You're lucky I have nice legs

Tonari no Bangtan Sonyeodan

“Hey Yoongi?”


“Yeah what?Are you okay?”


“Yeah I’m fine, don’t worry”


“But you wanted to ask me something right?”


“Yeah, Umm.. right you know how my dad died”


“You mean that sleazebag who left you guys yeah I know”


“Yeah well anyways he left me a lot of money as in a lot”


“Ok that’s amazing, so are you finally treating me to dinner?”


“Umm.. something like that…”


“What do you mean…”


“Well you see to get that money I need to have a girlfriend and…”


“You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend”


“Umm… Yeah”


“Ok sure”


“Oh my god thank you”



“And that’s how I convinced Yoongi to dress up as a girl” Seokjin said proudly recollecting the conversation word for word.


“How did you memorize the entire conversation but you still can’t remember the equation for force?”


“How can I remember that! There are too much letters and symbols and .”


“No it’s easy it’s just -”


“Fullmetal alchemist!” Taehyung said finally speaking


“What?” Yoongi and Seokjin said.


“You know F=MA or FMA or… Full metal alchemist!” Taehyung said proudly chest puffed up like a puffin.


“Yes see even Taehyung knows it”


“Yeah even I know it”


“Shut up both of you” Seokjin said an almost dark aura surrounding them.


“Hey Seokjin don’t get all scary now we are in public” The aura almost vanishing Seokjin remembered where they were… The Ladies Section.


Dresses, skirts, shorts, blouses, crop tops, and the oversized sweaters that if Seokjin’s shoulders weren’t so broad he would buy for himself.


“Ok so you want me here to help pick out clothes for Yoongi?” Taehyung asks.


“Yes” Seokjin says a blush dusting his features.


“And Yoongi is there anything you are uncomfortable with?” Taehyung said face serious, almost as if he ready to kill.


“No nothing much” Yoongi says just as serious and Seokjin wonders how only he sees how absurd this is.


“Okay let’s do this” Taehyung says running into the pile of clothes and Yoongi and Seokjin can only watch as he sees him pull out skirts and sweaters. About 10 minutes later and a few bruises because apparently if you tackle a girl for the sweater you want, apparently it’s wrong and she will get mad.


“So after a lot of consideration I deem this the perfect outfit” He show’s an oversized sweater, one that might even fit Seokjin and a high waist skirt that would probably end a few inches below Yoongi’s .


“How?” Seokjin asks because he doesn’t see why it’s so special, Taehyung’s eyes gleam and he pushes up his imaginary glasses, and Yoongi only sighs looking away.


“Well you see besides the fact Yoongi has no s or , there is only one thing that still makes him a man” Taehyung pauses for dramatic effect, and all Seokjin and Yoongi can think of is otaku, damn otaku. “his hands!” kneeling besides Yoongi making jazz hands at said area, and the only reason why the shopkeeper hasn’t kicked them out is because Seokjin smiles his best smile and all she can do is blush and run away.


“So how will we solve this problem you ask?”  He says standing up looking at the distance which happens to be the lingerie section but apparently only Seokjin notices how much of a ert his friend looks. “Well we cover it with this” He pulls of a fluffy sweater that Seokjin was looking at earlier it was a pale pink and the sleeves were long purposely to cover the arms, it had a big cat on it.


“Oh and the skirt is because Yoongi has supermodel legs that need to be appreciated so go and try it! C’mon!” he says pushing Yoongi into the changing stall, not paying any attention to the shopkeeper who needs to see what he has brought in to which Seokjin has to apologize for.


When Yoongi comes out he looks adorable, a blush dusting both their cheeks, the sweater plus skirt makes him look so innocent and cute, the skirt showing of legs Seokjin has only see in the anime’s that Taehyung has shown him.


“See doesn’t he look like total eye candy! And then I could do his makeup he will look so pretty!!” Taehyung says jumping up and down.




