The Roommate Contract


"I found the perfect roommate for you!"

As soon as those words had left my best friend's mouth, I should have known that it was going to be the beginning of a horribly, unpleasant experience. However, I had yet to learn from my mistakes and I had trusted her wholeheartedly. A decision I would later come to regret, because Bobby Kim is the worst roommate in the history of roommates. 



Poster credit goes to the lovely Ardent Graphics. Click on the banner below to check them out!

Chapter 2 is now up and I apologize for the weird formatting. I'm not really sure what is going on, but I will fix it ASAP!


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Kat2601 #1
Chapter 1: already off on a good start! please update !!!
This sounds like a great romcom! Good luck writing out the chapters, I'm waiting!