He's a Young One

    The party had just begun with Jiwon’s appearance on the DJ section, and I have practically giving up on hiding Junhwe from my other friends; I don’t even have the strength to do all the hiding work tonight. Not when Junhwe and Taehyung kept insisting to follow me like a bunch of duckling following their mom around. The more I think about those two, the more I felt like exploding; why the hell do they feel the need to follow me around? I didn’t remember asking for two bodyguards tonight.


I watched as Jiwon got up on the small stage -where the DJ station was- looking ultimately attractive from the everyday boyish-style Kim Jiwon since he didn’t wear his usual snapback tonight. He then took the microphone before he made some speech about how he was happy to see everyone he invited coming to the party and blah blah blah… I couldn’t even pay attention to any of his words.


Junhwe was standing in front of me, looking even more attractive than he had ever been in my eyes; he was wearing a black plaid jacket on top of a white tee paired with a pair of denim-colored ripped jeans and finished off the look with a pair of white Converse. The thing that made me gaped in shock at his appearance before was his hair; instead of the usual black hair, it was dyed into a platinum blond and as if it wasn’t enough hotness emitted from him, he just had to style his hair upwards instead of his bangs falling down as per usual.


Is he really Koo Junhwe? If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought that he’s a hot stranger who was 2 years older than me just by looking at his appearance alone. At the corner of my eyes, I saw a girl from college sashayed her way through the crowd to walk towards Junhwe with a flirty smile on her face.


There, I just said it and here comes this girl who doesn’t even know how young that boy actually was. I could care less with girls hoarding over him like he was the only male in this planet, but why am I getting so worked up over it? The question remained unanswered when I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me turned my head behind me to see who it was.


Oh my God, it’s Jinwoo-oppa! Excuse me while I fangirl over his beautiful hair, beautiful smile, beautiful deer-like eyes, and… a beautiful girl beside him.


“It’s really you, Yeoreum! It’s been a long time since I saw you, you’ve really grown up,” He began as he smiled widely at me, like he had always been ever since a few years ago. I only smiled back at his remark before I fully turned to face him and the gorgeous woman beside him. I feel like I’ve seen her before… but where?


Jinwoo probably noticed that I kept staring at the woman beside him, since he flicked his fingers together and said next, “Ah, I forgot! This is my girlfriend, Bae Joohyun. I’m sure Seolhyun has told you guys that we’re going to get married on April next year.” His girlfriend shot a friendly smile my way as she took out her hand for a handshake –which I took with a smile- before asking me, “Are you one of Seolhyun’s friends? I’ve only met Jisoo the other day; it’s really great to finally meet you! Seolhyun had told me a lot about you, Yeoreum.” I wonder what did Seolhyun said about me; I only hope it wasn’t about my love misadventures because I don’t need another stranger to know about my misfortune in the love department.


“I only hope she doesn’t tell you weird things about me though, Joohyun-unnie,” I replied with a chuckle, she’s quite a comfortable person to be with; she has this warm aura around her, just like Jinwoo. It’s great that Jinwoo found a good woman, I was afraid that his girlfriend might be the snobbish type.


Joohyun only laughed at my reply before saying that Seolhyun didn’t say anything weird about me, only that I had a crush on Jinwoo when I was in high school. What she said made me want to curl into a ball and roll into the sunset or even to oblivion. How could Seolhyun told her about my little crush towards Jinwoo?! I’m so going to kill her once I find her, that traitor!!


Luckily, I was saved by Kei who was calling me from inside the house. I excused myself from the couple before I quickly walked towards her.


Once I reached the place where she was standing, I hugged her while saying, “Kei, you just saved my life out there, pal!” before I let go of her and sighed. “Yeah, whatever, I just want to ask you something, Yeoreum.” She dismissed my words earlier with a question; a serious expression was etched on her face. I nervously gulped as I watched opened to ask the question; I think I know where this is going.


“Have you seen Junhwe? He looked so hot! Can I have him instead?” That unexpected question made my jaw dropped open; I was in disbelief. I thought she wanted to scold me for hiding the fact about Junhwe from her! Oh, wait, maybe she didn’t know about his real age yet…


“Don’t think I’m stupid, Yeoreum. I already knew about him a long time ago,” She suddenly said after even before I could open my mouth. I could always count on her to read my mind like a psychic. “Wait, you knew?! How-“ “Yunhyeong accidentally told us the other day, don’t ask me how,” She cut my question with an answer, but failed to elaborate further as she took my arm and dragged me inside towards the living room.


Oh, everyone had already gathered in the middle of the living room, sitting in a circle. “Are you guys doing some kind of exorcism ritual or something…” I commented as I sat between Nayeon and Seolhyun. “We’re playing Truth or Dare since we had minors in here,” Seolhyun said to me in a sad tone; she was probably sad that we’re playing this kind of game tonight, since Jiwon would always do some wild challenges every year on his birthday party.


I only hummed an answer to her as I scanned around the circle. There were my friends, Chanwoo, Jungkook, Taehyung, Donghyuk and also some girls from college that I don’t really recognize. Luckily, that one boy wasn’t there so I could play this game in peace. If he was here, I could only imagine what my friends –especially Jiwon and Yunhyeong- would dare me to do. I shivered as I imagine countless scenarios that involved weird dares and Junhwe.


