Holding Onto You (Discontinue)





I do not want to write a story about him. However I do want to let him know how I feel.

My feeling started to bloom for him way back in Junior High.

His name is Do Kyungsoo and my feelings towards him come and go.






Eventually it became a habit of mine, to have a quick glanced at the back of the class.


I touched my chest and could feel that my heart was racing as if I had run for the 100 meters dash.


I saw a hand in front of my face and I look up at the source of the hand. I wished I had not done so.


At that moment, once again I could not help myself from staring at him. I kept on getting drawn into his two big brown orbs.


Something registered into my head.


“You like that big doofus aren’t you?!” Amber quickly muffled me down with her own two hands.





Krystal/Do Kyungsoo







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Chapter 1: Amazing story. Can't wait to see what happened next. I totally ship ChanBer!!!