

"Damn." Ravi threw his cards down in annoyance as Hyuk claimed more of his money yet again, a satisfied smirk on his face. "You know something Ravi hyung? You really at cards." Ken chuckled at his dongsaeng’s comment. Ravi snorted, "Don't get cocky, I'll turn things around." He said with the faintest trace of a smirk on his face.

"We've been playing for an hour and you've only won one round, do you have what it takes to keep playing?" Hyuk said as he quickly shuffled the cards again. "Don't you worry, my luck will change just you wait and see." Ravi said confidently.

Hyuk smirked at Ken, "Maybe we should play something easier, 'Snap' perhaps?" Ken said mischievously. Ravi growled and slammed his money onto the table which shook violently, "Just. Deal." He said, voice dangerously low. Hyuk chuckled at the older man’s waning patience.

Ravi groaned out loud and let his head hit the table after losing three more rounds. "This has got to be a joke." He mumbled into his cards while Hyuk started counting the money he had collected. "Want to call it a day?" Hyuk asked with a smile at the large pile of notes he held in his left hand. "Damn, I'm calling it quits." Ravi said as he put the small remaining amount of his money back into his wallet with a frustrated sigh.

"Oh and remember to keep this just between us." Ken said as Ravi stood to leave causing the rapper to give him a puzzled look. "Why?"

"Ken! Hyuk!" The boys winced at the loud yell of their names as Hakyeon appeared at the doorway. "What have I told you two about gambling?! It lowers the reputation of VIXX when you engage in such activities. How much have you taken from Ravi?" Hyuk smiled innocently as he tried to hide the wad of money he had just collected, while Ravi stood to the side looking adorably confused by the current situation.

"Hand it over." Hakyeon demanded, hand outstretched. "But hyung…" Hakyeon glared interrupting Hyuk, "No. Buts. Hand it over." Hyuk sighed and handed over the money to the group’s leader who grabbed the money and stalked out of the room muttering to himself about putting the money to better use. "So this is why you told me to keep it a secret." Ravi commented once Hakyeon had left.

Hyuk and Ken ran their hands through their hair at the same time and gave frustrated sighs, "He always manages to catch us ever since we managed to get Leo hyung to play with us a month ago. He caught us in the middle of a winning streak and went crazy at us." Hyuk said with a shrug. "I don't know how he always knows." Ken said with a sigh. Ravi smiled, "He is our leader after all." he said feeling slightly happier with the outcome of the night since Hyuk and Ken now had less to gloat over afterwards.


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Chapter 1: N knows everything. And he has the best damn stank face on the planet. God I love that human so much.
Chapter 1: The story was funny, write something more!