Laundry for dummies

Laundry for dummies
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It was friday night and Chanyeol just finished cleaning his room, he collected a bunch of trash and a bigger bunch of dirty clothes (including his comforters and sheets), he decided the first thing he’d do in the morning was laundry.

Chanyeol was a first-year student in college and he barely knew how to live by himself, his parents were worried to death just thinking how his younger son was going to struggle with the lack of skills in housekeeping. Chanyeol’s lived all his life with his parents and an older sister, which was the total opposite: she did every chore in their house perfectly; in a blink of an eye she would clean the kitchen, the bathrooms and her room while Chanyeol would be playing video games or reading sci-fi books. It was no surprise when he came to his parents and announced he was studying Computational Science, the surprise knocked them down when he half asked half pleaded to attend in some college out of town.

After weeks of discussion, his parents decided he would be okay as long as he followed some rules her sister wrote down for him, such as cleaning the kitchen every night before sleeping, keeping the bathroom impeccable, throwing away the trash at least twice a week, doing laundry on weekends, and it was endless, in Chanyeol’s opinion. 

They constantly tested him, made him follow the rules before he left his childhood’s home (he barely passed those tests but his parents had faith in him and his developing skills). A week before the classes started, he moved to a modest dorm, he was the only kid living alone while the others lived with a roommate, he ached for that company but his parents were dead serious about him living with a stranger and all the complications it might carry.

Chanyeol lived alone and he enjoyed being alone but sometimes the silence was too loud. He wished he had at least a fish that he could talk to, or some friends. He had a few friends in his town but right now, loneliness was his only companion and friend.


To say that his social skills were lacking was an understatement, he wasn’t a people’s person but he was friendly, sadly, something in his face gave him a creepy aura (plus his weird conversation topics) and people used to avoid him once they peeked a bit of his unique personality.  

He felt like crying before going to sleep, laundry was something he hated with passion. “I wish I lived with someone capable of doing that horrible and dreadful thing, God, you can kill me now.” He thought before Morpheus welcomed him with opened arms.


The following morning, he woke up with loud sounds outside the window: rain and thunders. He groaned and stayed in bed for ten more minutes. He regained control of himself and got out of his warm haven. Chanyeol prepared a simple breakfast (scrambled eggs and bacon, his favourite for lazy saturday morning, aka, every saturday morning), then he threw his dirty pile of clothes in a bag and left the room, clicking the door with a smooth movement. It was too early to be a functional human being and he ran out of coffee the night before; coffee was the reason he was a half-decent adult so he made a mental note to buy some more after his laundry time.

He reached his destination and thanked the Greek gods for his good luck, they laundry room was almost empty, the only person using the washing machines was the cute guy who lived three doors from his room and whose bag was on the floor while he played some shooting game in his phone, Chanyeol frowned at the annoying sound. The guy seemed so immersed in his game he didn’t notice Chanyeol entering the room but did he notice him when Chanyeol almost drown his comforter in detergent.

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Chapter 1: The struggle of living alone. ><
Aww, that was really sweet... Chanyeol was adorable and Baekhyun was... well, being Baekhyun. xD They were so cute together.
Thank you for this. ^^
sweet_lovemeowy #2
Chapter 1: Ohmgod you're so good at writting stories! I need Moreeee- chanbaek is so adorable♡♡♡♡
sweet_lovemeowy #3
Chapter 1: Ohmgod you're so good at writting stories! I need Moreeee- chanbaek is so adorable♡♡♡♡
sweet_lovemeowy #4
Chapter 1: Ohmgod you're so good at writting stories! I need Moreeee- chanbaek is so adorable♡♡♡
sweet_lovemeowy #5
Chapter 1: Ohmgod you're so good at writting stories! I need Moreeee- chanbaek is so adorable♡♡♡
Chapter 1: NEED MOAR
Huehuehue~ it's really good!

~Check out my Facebook page dedicated to Kpop! It's called "IDreamOfK-Pop"~
Thank you!
Ok, and one more thing. I just noticed your birthday is one day after mine.


Okay, bye.
Chapter 1: Ok, since I'm not all professional in writing I can only give a few tips here and there.
Ok so number one, try to space out the paragraphs a bit, the readers eyes might hurt if they were looking at a screen, full of letters with no spaces in between.
Second, I want more .-.

THIS GOT TO ME. Ugh.... just beakhyun giggling is like...... the best thing ever.
And tbh I don't really ship them but *shrug* who cares. If I like it, I read it.

Byye ^~^
This was so cute!