No matter what happens to me ( بدون توجه به آنچه به من اتفاق می افتد )

Insensible ( بی شعور )


Daehyun sighed as he paced around his room, and glanced at his phone every minute. There was a hour until the party, yet Youngjae was nowhere to be seen. He shook his head in frustration as he called Youngjae once again. He scoffed in disbelief when he heard the same stupid voice tell him to leave a message. How stupid. How stupid was he to trust someone like Youngjae. He was about to make a phone call when someone knocked on his door.  


“Hey, it’s almost time,” Himchan said as he walked inside the room.


“Yeah. I’ll be out in a bit.”


“Maybe something happened to him,” Himchan said cautiously before walking out without another word. Daehyun just stood there, lost as he gazed out his window at the city view. He shook his head and put his blazer on before walking to the door. He took a deep breath and then walked out, lost once again as he descended the stairs and greeted the people, though he couldn’t stop thinking about Youngjae.




    Youngjae stared in distress and bit his lip suppressing his tears as he stared at the man in front of him. He took a deep breath before staring eye to eye with the man in front of him. He was doing everything in his will not to break down in front of the other, for the sake of Taehyung.


“Rui.. What...what.”


“Shocked are we, my love? I recently moved to the city and got a job here. I overheard some nurses talking about Taehyung and came to confirm it. I am delighted that I met you again,” Rui smirked as he grabbed Youngjae’s hand. Youngjae pulled his hand away and stepped back as he shook his head.

“No. No, I won’t fall for you again. I won’t.”


“Youngjae, I just want to start fresh. Will you please forgive me? It’s been years. Can’t we be friends?”


“Forgive? Friends? You are the reason I lost my parents! How could I possibly forgive you?”


“Youngjae, I was a kid. I didn’t know what I was doing. I did everything because I loved you,” Rui said and Youngjae shook his head in disbelief. “Love? You killed my parents because you loved me? That’s crazy. Please just leave.” Youngjae’s eyes widened when Rui’s gaze darkened and he moved forward. “No. I won’t leave, not again. I won’t lose you again.”


“Rui, what are you doing?” Rui didn’t answer and knocked Youngjae out. “I am sorry, but you should have came when I asked nicely,” he said picking the unconscious Youngjae up before walking away.   




    There was nothing more painful than having to see Chanyeol every day in Baekhyun’s mind. He had every class with the other and they both even worked part time at the same restaurant. Ever since the incident, Chanyeol neither spared a gaze nor a word to him. It was hard to admit the fact that it really hurt. Though he has not known the other for a long period, he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss or want Chanyeol.

    Yidoh was no help at all in making him hope at least a little that this was the right decision. He thought that Yidoh would maybe change a little, but it was the complete opposite. Yidoh would make sure to claim his property including Baekhyun himself, especially whenever Chanyeol was present. And Baekhyun could do nothing but watch hopelessly, as he wanted to keep Yidoh away from Chanyeol, no matter what means.

    Every day was the exact same, as if he had been planned this routine for all his life. At least that’s what he thought until the day his hope was slightly restored. It had been a Saturday afternoon and Baekhyun was sleeping in, as it was his day off, when he received a phone call from his boss. Apparently, their restaurant had been booked for some fancy dinner, and Baekhyun was needed as they were short of staff. Baekhyun quickly showered, put on a pair of black pants and tucked a white collared shirt in, as his boss had instructed for the attire. He quickly headed off to work, momentarily forgetting about his phone, which then began ringing.


“Baekhyun, finally! I am sorry to call you on short notice, but I really appreciate it,” his boss said as soon as he stepped inside.


“Where’s Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked noticing he was the only employee not there aiding in the preparations. His boss was about to speak when another employee rushed over and told them the guest have arrived. Baekhyun nodded at his boss before heading inside the kitchen, grabbing a wine tray before heading out handing it to the guests. He was heading back to the kitchen to get more wine when someone grabbed his hand and harshly pulled him to the side. He wasn’t shocked when he looked up to see Yidoh glaring at him. He knew that Yidoh came from a rich family, so of course he would be at such a party. Anyone at their school would die to date Yidoh, but only Baekhyun and people close to him knew how awful he really was.


