He's a Young One

   Taehyung and I exchanged worried glances before gulping slowly, trying to ease the tension in our minds and stepped inside the campus library. We both knew how mad Yunhyeong was since he called me the second time while we were on the way here and he basically turned into a Godzilla that I had to hang up the phone.


“Uhh... Yeoreum, you’re his friend, right? I’ll hide behind you so you need to protect me from him,” Taehyung pleaded while holding my shoulders, trying his best to hide behind me even though he was taller than I am.


What a scaredy-cat.


I had to admit that even I felt afraid to face Yunhyeong’s wrath. Even though I have been friends with him for a long time, I still haven’t seen him quite this angry. Dear Lord, please save me from Song Yunhyeong’s wrath, I still need to get married. I prayed to God as I walked slowly towards the table where the monster and Nayeon were sitting at. When Yunhyeong’s eyes met mine, I was surprised by the twinkle in his eyes and his bright smile.


Hey, I thought he had turned into a Godzilla? What is he so happy about?


“Hey, why does he look so happy?” Taehyung whispered from behind me, still trying to hide from Yunhyeong. I only shrugged, not knowing the answer to that question. Hell, if I knew why I should just drop out of college and be a psychic or something.


“You two are finally here! Come here quick, we need to discuss our report,” Nayeon called while waving her hand cheerfully towards us.


“I think you can stop hiding behind me now,” I informed Taehyung, before tapping his hand that was resting on my shoulder as a sign to let me go.


Taehyung only replied with a hum and let go of his hands. We then took a seat in front of them; with me sitting in front of Nayeon and Taehyung sitting in front of Yunhyeong.


“Wait, why are you wearing your casual clothes?” Nayeon pointed out, she looked really confused since Taehyung was still wearing his uniform (minus the blazer) and I only wore my usual black skinny jeans paired with a red ‘Supreme’ sweater since it was getting a bit chilly.


“Monthly problems,” I replied simply while gathering my writing supplies from my tote bag. Nayeon only nodded in understanding before she led us to begin our report compiling and discussing on the mistakes and stuff.


However, Yunhyeong looked a little… off. He was staring into the air and smiled to himself like a crazy person. I even began to think that he had actually turned mad or something, but I think it has something to do with Nayeon.


I have to ask him later.




A girly shriek emitted from the petite, hamster-like girl sitting in front of me, filling the whole house with her voice as we (yes, all of us) huddled in my living room listening to Yunhyeong’s story.


“So you two are dating now?” Seolhyun asked the now blushing boy who was sitting in front of me on the floor with his legs crossed. She seemed a bit uninterested, though, seeing as how she leaned her back on the fluffy sofa and munching her chips after.


“Heck, she kissed him and asked him out, isn’t that clear enough?” Kei answered excitedly before she hugged Yunhyeong who was just sitting beside her in joy.


As if she wasn’t loud enough with her excited screaming before, she screamed once again at how proud she was with Yunhyeong, as if he was her pet or something. Oh well, as long as she didn’t ask me about how things are going with my current crush, ahem, I mean Junhwe, I should just shut up and watch Park Seo Joon’s acting on the television screen.


Jiwon and I only leaned backward on the sofa behind us while sharing the popcorns I just made minutes before, having nothing to say about the current issue since we already expected it anyway. My parents aren’t home tonight since they had to travel to our hometown for some important reason (I’m guessing it’s because my uncles asked them to look after grandma while they go on a holiday like they always do), so I called my friends to watch some dramas and movies together.


“Can’t your parents just say no to your uncles? They aren’t young anymore yet they have to travel far just to take care of your grandma, don’t you think your uncles are getting out of hand?” Jiwon asked while the others were still inquiring Yunhyeong about his new relationship.


“You know how nice my dad is; he had done so much for his family but look at what my uncles say whenever he says no to their request,” I replied with a sigh, I’m actually a bit stressed out when I think about my dad’s family; they have always been quite demanding of my dad since he’s the eldest brother. Jiwon only nodded while putting his arm around my shoulder in hopes of comforting me, like he always does.


