
T H E N E W K I D || Dating Game / Staring L, L.Joe, Kai, Taemin, G-Dragon [ON GOING]

Where should i visit?


I let her carry my baggage. I would like to know more about the place that I am currently live in.

"Father, I am going to take a stroll around the place. Can I?" I asked. He grabbed on his chin and pretend to an invisible bread.

"Sure! Make sure to be back before the Sun set alright?" he said and ruffled my hair. I nodded and excused myself.

I interwined my fingers behind me and plastered a big smile on my face as I look around the area of where I am staying. There is so many size and shape of houses. I would make a few stop at some houses to see how it was well design and structered.

I didn't realise that I had walked a lot until I met a few shops near by. Should I...


@ Head back

@ Go forward


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