Why Do I Got Arrested?

I Want To Die For You


“Hyunnie, do you see today newspaper already, about the murder of a new married couple in Gangnam?” A short girl ran in a big office.

“Eonni, didn’t I told you to knock on my door first every time you want to come in?” A beautiful and tall girl sat on the chair, inside the office.

“Arasso.” The short girl pouted. “Back to the topic, do you saw the news already?” She continued.

“Ne, I saw already. What was so special about that, they are only two out of many people got killer in a day?” The tall girl knew her sister like to make a big fuss out of minor issue.

“They are special, at least to me. Do you remember that I told you about the case I received last week? The couple is the target in that case but now they got murdered by someone, don’t you think it was very coincident? Do you think my client got somehow involve in this case or not?” The short girl sat down opposite the tall girl.

“Firstly, I don’t know what the content of your case, so I can’t give you any idea in that. Secondly, I’m won’t answer your imaginary question and you should not ask more than that. Your job was now done already, after the couple got killed, so you shouldn’t get yourself involve in it further more than you should, get it?” The tall girl said as she continued her job, reading the documents on her desk.

“But Hyunnie, don’t you think that I should…” The short girl was not agreed with her younger sister but she got stopped by her.

“Eonni, no buts. The case was closed and move on to your other case, please.” The tall girl said.

“Seo Ju Hyun, don’t act like you are my boss. I’m your eonni, not your man, so don’t order me to do things.” The short girl fought back angrily.

“Eonni, I’m not ordering you but do you remember what happen after you got cross your line in your previous case? You almost got yourself killed by the gangsters. Let polices do the investigation, don’t get yourself in more trouble.” The tall girl, Seo Ju Hyun said emotionless.

“I, Kim Tae Yeon will not stop my step before I find the truth for my case, that’s way I choose to be private investigator.” The short girl, Kim Tae Yeon proudly said.

“Aigoo…” Ju Hyun sighed as she knew she could not stop her sister from doing that after she had already made up her decision.

“Hyunnie, do you think is there any chance for you to be profiling for this case? Then we can know the first-hand information.” Tae Yeon smirked.

“I don’t know but even I was asked to do that, I also won’t tell you any information for the case because we as psychologist shouldn’t lead out the information to anyone that was not involved in the case.” Ju Hyun shook her head to show her disagreement.

“Hyunnie, my yaepeun Hyunnie, I know you won’t be so strict with me, right?” Tae Yeon put up her cutest face.

“Andwaeyo, I won’t do anything that restricted by my proficiency.” Ju Hyun fought back.

“Merong…” Tae Yeon pouted, before she walked out from the room.

“Aigoo… what a stubborn eonni. Luckily that Sunny eonni was not like her, or else I will be in deep trouble with these two eonnies.” Ju Hyun shook her head again. Tae Yeon, Ju Hyun and another girl named Lee Sun Kyu aka Sunny were housemate. They left their home after they finished their study and came to Seoul City for work. The house they were staying in was belonged to Sunny’s uncle so the house was free of charge for the three girls.

The oldest girl, Tae Yeon was a private detective. She liked case investigation and she hoped to become a police woman but because of her family objection, she chose the closest kind of job. She was a very stubborn girl; she would not change her mind easily when she had made up her mind on doing something. Because her stubbornness, she always involve herself in dangerous situation and even worst that she will involve her housemate in trouble too.

The second girl, Sunny was working in the crime lab. She was an easy going girl and always put on her famous smile face everywhere she went. Although she might look not serious in her work but the truth was she was very serious in her job and all her co-workers love her. In the house, she was the middleman every time Tae Yeon and Ju Hyun argued on something.

The youngest girl, Ju Hyun was a psychologist. She was a very organised girl and she will not allowed herself to do something over the rules, that’s why she always argued with Tae Yeon who was willing to do anything as long as it could help her achieved her aim. Even though they always argued over something small but deep in Ju Hyun’s heart, she took the two older girls as her sisters, so did the other two.

“I’ll find my own way to get some information in this case.” Tae Yeon angrily said as she walked out from the building where Ju Hyun’s office was. She drove off her car toward Gangnam as she wanted to get to the crime scene to get some first-hand information by herself. She had called her client in her way there but she got no one to pick the phone up.


“Halabeoji, do you still remember me? I was here to ask you some questions in the past few days, remember?” Tae Yeon stopped her car in front of the shop, opposite the crime scene’s building.

“Yes, yes. I remember you. Don’t you know that the couple you had been asking me was got murdered last night?” the old man answered.

“Ne. I saw it in the newspaper. Today I come here was to ask you about the case. Do you know any inside news about the murder?” Tae Yeon asked back.