“Oh, what are you guys playing? Can I join?” Speaking of the devil, here he comes with his annoying wide smile; sitting between Chanwoo and Taehyung as he glanced around the circle as if he was trying to find someone.


When he met my eyes, he smiled even wider; showing off a set of his pearly white teeth.


I feel the weird urge to drag him somewhere and punch him. Yet, I lowkey felt like I wanted to kiss him. I hate how he makes me feel sometimes. It’s not like I like him so much or anything, or am I?


I don’t even know.




    The night is still young, I supposed, as I took another shot that they dared me with. Fortunately, the dares only includes alcohol for the adults and tasting some weird things for the minors. I never thought my friends are this considerate, I expected them to ask me personal questions and stuff. I can’t really handle too much alcohol in my system and this was my nth shot; I never counted.


“Okay guys, I’m out of this game,” I slurred as I stood up from sitting on the floor, earning stares from the others inside the circle. Who’s drunk? I’m not drunk yet! I can still walk properly without even stumbling at anything on my sight! “Where the hell is the bathroom…” I asked to no one in particular as I walked aimlessly along the kitchen, giving up when I found the fridge. Maybe I could drink a cup of water since I haven’t found the bathroom yet, I thought as I opened the fridge and found a water bottle inside.


I chugged down the contents in the bottle as if I was in a desert and haven’t had a drink in like a month. My throat felt so dry; I wonder why. What was I doing before? Oh right, I was searching for the bathroom! “Oh! I just remembered I wanted to go to the bathroom!” I exclaimed to the fridge as I put down the bottle on the counter quite violently; it made a loud thudding sound.


“Yeoreum! Are you okay?” Is that Taehyung’s voice? I turned to my right to see Taehyung walking towards me worryingly. “Oh, hi, Taehyung! Long time no see!” I waved a hand at him with a wide smile as I handed him the water bottle. “You want water?” “Oh my God, you’re really drunk,” He only commented as he took the bottle from my hand and put it back inside the fridge, shaking his head all the while. “Yah, you don’t get to nag at me; you’re not my mom!” I blabbered as I began to step out of the kitchen, going back to my mission to find the bathroom.


I’ve been in Jiwon’s mansion a lot of times before but why couldn’t I find the bathroom? This is weird and frustrating!


“You need to go home after this, you’re definitely drunk beyond repair,” I heard Taehyung said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, trying to help me to walk. “Hey, who says I’m drunk? I’m not! I can still walk properly, look!” I replied to him as I pushed out his arm around my shoulders and walked towards the bathroom door. See, I’m not drunk! I was about to prove that to him before I stumbled over my own feet and fell face first onto the floor.


“Oh my God, Yeoreum!” I heard him exclaimed in shock before I felt him dragging me to stand up and brushed down my skirt. “Yah, I’m really alright, you know,” I said for the hundredth time; hoping that he would believe me and leave me alone. If I’m really drunk beyond repair like what he said, I wouldn’t even be awake and talking to him right now. At least I still had some consciousness, I think. See, I found the bathroom! I’m not that drunk yet.


He rolled his eyes at my answer; I knew it, he didn’t believe me. “Whatever, I’m going to the bathroom. If you join me, I will kick your until you reach the galaxy! You don’t know how powerful my kick is!” I blabbered nonsense once again as I tried to warn him, before I walked into the bathroom and closed the bathroom door shut. I heard him laughing out loud at my warning earlier when I head to the toilet seat. Oh, he thinks it’s funny? I will get him another day (when I’m fully conscious, that is).


“Taehyung! You know how to play the DJ set right? Can you be the DJ since the DJ had an emergency and had to go home, please?” As I was taking my sweet time in the bathroom, I heard Jiwon pleading to Taehyung outside the bathroom. He could play the DJ set? That’s impressive. Before long, I heard footsteps running away from the bathroom door, which means that I’m finally being left alone. I finished my business, flushed the toilet and washed my hands at the sink before I opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.


I wonder where I should go now…


After spending a few minutes walking aimlessly, I found myself at the small garden behind the mansion. I know for a fact that this garden is basically Jiwon’s mom’s favorite spot since she was the one who planted the flowers and designed the garden herself; she had a knack for gardening. “How did I even get here?” I questioned in wonder as I took a seat at the bench there, beside a bed of roses.


I still could hear the songs played out on the speakers at the pool from here; Taehyung really picked out some sick beats. I should ask him about his little DJ secret someday.


I hummed to the song that was currently played at the moment; it was GOT7’s ‘Fly’, the one that was played on the radio while I went on a date with Taehyung the other day, only that this version was the remixed version. I think I’m beginning to get sober now, I don’t feel like as drunk as I was before this. Maybe I should sit here longer.


“Oh, Yeoreum-noona? What are you doing here?” The husky voice that belonged to Junhwe asked from beside me, making me turned towards him. He then took a seat beside me; it felt too close for comfort. All of a sudden, everything around me felt uncomfortable; my skin seemed to excrete more sweat than usual and my heart began to palpitate faster as I could smell his cologne clearly. His cologne smelt like a combination of musk and vanilla, there’s a hint of masculine and softness combined; it made my feelings stirred up like crazy.


