal." The teacher walked into the classroom and started class.

The window made a creaking noise as he jumped through the window of the second floor room. "Yeah, yeah, good night." Youngjae closed his door and turned around to be face to face with Jaebum. As expected he froze. "W-what are you doing here?" Youngjae's voice hitched which resulted in sounding like a squeak. He blinked at the older waiting for an explanation. "You uh... Left your window open..." Jaebum awkwardly tried to reason. Youngjae stared at him for another good five seconds and burst out. "I'M ON THE SECOND FLOOR YOU IDIOT DO YOU REALIZE HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS?" "I do stupid things for you." The older shrugged and swiftly picked up Youngjae. "Put me down and who said I'm going to let you stay here or kidnap me?" He thrashed around.

Youngjae was thrown onto the bed with a satisfying "mmph" emitting from his lips. The older climbed into bed beside him and pulled the covers over them. All Youngjae could do was sigh. He couldn't escape knowing the amount of strength the older has. It wasn't like he minded anyways.

Jaebum collected the younger into his arms. "I like you." He whispered. "What? Say that again? I couldn't hear you." Youngjae teased. "I like you." The older said a bit louder. "Oh. I thought so." The younger shrugged. Jaebum's jaw dropped. "I like you a lot too." He grinned patting the older's cheek.

Youngjae threw a leg over the older's legs and pulled him closer. "I really like your tattoos." He started to trace the outline of the film roll through the thin white t-shirt. Jaebum kept quiet while feeling a tingling sensation wherever the younger's fingers grazed. He squirmed under the touch.

"Something wrong?" Youngjae asked innocently. Jaebum then pulled off the thin fabric and squished the younger in his arms. Youngjae giggled and secured his arms around the older's neck. He nuzzled his nose into the crook of Jaebum's neck.

Jaebum tilted his head downwards and captured the younger's lips with his own. "You're so cute." Youngjae pouted and loosened his grip on the older. He began to kiss Jaebum's neck with his plush lips and moved onto his shoulder here his tattoo lay. "You can stop there." The older gripped the younger's arms. "I'm not moving any further anyways. I just really like your tattoo... You know what else I really really like?" Youngjae continued. "What might that be?" The older challenged. "You." The blonde male blushed and buried his face into the crook of Jaebum's neck again.

"Wow that was really..." Jaebum chuckled squeezing the younger a little more. "You're cute." Youngjae could feel the vibration from the older's neck. He felt embarrassed for saying such a greasy line. Little did he know it pulled at Jaebum's heart strings.

I actually meant to post this on Jaebum's birthday but I forgot heheh but I hope you enjoyed!

» | • 느낌아니까 • | «

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Chapter 1: I liked it, so fluffy :)
CalamitousKing #2
Chapter 1: I'm squealing, this is so damn cute
Chapter 1: Cute and enjoyable (Y)
RubiKgreen #4
Chapter 1: Is co cute and lovelyyyyyy. I enjoyed it ♡ 2Jae is so sweet ^-^ thank you author-nimmmm fighting!!!!