Part 2 - That Morning

I'm Yours

I decided to update 2 parts. Enjoy! (don't forget to comment pleaseu? <3)


“As you see now, no Hobi-ah. Wae?” “N-nothing… It’s nothing…” you both continuing watch the film until you both realized it’s already 6 p.m. “Hobi-ah why don’t you spent the night in here? It would be nice since I’ll get bored if I’m all alone.” “Okay, let me tell my parents first. Oh and how about my clothes?” “Just use Jin oppa’s clothes. He never took it since he moved out with his wife.” “Oh okay then.” So you ask your maid to get an extra bed for Hobi and cook spaghetti Bolognese for you both. “Hey sweetie what are you doing?” “Oh hi mom, just cooking this food for me and Hobi.” “Oh Hobi is in here right now?” “Yeah, I’m asking him for spent the night with me. You know I don’t like being alone mom.” “Yeah I know honey… But I think it’s more than that isn’t it?” “What do you mean mom?” “Well if you don’t wanna be alone, why don’t you ask your girl friends than him? What I think is… You like him didn’t you?” “MOM! What are you talking about? Ugh I’m not!” “Hahahaha I see you’re blushing dear. Beside, I don’t mind if I had son-in-law like him. He’s so sweet and caring about you. And he never leave your side have you recognize that?” “He’s not leaving me because he’s my bestfriend mom. Just that.” “Okay whatever then dear. Let’s see who’s the right one.” And she wink and back to her room. You were blabbering to yourself and suddenly someone resting his head to your shoulder. “Hobi-ah! Why you sneaking up like that? I could’ve hit you with this spatula!” “And in fact you’re not doing that, so I’m sneaking up. Heheheh.” “What do you want Hobi-ah?” “Just wanna see how’s your cooking going. And I guess you’re ready to be a good housewife. Hahahaha~” “Aish whatever. Now please excuse me because I wanna serve this.” “It’s already finished? Yeaaahhh~~ Yeobo I’m hungry~~ I’m just done working and I’m hungry yeobo~~” you were blushing hard when he calling you ‘yeobo’ and lowering your head and try to calming yourself. “Ugh what is this? Are we a married couple or something?” “sssttt… we are playing a drama right now and please don’t ruin it.” He said it almost like whispering. “Ah~~ then yeobo why don’t you sit down now?” You said. Then you both playing like an idiot and go back to your room. You both playing and laughing around until you both fell asleep. The next morning, you wake up around 10 and you fix your messed up hair. It really looks like a lion if you don’t fix it. And then you back to your bed. “What the… Am I just slept with this guy beside me all night long? Glad mom and dad didn’t come in my room…” “Ah (Y/N) you’re already woke up?” “Yeah why?” “Um… could you turn away or close your eyes or something like that? And I’ll tell you done if I reach the bathroom.” “Why? Is there something wrong?” “I-It’s… Y-you know I’m a m-man…” “So?” “D-don’t you know a-about man’s thingy in the morning?”  It got you thinking. And you realize what does Hobi talk about. “O-Oh t-t-that’s uh… yeah… you… should… i… should… yeah” suddenly you saw him smirking and said “Or do you want to see ‘it’?” “AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” You scream as loud as you can. You closed your eyes with your hands and he walk away to the bathroom while laughing. “Miss! Something bad happen?” You saw your maid come in to your room with worried face. “Ah it’s nothing eonni. Hobi just teasing me around…” “Ah I see… if you’re both hungry, I’ve prepared pancakes foe you both.” “Okay then eonni. Thank you so much.” Then you yelled at Hobi “YAA THE BREAKFAST IS READY!!” “OKAAY!” He yelled from the bathroom. And then you both go downstairs awkwardly. You both eat your breakfast in silent. “Is anything wrong between you two?” “N-nothing D-dad.” “Oh… Oh and (Y/N)-ah, please dress up nicely? We’re going out for lunch today. And I guess it’ll be same for Hobi-ssi right?” “Ah it’s that so? Wait, let me check my phone.” And he check his phone and found a message. “Wow it looks like that. I’ll go home (Y/N)-ah. Bye~ thanks for the food everyone!” “Okay~ be careful on your way home Hobi.” “Yes eommonim…” And he left. You weren’t curious about this all things because you’ve used to follow your parents like this. After the breakfast, you back to your room and cleaned it up. It seems Hobi left his things in your room. So you decided to put it away on your closet and you start to deciding what dress you’ll wear for today. You look up to your dresses. You don’t want to look too young or too old. You so take a blue denim dress and wedges-shoes. After everything is done you take your towel and then you go bath. It took 1 hour for you to bathing (because you really like to playing the water) and you wear the dress, put some make up and you braid your hair. “You’re ready honey?” “Yes Dad, I’ll go down now.” You go down and dad looking at you “Wow my daughter always giving her best for her parents didn’t she?” “Of course. Now let’s go shall we?” then you go with your parents and arrived at a 5 star restaurant. Before you go out from the car, you mom hold you and say “(Y/N)-ah. You know we love you right?” “Yeah why?” “Whatever we do later, would you promise to us that you’ll accept it?” “Umm… Okay?” “Okay hold your promise to us okay?” “Uh… okay mom I promise. Beside, I’ll accept it because you both have raised me well. And maybe this is the way I’ll pay everything to you even though I don’t know what will happen.” “I promise it’ll not a bad thing darling. C’mon now.” Then you both go out from the car and walk in the restaurant. Suddenly you saw Hobi with his parents in here too. “Hey pal!” said your Dad. Wait what’s going on here?

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Chapter 8: are they gonna name the next son taehyung or jimin I think jimin works better it can be girl or boy lol, good story :)
Chapter 2: This story is good but i think u should make an edit like giving space / paragraphs so it easier to be read because i get confused when they talked ( "" ) like in the first chapter, the first sentences u write. Idk who is who talking first. It would be much better if u edit it hehe
KiwiMonster #3
Chapter 8: I love this story ! It's so sweet
Shin_Ji_Hoon #4
Chapter 8: so sweet! I really like this story!