While we were watching intently at how Park Seo Joon was about to kiss the lead actress in his drama, I almost choked on my popcorns when Kei asked a question I have wanted to avoid.


“Yeoreum! How about you and that waiter guy? Are you still crushing on him, he’s not working there anymore, you know,” Kei asked with curiosity, as she smirked cheekily at me.


What the hell? I thought she wasn’t interested in knowing about my love life anymore! I rolled my eyes, not wanting to answer that question while I could see Jiwon and Yunhyeong trying to hold their smiles.


I’m so going to punch these two if they dare to mention anything about Junhwe to Kei.


“Oh, I forgot! Yeoreum, who’s that brown-haired guy who bought pads for you yesterday? I saw him walking out of your car,” Jisoo suddenly asked, making all heads turned to me in curiosity. I blinked in surprise at her question; it was definitely a dumbstruck moment on my part. 


Oh my God. How did she saw him?


As if she can read my thoughts, she explained, “I was buying some ice creams for my cousins at the convenience store, and I saw that guy walking out of your car and bought things like sanitary pads, menstrual pills, and stuff. I queued behind him, that’s why I knew what he bought. He’s so handsome too, who is he?”


All of them began to quiet down as they anticipate my answer; heck, even Seolhyun was putting down her chips for once and waited for my answer. I took a deep breath, still thinking what to answer to her question. If I said the real thing, Kei would never stop asking me about Junhwe and that was the last thing I want at the moment. But then, I don’t really feel like lying as well.


Yunhyeong opened his mouth to explain to them, “He’s just—“ “He’s my boyfriend,” I cut his words with the biggest lie I have ever come up in my whole 21 years of living on this planet.


Their reaction was priceless; Yunhyeong and Jiwon had their mouth gaped open in shock at my lie revelation, Kei and Jisoo looked at each other before smiling widely at me, and Seolhyun’s action was the weirdest of them all. She had this disbelief expression on her face as if she didn’t, believe me, the slightest bit.


Before I could even say anything more, Kei jumped from her seat and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe, saying something like “Oh my God, Yeoreum, I’m so happy for you!!!” while Jisoo requested, “You need to bring him to our lunch date sometimes, okay?”


Yunhyeong and Jiwon stared at me disapprovingly and shook their heads at me for my words just then while Seolhyun was still judging me.


Dear Lord, this is harder than I thought.




    I was still pondering my decision to lie last night; was it really a smart choice? I can’t help to feel that it was a really stupid choice to make on my part; I should not have lied, especially to them. But… ugh, my mind feels so messed up right now! I need to do something to get this off my mind.


It was only 8.30 in the morning and there weren’t any classes since this week is a study week, which meant final exams are just next week. I don’t really know what to do at this time of day except to lie in bed forever while waiting for someone to send me food or something.


“Noona, I’m home!” I could hear Chanwoo’s voice from downstairs, he probably just gone home from staying overnight at Jungkook’s house yesterday for their studying session.


“Yeah, whatever,” I shouted back from my bed, not caring whether he heard me or not. I think I’m going to continue sleeping and bring Chanwoo out to eat outside for lunch later. It’s not like there’s anything to watch or do either.


I was this close to sleeping when I heard my room door being opened with a strong force, making me bolted upright from my sleeping position.


“What the hell, Jung Chanwoo?!” I shouted at him, expecting to see the spawn of Satan when I turned to look at the door.


If I could bury myself into the Earth’s crust and never come back on the surface right this moment, I would willingly do that.


There wasn’t just Chanwoo, Junhwe was also there beside him!


 “I wonder if all noona is like this, my noona woke up looking like that too,” The boy standing beside Chanwoo remarked with his husky voice while chuckling at me.


“Yeah, I think so,” That was my younger brother’s only reply before he walked towards me and tried to drag me to the bathroom to take a bath. He’s just like mom; he would always drag me to the bathroom if I’m still on the bed after 8 a.m.


I pushed him before he could even touch me, before getting up from my bed and sprint towards the bathroom.


Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I still can’t believe Junhwe saw my morning face! I was wearing my sweatpants and a loose black tee to bed, not to mention my ugly, filled with drool face! Oh my God, why didn’t Chanwoo tell me that he’s bringing his friend along with him anyway?


