
Talk Me Down
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*This turns out longer that I expected and obviously unbeta-ed.*



It’s been two weeks since they last saw Taehyung. Two weeks since Yoongi and Jimin spoke to each other and two weeks since Jungkook ignores everyone in the dorm especially Yoongi and Jimin. The dorm which normally so loud up till the neighbor threatens to call the cops, is now too quiet. No more childish antic from the maknae line nor the prank and dumb jokes. It’s as if they are now living at the graveyard. Even Hoseok who supposed to be everyone’s hope is feeling hopeless without his ray of sunshine, Taehyung. Everyone is affected in their own way. Even Bighit. They were given 2 months of hiatus after Namjoon explains about Taehyung’s disappearance. Of course he didn’t explain it in details but that was enough to convince the company to grant them a hiatus period.  Jungkook took the time off by fleeing back to Busan, away from the mess at the dorm. He is still pissed about this whole situation. Ever since that day, he still hasn’t given up on searching Taehyung. He still calls him hoping that one day he will pick up his call though all he got was the voicemail and he still sends text messages to him but not once did he get a reply. Today, he just had enough. This is why he is in the bus on the way to Busan. He just wants some peace of mind that only his friends and family in Busan can offers.



Taehyung walks mindlessly at the beach enjoying the beach alone with not a single people around. It’s no surprise since it’s already in the third week of winter. Everyone most probably in their own respected home snuggling with their loves one or wrapped in their thick blanket. Taehyung took his time enjoying his time ignoring the cold air that hits his whole body fiercely and sat on the sand watching the birds flying comically most probably fooling around with each other. That scene reminds him of his bandmates where they used to fool around like that when they were given free time from the company. He would be lying if he said he didn’t miss them. He did. Especially Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook mostly, because he still kept trying to reach out to him. He knows that Namjoon is worried too but he knows that he prefer giving him some space to cool down instead unlike those three and he kind of appreciates Namjoon for his understanding. Thinking about them obviously will make him think about Yoongi too and his heart aches. He is still sad and mad at Yoongi but at the same time, he still longs for him especially at this time.  He longs to sleep next to him, feeling the heat from his body combined with him. He missed all the cuddling and snuggling they used to do. He missed coming home to him whenever he stayed over after practice and Yoongi was there on the couch asleep while waiting for him. He feels like going back to the dorm but he knows that he isn’t prepared for that so he rather deals with this alone. He laughs at his misery self. So pathetic for still thinking about that one person who wrecks him.

“There you are. Let’s go home. It’s freezing to death and you’re going to catch a cold and then I’m going to get scold by letting you freezing in the cold. Abeoji and nuna will beat me to death and put the blames on me for letting their precious son and little brother freezing.” Taehyung just stares at the plumped-lips hyung who just can’t stop from nagging.

“What?! It’s the truth! Though I’m their real son, abeoji and nuna always have a soft spot on you ok. They always ask me when are you going to visit again and then from time to time ask whether you’re doing ok or eating well. It’s like I’m the adopted one here!” he pouted and Taehyung just laughs loudly seeing his hyung’s plump lips pouting.

“Daehyun hyung, stop pouting. You look ugly. Like an ugly duckling but I think ugly duckling is way cuter than you though.” And he started running when Daehyung cries a ‘You punk!’ and start chasing after him.



Taehyung is lazying on the bed when he heard a soft knock at the door before it creaks open. “Hey, up for a pillow talk?” Daehyun grinned before inviting himself into the room and sit at the edge of the bed. “Not really hyung, but I think it’s about time for our pillow talk session, so why not”. He agrees. “So what exactly happen to you? You seem bothered about something.” “It’s Yoongi. He cheated on me with Jimin.” Taehyung explain the whole thing to Daehyun and he just listens quietly and sometimes hums showing sign that he’s listening. “But you know what the worst part is, hyung?” Daehyun shakes his head in return. “That I still love and miss him. I might as well accept his apology if he came here with an explanation, but I know that won’t happen and that what makes me feel a lot more worst, hyung. He didn’t even have the initiative to explain or even find me. The last call from him was the last day I was in Seoul and that was it. It’s like he didn’t even care about me and my suffering. Do I even mean a thing to him after all this years?” and that makes Taehyung wails and weeps and Daehyun immediately pull the younger in his embrace. “Shhh…shhh… it’s ok. This is ok. It’s ok to cry when you’re sad and hurt. Don’t worry, I’m sure good thing awaits you after all this bad things that had happen to you.” With that, Taehyung weeps himself to sleep in the arms of Daehyun.

Taehyung woke up with a swollen eyes and a headache. But that didn’t stop him from going out again to the beach and have some fresh air. He likes it there. He likes the smell of the beach and he likes being under the sun even in this chilly weather. The beach is like a therapy. Just by smelling the air, looking at the ocean, he can feel a sense of serenity slowly creeping in him. He just stood there looking at the ocean before he felt someone hugging him from the back and he laughs. “Hyung, I’m alright. Don’t worry. And I told Abeoji and Nuna too before coming here so it’s ok. You won’t get scold. I just need some fresh air. I will go back later so you can just head home first.” He said while patting the older hands but he didn’t respond. Only tighten the hug and that caused Taehyung to laugh out loud with the older’s action so he just let the older hug him and stay like that. “Hyung?” Taehyung finally speak after almost 10 minutes of silence but doesn’t get a reply. “Hyung….” Taehyung whine before turning around to face the older only to be shocked. “Jung….kook….?”



Earlier that day.

Jungkook woke up feeling anxious. He doesn’t know why but once he woke up, he kind of having an unsettled feeling. Like something is going to happen. He’s nervous now. He just hopes that it won’t be a bad thing. He decides to go out and take a walk so that the he can get the feelings to go away. He grabs his coat and head out. He was just passing a beach when he saw familiar figure at the beach. At first he thought his eyes are playing tricks on him so he just stares at the person. He looks at the other for few minutes before deciding to approach him. He approach slowly since he’s still not sure if it’s the same person he had been missing or not but the more steps he takes, the heavy his heart gets now that he

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Unknown000 #1
Chapter 1: It is sooo cuteee! I love it when Kookie is manly than Tae and takes responsibility in relationshippp auwww so cuteee
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 1: Thank u for the sequel =)
Chapter 1: nice sequel..
thank you..
hyunjingjing #4
Thanks for making a sequel...cant wait to read this ^_^