“Is this where you have been? I have been calling you.”


“Sorry. I left my phone at home when rushing here.” Yidoh gazed at Baekhyun for a while, as if he was determining whether Baekhyun was lying or not. He was about to say something when a girl came over and placed her arm on Yidoh’s shoulder. Baekhyun bowed and excused himself heading back inside to the kitchen, as Yidoh watched with what some might mistake as sadness. Baekhyun was in the kitchen washing dishes when the lights suddenly turned off. Baekhyun turned the water off and looked around as he heard the people outside the kitchen chattering in confusion. The building suddenly started shaking and Baekhyun fell to the floor as the whole room shook, and things collapsed around him. Baekhyun groaned when a self fell over right on his leg. He bit his lip holding his cries as he tried to move his leg. Baekhyun coughed and finally fell, not able to move anymore. He blinked and slowly started losing conscious when something fell and hit his head harshly, not before he felt his body lifted and carried out. He slowly looked up and a tear fell down his face when he made out who it is. “Chanyeol,” he called softly before everything went blank again, like his daily routine.




    Daehyun sat on his bed still staring blankly at the wall in front of him. He had long ditched the party, but still couldn’t find himself to go anywhere else but home. He was beyond confused at the situation. Why would Youngjae not show? They had been getting along quite well, so why did Youngjae ditch him? He shook his head standing up, deciding he would have to figure it out for himself. He grabbed his car keys and quickly rushed to the hospital towards Taehyung’s room.


“Taehyung, where is your brother?” Daekhyun asked seeing the boy watching tv, upon entering the room. Taehyung shrugged as his nurse walked in the room and gave him some medicine. “I have not seen him all day.”


“Mr. Byun did come this morning. He brought you food, but then he was carried out unconscious by his friend.”


“What friend?” Daehyun asked confused.


“Um. I think his name was Rui. Rui Jun,” she said and Taehyung spit the water and medicine out of his mouth in shock. He started shaking and looking around in fear. “Taehyung, what’s wrong?” Daehyun asked as the nurse rushed to get the doctor. Taehyung shakily grabbed Daehyun’s hand and looked up at him seriously. “Hyung. You have to help him. You have to find Youngjae hyung before that man hurts him again.”

“I’ll find him. I promise I will bring him back safely,” Daehyun said calming Taehyung down, who eventually fell asleep. Daehyun grabbed his phone and started calling Youngjae as he ran out of the hospital room determined to find Youngjae.




    Baekhyun woke up to a husky aroma and blinked looking around when his eyes finally opened. He felt his heart skip a beat when he turned towards the window in the room and met eyes with the man, whom he missed so much, leaning against the wall. “Chanyeol,” he called softly. Chanyeol didn’t say a word as he walked over slowly, maintaining his eye contact with Baekhyun. Baekhyun held his breath as Chanyeol leaned down and kissed his forehead.


“Baekhyun, I am so relieved that you are awake. I know you hate me, but I care about you, a lot. I had so many thoughts running through my mind when I carried you out of that building. It’s only been three days, but it felt like months. I want to protect you Baekhyun, no matter what happens to me.”


Baekhyun was about to speak when he heard a familiar voice that made him frown. Chanyeol moved to the other bed in the room and pulled the curtains in between which hid him, just as Yidoh walked over towards Baekhyun.


“Hey, I heard what happened you and rushed here as soon as I could,” he said which made Chanyeol scoff. What a liar, he thought. He had brought Baekhyun to the hospital three days ago and Yidoh didn’t xshow once.


“I am fine, don’t worry.” Baekhyun said as his eyes wandered to the curtains.


“How long will you be here? It’s so weird and this place smells awful,” Yidoh complained and Baekhyun just listened frowning, as Yidoh showed no concern towards him.


