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so before i start the next chapter, i need your help! i got two trailers submitted for this book but i dont know which one to make an official trailer! All you need to do is watch the trailers and thumbs up the trailer you think is best!! Next update will probably be next sunday and I hope to have picked an official trailer by then! Please help me! 

Trailer one:

Trailer two:




They walked through the park, the wind blowing Min Young’s hair furiously. She stuck the ice lolly in as she struggled to put her hair behind her ears. G-dragon walked beside her with an ice lolly in his hand and a polythene bag in the other. As they walked past a bench, he stopped and put the polythene bag on the bench. He looked at her trying to hide her shivers in her sleeveless dress. He took off his coat and draped it over her shoulders. She took the ice lolly from and looked up at him.

“Don’t lose this one or else I swear I will kill you. It’s another designer.” He arrogantly as he sat on the bench. Min Young had an evenly arrogant comeback on her tongue but she swallowed it.

“Thanks.” She said sitting next to him on the bench. She held the ice lolly in one hand as the other struggled to pull the coat over her chest as much as possible. G-dragon looked at her struggle and sighed heavily. He put his ice-lolly in mouth freeing his hands. He then grabbed his coat and pulled Min Young closer to him. She looked at him and boggled at the situation.

“It’s alright, I can do it for myself.” She said pulling the coat back. G-dragon lightly slapped her hand and she pulled it back. He lifted his coat off her shoulders and grabbed her free hand. He put it through one of the coat’s arms and moved closer to her to pass it behind her back. Now, her face was almost pressed against his chest, his cinnamon and mint scent invading her nose. Her heart accelerated in her chest as her cheeks turned red. G-dragon quietly took the ice lolly from her hand and aimed it for the trash can that wasn’t for far from the bench they sat on.

“Ya! I was eating that!” Min Young complained as G-dragon put her hand through the coat arms.

“You are almost as cold as a dead body, you shouldn’t be eating ice lollies.” He struggled to say with his ice lolly stuck in his mouth as he pulled back and grabbed the lapels of the coat pulling them together before fastening two buttons in the front. Min Young glared at him and ran her tongue over her lower lip. She reached her hand out and grabbed his ice lolly throwing it into the bushes.

“Ya!” G-dragon shouted.

“You’re cold too!” Min Young said pressing her hand against his ice cold nose. G-dragon looked down at her hand as it stayed pressed against his nose then he shifted his gaze to her. She looked like a kid buried in his large coat. Her hands were barely able to surface from under the coat arms and her body seemed to disappear in the coat. Min Young looked into his eyes and for a moment they held each other’s gazes.

“Aren’t you going to take it off?” G-dragon asked pointing at her hand that was still on his nose. Min Young dropped her hand from his nose and looked away embarrassed causing G-dragon to chuckle. One of the bushes in Min Young’s sight started to rustle and fear crept into her body. It stopped rustling but started right again. She moved closer to G-dragon and lightly tapped him to get his attention.

“There, there is something over there.” She said pointing to the bush as it rustled again.

“Maybe it’s a snake.” G-dragon chuckled.

“Don’t even joke about such things! Reptiles scare me.” Min Young said aghast as she turned to look at the bush again.

“Boo!” G-dragon screamed into her ear as he firmly grabbed her shoulders. Min Young screamed at the top of her lungs and threw her arms and legs around. G-dragon burst out laughing as he let go of her shoulders. She turned to him angrily with glassy eyes and her heart pumping in her ears.

“You scared the life out of me!” she said angrily, fighting back the tears.

“Sorry.” G-dragon said still laughing. The bush rustled again and Min Young turned to it again. “Let me check it out first.” He said standing from the bench still laughing at Min Young. She folded her arms against her chest and looked away from him, sticking her nose in the air shutting her eyes.

“I hope there is a snake there and it swallows you whole!” she said loud enough for him to hear causing him to chuckle again. She opened her eyes and saw as G-dragon knelt in front of the bush. She dropped her hand from her chest and watched as he reached his hand into the bush in anticipation. For a moment, everything was silent, even the bush stopped rustling then G-dragon let out a loud shriek.