“Woah Yoongi you look really pretty” Seokin says drooling a little because he looks more than pretty, Taehyung turned him into well her. Yoongi was standing in front of him, hands covered as he tugged on the skirt that was too short for comfort, eyes lined, a blush on his cheeks that Seokjin didn’t know weather was real or not, his legs bent inwards a little, and his lips were glossed.


“Thanks” Yoongi says looking away and his pink hair was a little longer and he wasn’t wearing as much piercing's as he usually has adorned on his ears.


She is not Yoongi not today… Today she is Yoonmi!” Taehyung pops in smiling cheekily at Seokjin, because only his cousin knows.


He has a big crush on Min Yoongi.


“Isn’t she pretty, I never knew eyeliner would look so good on her.”


“I know I’m crossdressing but you don’t have to say female pronouns like a child  on a secret mission.” Yoongi says still impassive but this time Seokjin knows he is blushing because his cheeks weren’t as pink 5 minutes ago, which made Seokjin smile a bit because Yoongi looked too cute with a blush.


“I’m sorry but you just look to pretty!” Taehyung squealed jumping around Yoongi.


“Sorry but you have to start our date in like 10 minutes and we have to get a list of all the things we need to do to prove you are dating” Someone says walking towards them, he was tall with white long hair and a suit, he was old, late fifties max.


“Ahhh!” Taehyung and Seokjin screamed at his sudden entrance Yoongi still just looking away.


“So who is this?” The man asked.


“T-This i-i-is Yoon-” Seokjin tries but right now he is shaking and he wants to melt.


“Hi I’m Yoonmi sorry my voice is so hoarse I have a horrible sore throat” Yoongi says walking over swaying his hips as he raised his voice a little bit and walk over to wave. Taehyung and Seokjin were surprised by his sudden move but whatever works. Yoongi stared at Seokjin as if telling him to speak.


“Y-Yeah she is my girlfriend” Seokjin said a bit too defensively, but apparently Yoongi is an amazing actor because Yoongi is the most impassive person he has ever met the most he has gotten ever was a blush but now here he is, swaying his hip smiling and conversing with a man he has never met, and now Taehyung is a bit jealous because it took him a month to get Yoongi to say a word to him.


“Cat's got your tongue babe? Sorry but what list are you talking about?” Yoongi asks moving over to Seokjin moving right in front of him tiptoeing a bit so he was only a bit shorter wrapping his arms around his torso area so he can lean in cocking his head to the innocence practically dripping of him.


“Well someone's getting ahead of himself” the old man says chuckling a bit. “Well here was a list produced by your father” the man says handing the list over to Seokjin, reading the list his eyes go wide at some of them.


  1. Feed each other

  2. Holding hands for the entire date

  3. Kiss

  4. Get silly amusement park photos

  5. Must have a couple item

  6. Must have pet names

  7. Girlfriend must answer a 20 question test and must get 18 and up.


6, 5


“Well Jinnie these won’t be too hard.”

“Yeah Suga we already have matching keychains” Seokjin says, it was true they had matching keychains as a joke at first since everyone thought they were dating it was one of those keychains where it was a heart split into two and when you put them together it would turn into a whole heart.


5 and 6 Check


Feed each other

Holding hands for the entire date


Get silly amusement park photos

Must have a couple item

Must have pet names

Girlfriend must answer a 20 question test and must get 18 and up.




“Ok so Yoonmi you will be expected to answer this questionnaire with at least 18 and up… shall we begin?”


Yoongi nods, scoffing a bit because if anyone knows Seokjin it’s him.


“When is his birthday?”


“December 4, 1992”


“What’s his favourite number?”




“What is Seokjin’s favourite game?”


“Any Mario game he can’t pick”


“What was his first game?”


“Maple story when he was 5”


“What is another language he knows?”




“Name his three favourite items?”

“Nintendo games, Maple Story action figures, and Mario figures”


This went on for a while to put it shortly Yoongi got it perfect.