“Yidoh, how long have I been here?”


“A couple of hours, of course. I wouldn’t wait more than that to see you,” he lied and Chanyeol snickered. Yidoh turned his had confused when he heard the sound and headed to the curtains. Baekhyun reached out and grabbed Yidoh’s hand before tugging him back into a hug. It was the only thing he could think of to distract Yidoh. Baekhyun couldn’t help but frown as he hugged Yidoh realizing the other had lied to him again. He looked up and felt his heart break when his eyes once again met Chanyeol’s gaze. Chanyeol smiled softly at him and mouthed “stay safe” before walking out. Baekhyun held on to Yidoh tighter and let a tear fall down as he realized he made a horrible mistake.




    Youngjae stirred as his eyes stung from brightness upon gaining his conscious. He looked around the unfamiliar room and trembled as his hands his hands and feet were tied. He shook his head realizing Rui really didn’t remember much about him. If he did, he would know that Youngjae was good at untying knots. Youngjae sat up and moved his hands bringing them up over his head before he began gnawing the ropes with his teeth. Youngjae pulled his phone out and quickly dialed Daehyun’s number even though he knew Daehyun most likely hated him. He had no one else to rely on, aside from the other man. He heard the door open from somewhere else and quickly untied his legs. He kept the call on and placed his phone back in his pocket. He wrapped the ropes around his feet again, so it looked like he was tied before hiding his hands behind his back again.


“Oh. You finally woke up. I hope you are not too upset, my baby Youngjae. I had to take such drastic measures, so you wouldn’t leave me again. Are you hungry? No? Okay. I hope you don’t mind me eating then,” Rui said smirking as he ate in front of Youngjae.


    Daehyun had been going crazy running around the city looking everywhere he knew Youngjae went. He sighed in frustration when he found nothing, but then his phone began ringing. He quickly answered upon seeing Youngjae’s name. “Hello,” he said frantically but to no avail as there was a silence on the other line. He fisted his hands and clenched his jaw in anger hearing some stranger mess with Youngjae. He tracked Youngjae’s location and got into his car before driving to the location with one goal: to save Youngjae no matter what happened to him.

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Chapter 9: Am i a bad person to wish update these amazing fic? (๑-﹏-๑)
It amazing..i wanna know more about their stories..daejae n baekyeol there 2 yongguk in here?yongguk as dae step brother n his friend?im confused
Anyway..hwaiting authornim
byrenni #2
Chapter 7: So which one the 'one' for Yjae~~
Chapter 7: Uuu.. Complicated past of Chanyeol...
I thought you gave up on this fic. I'm so happy to see that u still remember it. I really like it.
RealrecognizeReal #4
Chapter 7: I love your writing!!! I especially love how you focus on two couples instead of one.
Chapter 6: Go for daehyun jaeeeeee
Feryal #6
Hi,I'm persian and of course it's ok...
For one sec I thought it's a persian fic...HAHA
Good job !!
Chapter 5: Gosh, I hate yidoh so much, how someone can be such a with their "lover". Poor chanbaek
And daehyun, give all u have and save your baby :)
Chapter 4: it's awesome
1st is Daehyun with Youngjae and their too shy secret feelings for each other
2nd is the chanbaek/baekyeol moment....omg, they was so sweet, and how Baek sacrificed himself for Chan health :)
3rd is fuking this interesting new person...i think ex-boyfriend of Youngjae
4th is a very simple thing ...WHO IS YIDOH??!! I tried to find fim but I can't .....I really wanna know wh is it please in the next update, can u insert a pic of him ....PLAESEeeeee~~~~~~
anyway, u did a really good job with this...good luck with the rest :)
CookieLovingAlien #9
Chapter 3: Aww!!! Daehyun is such an idiot !!!!!!
That ChanBaek moment was so sweet ❤️
Chapter 3: Heheyy~ though it seems quite quick to be a sweet heart clenching story, its fantastic