“How could I know any inside news? I’m not a policeman. I only know that there is one guy who stays opposite the couple saw the back of the killer. Agassi, excuse me, I need to go to see my boiling water at the back.” The old man excused himself and walked inside his house. He took up Shin Dong’s phone number and called him.

“Halabeoji, I need to go now. I want to go to look around.” Tae Yeon shouted from the front after she waited there for a few minutes.

“A-agassi, wait. You… you… you need someone to take you around, so wait for me to close the shop and I will bring you around.” The old man called out from inside. He promised Shin Dong that he will keep Tae Yeon there until Shin Dong came.

“Halabeoji, thank you but I can walk around myself. See you.” Tae Yeon did not hope to burden the old man more, so she rejected the request.

“But…” the old man was ended of idea to keep Tae Yeon with him there anymore. Luckily for him that on that time Shin Dong was already reached there.

“Shin Dong-ssi, it’s you. What bring you here? Oh, it’s your team to take over the investigation on the murder of the couple.” Tae Yeon was shocked at first she saw Shin Dong came out from the car stopped beside hers.

“Oh Tae Yeon-ssi. Halabeoji, is this the woman you have been mentioning?” Shin Dong was also shocked to see Tae Yeon there. He turned to the old man for confirmation and he got a nod from the old man.

“What woman?” Tae Yeon was confused with the two weird reactions.

“Tae Yeon-ssi, long times no see.” Jung Shin walked out from the car and greeted Tae Yeon as soon as he saw her there. Tae Yeon gave him a light bow and turn to Shin Dong again.

“Tae Yeon-ssi, I’m afraid that you must follow us back to the police station now.” Shin Dong said. He felt bad to say that to his friend but he could not help, this was his job. Tae Yeon, Sunny and Ju Hyun were quite close to the team because they would come across each other in some work.

“What’s happening here? Can someone please explain to me?” Tae Yeon was still confused with Shin Dong.

“Tae Yeon-ssi, you are expected to be involved in the murder last night and we are here to get you back to the police station. You have the right to keep quite but everything you say, we will record down and might be used for the evidence in court, you get it?” Shin Dong did not do the explanation but he walked to get Tae Yeon’s hands.

“Shin Dong-ssi, are you out of your mind? How could I been involved in this case? I didn’t know them until last week and I have no reason to kill them. We had known each other for years already, you should know my personality well, and how could you think that I’m the cold-blood killer?” Tae Yeon struggled to get lost of Shin Dong’s hold.

“Tae Yeon-ssi, we are not saying that you are the killer but we need you to help us in the investigation, don’t get the wrong idea.” Shin Dong let go of his hold on Tae Yeon.

“But if you really need help from me only, you shouldn’t say those words just now, it make me feel that you’re arresting me for the murder.” Tae Yeon fought back.

“Okay, okay, it’s my fault. It’s our police habit to say those words.” Shin Dong rubbed his head as he felt sorry for ‘arresting’ Tae Yeon.

“Alright, I understand it’s your duty to do this. I will follow you back to police station, but not in your car. I’ll drive my own, following behind yours.” Tae Yeon did not want to left her beloved car was left there alone.

“Okay, let’s go now.” Shin Dong gave a signal to Jung Shin and the youngest guy followed Tae Yeon’s car.



A/N: Hello again everyone. Thank you for subscribed this story.

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I like this story with the detective style.. Hehhee
But The interaction between SeoKyu is so less :(
Sis,can u write a fanfic that has Jiyeon and Jungshin as lead role for me?:D
EvilMaknae-ah #3
당신의 사랑 이야기다.
This is my first fanfiction I ever read and I'm in love instantly..! What I love are
They still like theirself (cool, nice, caring Yong Hwa and innocent, pure Seohyun) with a brand new refreshing story (beside their loveable story at WGM). You successfully put yongseo into the story with the best way And also I'm so amazed with how you could write the cases they're not boring at all..

Hoping your another great FF is on the line zack ! I'm soooo craving for it ;)
Nice ff and i like minsun couple , their so cute..
hannahcao89 #6
aaaaaaa, miss you zack~~~ re run your story now kekeke....a habit is so hard to give up T_T<br />
come back soon dear! I'm waiting.<br />
zack_89 #7
@Bluelovespring, @wee_dee, @nnazihah, @tthnguyen: thank you for the comment and glad that you like it. ^^
tthnguyen #8
Nice story!!! *thumbs up* <br />
I only finished the story today cuz I was capped so yeah.. hihihihihi
Awesome story!! Love the ending. ❤❤
zack_89 #10
@hannahcao89: Thank you for the long comment. I'll start writing a new story if my schedule is not that pack after my school start and I am thinking to post it here again because I miss all readers here and miss your long comment too. So, take care of yourself too and make sure be there when my new story is up(hopefully I can make it!!!) :)<br />
<br />
@zybeel: Thank you for your comment. Glad that you like it. :)