Coming Home To Jinki

Coming Home To Jinki

You came home from a long day at work. Deadlines were approaching and you felt like you were in over your head.


You opened the front door to the apartment that you and your husband shared. As soon as you entered you let out and exasperated sigh.


A familiar face popped out of the bedroom.


“Chagi-ya what’s wrong?” Jinki’s face was full of concern


“It’s fine, it’s just work again.” 


Fine. A lie that Jinki knew all too well. In reality you were on the verge of tears and he knew it as well.


He walked up to you and placed his hands on both of your cheeks.


“You know you can lean on me for anything.”


He smiled in an attempt to cheer you up and placed a kiss on your forehead.


You couldn’t hold it in anymore and the tears began to flood down your cheeks. Jinki embraced you and pat your back until you calmed down. The warmth of Jinki’s embrace never failed in making you feel better. He pulled away and put both hands on your shoulders.


“aigoo, how dare they make my beautiful wife cry!”


You laughed at the cheesy comment.


“ah, there’s that smile that I love so much.”


You laughed and hugged your husband


“You know I love you right?”


Jinki smiled


“As long as you know that I love you more.”

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DasomAnn #1
Chapter 1: its beautiful