Chapter 74

Does It Matter
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“In this line of job… you’ll be asked to understand everyone. Even when you can’t, even when you don’t want to, even when it’s the hardest thing to do. Do you want to know why?” his students remained silent as they wait for him to continue what he’s saying. “It’s the only thing that you can do.”

He dismissed his class after that.

Mark’s kind of… losing it. What happened the other night stressed the out of him.

Wendy’s having a hard time, too. And he hates it. He hates seeing her in pain. But somehow, Wendy can’t help but blame herself. Mark had to tell her, repeatedly, that it wasn’t her fault. At least not entirely but Mark doesn’t have to tell her that. After all, everything affects everything.

Snowball effect… that’s how depression is. It’s when little things pile up together to make big things. Really. It wasn’t the big things that made Sana’s depression… severe. It was the small things. The small factors.

When Wendy told Sana that she’s Mark’s girlfriend, it might have triggered something inside Sana. She’s like a bomb waiting to explode, a supernova waiting to be a black hole.

And what’s left for Mark to do? It’s to understand.

When he got home, he couldn’t be more surprised. Sana is there. Asleep on their new couch. While Wendy is taking care of her.

Wendy turned to look at him, there’s this bright smile on her face again when she hugged him. Mark’s still stun

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pamparampampam #1
Chapter 15: Hi. I love your stories. I hope you'll come back. Thank you for writing.
7380ssiw #2
Welcome back dear author!!! Thanks for the update. Hope you’re doing okay during this pandemic. Sending love~
dietmntndew #3
Chapter 14: I don't know if youre still checking aff but the recent event with Wendy wearing Mark's represent sweatpants brought me here lol. You write really well!! :D
cassiemarie #4
Chapter 14: Thank you so much for the update! I love it as always! Welcome back!!
Chapter 14: welcome back author nim. yes i know you won't abandon this story. sometimes you don't need such a grand proposal just a simple and nice proposal.
unicornmaknae #6
Chapter 13: ........update???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When are you gonna update authornim? :3
When are you gonna update authornim? :3
Chapter 13: Wow Peter Pan and Wendy huh~ I like that story! True and same lol I don't like Jane too hahahah but it's refreshing that they made her a bit different than Wendy. Wendy is a bit feminine and very sister-like or mother-like while Jane is a bit daring and rebellious. I've watched the real human version of Peter Pan and yeah the ending is just like in the novel. Wendy came back to London with all the Lost Boys and she grew up and got married. It's bittersweet. But the part where Peter would bring every daughter of Wendy's descent is new to me lol. I just knew that and indeed it's very heartbreaking and sad. It's like everything never stays for him except for his youth. Anything else gone leaving him behind. Poor Peter~

Yeah glad that Mark is not Perer lol ><