I shook my head from the thought as I tried to calm myself down. What am I doing? He’s a minor, for God’s sake!


Yeah, a minor who’s about to turn legal in a month; it’s already December, Yeoreum. The little voice in my head just had to interfere with my conscience, doesn’t it?


“Junhwe? Can I ask you something?” My mouth opened up to pose a question to him even before my brain could processed what I was about to say. , this is why I’ve been avoiding him all night; I don’t know what kind of stupid thing I would do in front of him while I’m drunk, or in this case, half-drunk. “Of course, what is it?” He asked back expectantly while staring at me.


Here it goes; my drunk self is about to take control.


“What do you think of me? Have you ever seen me as a woman?” I basically threw all of my consciousness behind me as my drunken side began to take control of the situation. Sometimes, having your system filled with alcohol is great; it makes you speak out every truth that you have been keeping all these while.


Junhwe’s expression turned from expectant into a surprised one as he heard my question. “Wait… are you drunk?” He asked me a question without even answering my initial question. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he blinked and chuckled, as he answered my question.


“Since you’re drunk, I’ll tell you the truth,” He began as he chewed his bottom lip for a split second before he continued, “I don’t just see you as a woman, Yeoreum-noona; I like you.” He ended his words while shooting a nervous smile at me, before he continued once again, “Can I ask you something, noona?”


I blinked once, and then twice at him when I heard his confession before I nodded at his question. Wait… am I absolutely drunk beyond repair or does this really happened? I can’t even differentiate between reality and hallucination anymore in this state.


“Remember about the reward I told you in the message before? I’ve thought about it and this is my present.” I heard he said before I saw his face inched closer towards mine. No, this wasn’t supposed to happen! He’s a minor! Jung Yeoreum, push him away! The little voice of conscience in my head started to rang loudly inside my head.


I was sure I wasn’t drunk anymore at this point, but this is the only time I could pretend like I’m drunk and do everything I’ve been wanting to do since day one.


I grabbed his jacket and closed the distance between the two of us. Our noses bumping onto each other’s as our breaths mingled into one; his lips were just like what I imagined, it felt pillowy and soft and… heavenly. He took the lead by kissing me gently first, as if I was fragile and will slip away from him soon. I’ve had my fair share of kisses before but this is the first time ever that I felt like there’s a fireworks blowing up inside of me the moment I taste his lips; he tasted like mint and everything nice.


“Three… two… one! Happy 21st birthday Kim Jiwon!!” I heard shouts and cheers from the pool that I could care less with, nothing can disrupt this perfect moment I’m having right now.


At the back of my head, I fully knew how wrong this was. Yet, I thanked the alcohol for pushing me to my limits tonight.


I hope I won’t forget this kiss once I wake up tomorrow.


A/N: HERE IT GOES GUYS!!!!! I skipped a class this morning just to finish this because I'm too excited about this chapter LOLOL the next chapter will be updated either within this week or early next week, it depends on whether I would be busy or not. Until then, enjoy the kiss! <3

Oh, and if you guys didn't notice, Junhoe's outfit and style is his style in the Airplane MV! ((which means yes, he looks so freaking hot)) ;-)

Expected update: 24/4/2016

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Might be posting a special chapter soon as a small gift for everyone who subscribed and read "H's A Young One"! Thank you everyone!!


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Chapter 32: i finished this in one go and i'm very happy with the ending!!! i've been looking for some good june's fics and i'm so glad that i found yours! thank you for this <3
eleutheromaniac #2
Hi there! Your review is ready for pickup over at kodawari.
Chapter 32: Gushes with feels cuz can lol. Great story authornim!!!!!! \0/
SomedayStory33 #4
Chapter 32: OMG~ I forgot my acc, I forgot to checking update, and when I'm back, ta dah!!! This story was completed!! I really really love this story, authornim. ILYSM ❤❤❤❤
honeii #5
Chapter 32: Heol i cant believe this is the end!! ㅠㅠ you're so great authornim!! Thank you sooo much!! ㅠㅠ i thought i was going to read a scene but naaaah.. I LOVE JUNHOE in #WYD he's so perfect!! ♡♡
fruace #6
Chapter 32: epilouge: :,) thank u so much!! continue writing !!! eat well too!
Chapter 32: And the story is completed.... I'm so happy! That it turned out so amazingly! I had so much fun reading this story and it was really great to be so excited every time an update would happen. The ending was so cute and I really loved that Junhwe went to the military for some reason LOL...Thanks for writing such a cute and fun fic!!
laclaralala #8
Chapter 32: Thanks Lord youre not leaving me hangin on the "final" chapter hahahahhaa thanks for the story! I hope u can write other iKON's story
Chapter 32: This story was one heck of an emotional rollercoaster and I praise you for making it so damn satisfying for us thirsty fangirls lol ily so much
Chapter 32: I can die happily. This hoe is finally in love. How sweet, my baby is growing up (even tho he's older than me lol)