“Help!” he screamed. “I think something bit me and I can’t get my hand out!” he said looking back at Min Young with a pain struck face. Min Young felt her heart accelerate as she stood up from the bench and quickly ran to G-dragon.

“Where?” she said as she knelt down beside him and grabbed his hand and pulled it from the bush. “Are you alright? Where does it hurt?” she asked worried. G-dragon smirked and held his hand up in front of her face as the street lamp illuminated on it. It was perfectly fine. She glared at him and pushed him by his shoulders to the ground angrily. He clenched onto his stomach as he laughed uncontrollably.

“I hate you.” Min Young said through gritted teeth as she watched him screech with laughter. Min Young felt heat travel to her cheeks and she looked away. Something leaped from the bush and touched her feet. Min Young cried out as she threw herself forward, landing on G-dragon’s chest and burring her face into his chest as her hands clenched tightly on his shirt. G-dragon stopped laughing and looked at how she shook in fear. A small husky made its way to the side of G-dragon’s face. He turned his head and stared at its electric blue eyes that contrasted against its snow white fur. He smiled to himself as he put a hand on Min Young’s head slowly patting her.

“It’s alright, you can stop shaking, it was just a puppy husky.” He said trying so hard not to laugh. Min Young slowly lifted her head from his chest and her clench on his shirt loosened. She saw the puppy and quickly, she pushed herself off him. G-dragon groaned as her hand dug into his stomach.

“You could try to be a little more careful.” He groaned sitting up, placing a hand over his stomach.

“Oh my God it’s so adorable!” Min Young said in a high pitched voice as she walked towards it and pat it head. The puppy her palm and Min Young giggled. “What’s your name?” she asked kneeling beside it. The puppy wagged its tail and stuck its tongue out in excitement. Min Young laughed as she continued to its head. G-dragon quietly watched her in amusement as a small smile played on his lips. Min Young checked it’s neck for a collar but it had none. “I am going to keep you.” She said picking the little puppy up.

“We better head home now.” G-dragon said looking at his watch.

“Where have you guys been? Dinner is ready.” G-dragon’s mom said as she opened the door for the two.

“Sorry mom.” G-dragon said handing her the polythene bag with ice lollies in it as Min Young walked past them.

“What on earth is that thing?” Min Young’s mother asked from her chair as Min Young walked into the dining room still holding the puppy. Min Young stopped and hugged the puppy closer to her body as she looked at G-dragon who now stood next to her.

“It’s a present I am giving to my lovely girlfriend.” G-dragon said putting his arm over her shoulder and pulling her closer to him.

Min Young’s mother looked at her husband with anger written all over her face as everyone watched quietly. Min Young’s father placed a hand over his wife’s and looked up at his daughter.

“I thought we had this conversation years ago Min Young. You can’t have a pet.” He said sternly.

“Dad, I don’t live with Kang Joon anymore. I think I can have a pet if I want to. It will in no way affect him.” Min Young said as she searched her father’s face for a change in attitude. “Please.” She pleaded. Her father looked back at his wife and shrugged.

“Okay.” He said making Min Young jump up with a loud squeal.

“Thank you dad!” she said running to him to kiss him but he was sitting next to Kang Joon who put his hands up stopping her. She l

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Chapter 20: Woohoo, where are you??
Chapter 20: Cant wait for the next chappie
blues132 #3
Chapter 19: Nooooo! Cliffhangers ! Lol great chapter, can't wait to read what happens now that min young saw the pendant.
Lilykwon88 #4
Chapter 19: Omg totally in love!! Update soon.
Dedeloveskpop #5
Chapter 18: When will you do your next chapter
Dedeloveskpop #6
Chapter 18: Please more it's so addicting
LillySee #7
Chapter 18: Lovely story, really like it so far ^^
Ashleybswt #8
Chapter 18: I hope she is ok. I don't know why but I feel like her bodyguard is in love with her or something. If only her and jiyong were in love then they wouldn't be living a huge lie.
Lilykwon88 #9
Chapter 18: Omg finally your back. Hoping on getting a new chapter soon. Almost lost side if track for this story. Update soon. I love it.
magerl #10
Chapter 18: Update soon please author-nim ㅋㅋㅋ I love it!!!