After cleaning up myself and changed my clothes to a pair of denim shorts paired with a green knitted sweater, I stepped out of my room and walked downstairs. I still feel embarrassed from the state Junhwe saw me in earlier, but hey, I’m a cool noona, remember?


“I thought I’ve messaged you yesterday that I’m going to have a study session with Junhwe here, noona,” Chanwoo said once I stepped into the kitchen while handing me a cup of milk. Did he? Why didn’t I remember…? 


Oh, I was too tired from the interrogation about Taehyung last night that I didn’t even check my phone and went straight to sleep.


Seeing that I wasn’t going to answer him, Chanwoo only shook his head before stepping outside the kitchen while bringing with him a cup of milk to give to Junhwe who was in the living room. I sighed as I remembered the biggest lie I’ve ever made last night, how should I even handle this situation?


I walked towards the living room absent-mindedly while holding my mug before sitting in my usual spot on the sofa.


“Yeoreum-noona, are you trying to give me a ? Because I would gladly accept it.” I heard Junhwe’s husky voice chuckling behind me, my eyes opened wide in shock before I shot up from my sitting position earlier.


The mug I’m holding almost fell from my grip when Junhwe quickly held it before the contents spill onto the carpet. My face felt hot at the realization that I was sitting on his lap just now, oh my God, why didn’t I realized he was sitting there just now?


My eyes scanned around the living room for the sight of Chanwoo, lucky that he wasn’t there or I would never live this moment down. That spawn of Satan would never fail to tease me about it, I swear.


Once I calmed myself down (and put the mug on the coffee table just in front of me), I turned to Junhwe.


“I won’t give you s, you’re underage, remember?” I replied to his remark earlier with a smirk before taking a seat beside him, thinking that I have won when there wasn’t any reply from him.


“Yeah, but I’ll be legal in 4 months. Maybe you could give me one on my birthday next year, noona,” There was his smart- reply. I knew it; I could never win against this kid! I don’t even want to see his face; I can already imagine that flirtatious smirk on his face without even looking at him.


While I thought this day would be a boring day, I think I was wrong.


This day is getting a little bit… interesting.


A/N: So here's the next chapter! I'm starting to feel that I'm going to be quite busy this few weeks ahead, but I'll try to give you guys updates on time! 

Enjoy! ^^

Expected update: 3/3/2016

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Might be posting a special chapter soon as a small gift for everyone who subscribed and read "H's A Young One"! Thank you everyone!!


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Chapter 32: i finished this in one go and i'm very happy with the ending!!! i've been looking for some good june's fics and i'm so glad that i found yours! thank you for this <3
eleutheromaniac #2
Hi there! Your review is ready for pickup over at kodawari.

Chapter 32: Gushes with feels cuz can lol. Great story authornim!!!!!! \0/
SomedayStory33 #4
Chapter 32: OMG~ I forgot my acc, I forgot to checking update, and when I'm back, ta dah!!! This story was completed!! I really really love this story, authornim. ILYSM ❤❤❤❤
honeii #5
Chapter 32: Heol i cant believe this is the end!! ㅠㅠ you're so great authornim!! Thank you sooo much!! ㅠㅠ i thought i was going to read a scene but naaaah.. I LOVE JUNHOE in #WYD he's so perfect!! ♡♡
fruace #6
Chapter 32: epilouge: :,) thank u so much!! continue writing !!! eat well too!
Chapter 32: And the story is completed.... I'm so happy! That it turned out so amazingly! I had so much fun reading this story and it was really great to be so excited every time an update would happen. The ending was so cute and I really loved that Junhwe went to the military for some reason LOL...Thanks for writing such a cute and fun fic!!
laclaralala #8
Chapter 32: Thanks Lord youre not leaving me hangin on the "final" chapter hahahahhaa thanks for the story! I hope u can write other iKON's story
Chapter 32: This story was one heck of an emotional rollercoaster and I praise you for making it so damn satisfying for us thirsty fangirls lol ily so much
Chapter 32: I can die happily. This hoe is finally in love. How sweet, my baby is growing up (even tho he's older than me lol)