7 Check


  1. Feed each other

  2. Holding hands for the entire date

  3. Kiss

  4. Get silly amusement park photos

  5. Must have a couple item

  6. Must have pet names

  7. Girlfriend must answer a 20 question test and must get 18 and up.


1, 2


“Hey Jinnie ahh!” Yoongi said they were sitting across each other in a theme park, they were holding hands underneath the table just incase stopping to eat counted as letting go of hands, luckily they always looked like a couple anyways so it wasn’t hard… the sleeves that cover Yoongi’s hands makes it hard to hold hands but not impossible.


“Ahh” Seokjin says opening his mouth so Yoongi can stuff his mouth, they both smile at each other. Maybe this was why Seokjin had a crush on Yoongi, his confidence, and his love. Yoongi the man who would go above and beyond for you, and here he is with perfect eyeliner, lip gloss, mascara, and a miniskirt feeding him holding hands, but still smiling his gummy smile.


They giggle a bit with each other as they walk around, seeing a photo booth Yoongi brings them there.


  1. Feed each other

  2. Holding hands for the entire date

  3. Kiss

  4. Get silly amusement park photos

  5. Must have a couple item

  6. Must have pet names

  7. Girlfriend must answer a 20 question test and must get 18 and up.




4 pictures.


The first is one of them both smiling.

The next iis wacky faces, a pout and a duck face.


The third is a kiss…


and the fourth is a… a…. bit more than a kiss


They don’t know what happened but the next thing they know Seokjin is necking Yoongi and they are running out of the photo booth grabbing the photo’s and running to Seokjin’s apartment to continue where they left of.


They go back to the meeting point some two hours later hair mussed and lips swollen still holding hands because they never let go, for the man in the suit to give congratulations after showing the pictures, giggling at the last one.


When Seokjin gets his inheritance he is the happiest man in the world because a Yoongi is snuggled in the blankets with him. Yoongi has his head burried in his chest and a smile on his sleeping face. Seokjin gets his phone and takes there picture of him staring at the camera with Yoongi still dead to world. He then sends an email that looked a little something like


To: [email protected]


From: [email protected]


Attachment jpeg.file


Sorry he’s a guy


In Seokjin’s opinion they have the weirdest, craziest story.


In Yoongi’s opinion the story was just right, a weird circumstance that lead them there like how they first met 10 let's just say that Seokjin was humming to himself and Yoongi heard him and forced him to sing.


Well Taehyung… Taehyung stand by the fact that he has read this prompt before.


A/N: Double update!!!! Please comment cunstructive critism is always welcomed!!!


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Choi_Aya05 #1
Chapter 3: Is this survey still valid? LOL. If not, you can just delete this. ^^

Filipino, 18, F, yes, yes, no, not really, sometimes, it depends. As long as I like it.
Selvadja #2
Chapter 3: german-romanian, 22, female.
maybe (depends on if you mean which country it comes from -> then no; if you mean under which conditions it was made -> then yes)
yes (learned that in school)
no, i'm pretty curious about foreign food :)
depends on the food :D

hope that helped and i wish you luck ( ^ o^)/ !
Chapter 3: Indonesian, 17, female, yes, yes, yes, not really, yep, depends on what I eat if what I eat taste better on local then I'll choose but if its better on inported then I'll buy it. As long as its clean and healthy
namgyu4ever #4
Chapter 3: Pakistan, 19. No, yes, yes, yes, and yeah, we use countries local food mostly, but some imported too. Not much imported tho. Imported seems better. My opinion
TwindragonsBTS #5
Chapter 3: Filipino, 13, female, yes, yes, not much, I don't think so, not much, I like both actually...
Blue82 #6
Chapter 2: I think I'm in love with how cute this is. This was such a nice ship and it's rare to see happy Jin and Yoongi stories.
Chapter 2: As expected from suga's thousand dollars legs xD he would look so cute if it werent for his foul mouth kkk
Well this is cute especially with the button things and I watched tonari no seki-kun too! Anime always comes first for, i cant believe someone finally put both of my favorite things together~