
T H E N E W K I D || Dating Game / Staring L, L.Joe, Kai, Taemin, G-Dragon [ON GOING]

What should I do?


I grab hold on her wrist and smiled at here, "I can do it myself!" I said and slung the bag over my shoulder and grab a hold on the other one. I entered the house after my father did. I can sense that the lady is smiling at me.

I remembered what my late mother used to say.

"Be independent and respect the elders" she said.

My mother suffered from a cancer on her liver. I didn't cry when she died. She told me not to and so I kept it in the depth of my heart. Father also tried his best not to shed a tear. I am proud to have such carrying parents.

I placed my stuff down after closing the door of my room. Father's room is place on the ground floor as for mine is on the second floor. I am lucky to have my room to be place right next to the bathroom.

Once I unpacked my stuff, I head towards the bathroom to clean myself up. When I turned the doorknob and push the door open, I was greeted by a half boy around my age.

My eyes travelled from his chest to his face. I was shocked that he was also staring at me and before I knew it, the basket I was holding fell on his foot and mine.



We both groaned in pain and held on to our foot. After the pain got reduce, we once again met eyes to eyes. What should I do?

*Say sorry and runaway

*Stay and ask him to leave the bathroom


author notes

y alert!! I wonder who it is~

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