Mission: Field Trip

The Organization

(No POV)











Luhan's body jerked at the noise, a groan escaping his lips. Waking from his numbing sleep, he was finally able to forget about his pain. Until, well, now. His back burned in sudden pain, remembering what had happened before. 

"Oops! Here!" An item is shoved into his fist by a huge hand. It's round, making a rattling noise, must be the pill bottle. The voice itself has his ears ringing, way too deep and loud for the morning.

Grunting, he forced his eyes open, seeing the bottle Lay gave him last night. Shoving in a few medical pills. he waited for the reaction to begin. The pain was almost bearable, but who like pain? It still hurt like a b****.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you like that!" Luhan turns his head, expecting to be met with a huge thug or something, but it's different. It's a young guy with a cute looking face, abnormally large features, ears, eyes, smile, height, hands, everything. Practically a giant if he was a bit bigger. He towered over Luhan, casting a shadow over where he laid. Those beaming teeth didn't exactly show his sympathy or his apology.

"Who are you? How'd you get in?" Luhan sat up with some effort. He should deal with it! He was a man!

"You left the door unlocked," he smiled widely if it was even possible, stepping back so that Luhan could get up, "I'm Chanyeol."

"I'm sure I did," Luhan felt a chill run up his spine, eying the innocent eyes of the man above.

"Okay, fine, I unlocked it, but before you get shocked! I expertise in hacking around here. I was told to get you, but the door was locked, so I let myself in," Chanyeol pulled back his sleeve revealing a wrist band of electronic code cracking material. It was beyond what Luhan had even seen, it was very thin too, like it was a second skin.

Luhan sighed at the absurdity of all the members he's met so far. They all seemed like nuts, besides for the boss. 

"So then?" He massaged his temples, unsure if it was his "new" age taking a toll on him or the fact that he hit his head.

"I'm going to show you about other parts of the system," Chanyeol shook his arm, allowing the sleeve to fall back in place, but he didn't leave Luhan to himself. He waved a huge hand, beckoning to the door.

"I'll be out in five," Luhan swung his legs out of the bed, raising a brow when Chanyeol didn't budge. Letting out an awkward cough, he waited until the other got the hint. He needed to change... freshen up.

"Oh! I'll go! I'll be waiting across the hall!" With that Chanyeol stumbled out of the room, a loud band and an "ouch!" echoing behind him.

"So we're going somewhere?" Luhan stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket, ignoring the light sting from his back, although the pain was slowly thinning due to the medicine.

"Yup! We're going with Tao and Kris to see Kai and DO!" Chanyeol made abrupt turns, leaving Luhan to follow behind as best as he could.

"Tao? Kris? Kai? DO? Do you realize that I don't know any of this?" Luhan shook his head, wishing that he had his memories back.

"I heard about it! You have amnesia or whatever right? Tao is our driver, Kris is another hitman. Kai is our weapons seller but he likes to hang with DO, who makes the guns. DO isn't part of the organization, we have four unofficial members. DO, Lay, who you met earlier, Chen, and Sehun. The last two are just info traders," Chanyeol counted the members with his fingers, "oh yeah! There's also Suho, he's our services guy, he mans everything else when we can't. In case you didn't remember, you go by Lu now."

"Okay, is there any specific names I should call you guys?" Luhan was taking in all the information. Lu... strange, it was kind of stupid to use part of his real name but.. it worked.

"Well, Xiumin is just himself, Kris is Yifan, Ox is Baekhyun, I'm Virus, Kai's Jongin, Tao is Zitao, Suho would be Junmyeon. That's also the order we came in," Chanyeol's mouth rattled off, "it isn't necessary to know the other four's real names."

Luhan then tuned him out when he started talking about all the random things that happened while Luhan was asleep. They made their way to a black car parked underground far from the living area. A dressed up man sat luxuriously in the car, reading what looked like a high fashion magazine. Beside him was someone whose face was leaned back, resting in the shotgun seat.

"Krease, Taotao!" Chanyeol yells from a few feet away.

One head perks up and the other just face palms.

"Oh Chanyeol," The first one puts down the magazine, rolling down the window further than before. He offers a very dangerous looking smirk, dark lines his eyes. The piercings around his ears didn't help either.

"Whaddup, I need to take Luhan here with me to see Kai and Dyo," he grins.

"Oh yeah, Kris told me about it. Get up you dragon!" Tao smacks the man sitting beside him, making said man groan in both annoyance and pain.

"Let's just get going," Kris sits up, rubbing his aching shoulder. With a loud crack his neck twists to the side, seeing a face he hasn't seen.  With the flick of the head, he nodded in greeting at the new face.

"Yeah, okay," Luhan nodded back, pilling inside the car, not used to the seat layout, it was like a bus, seats lining the doors, facing each other, rather than the front.

"Field trip!" Chanyeol whoops, "sorry, I don't exactly go out often, my work is usually done inside."

"That's why he can never sit still," Kris hisses, face tensing at the volume of the deep voice.

They arrive at a huge storage building surrounded with an array of transport. Tao presses a few buttons on the car's radio functions and outside the facility door's lock.

Large doors slit down the middle, parting slowly, a mass amount of crates come into view. 

"We're going by foot from here," Tao pulled in and parked their vehicle behind a particularly large box, slowly getting out, as not to ruin his extravagant, shiny, black outfit. 

Their walk was silent. Even Chanyeol didn't make a peep. They stopped at a certain box marked with song names. Chanyeol this time stepped up, singing the melody of the combined first notes of each song.

The crate's side then shifted, unlocking to show another hidden underground basement floor. It reminded Luhan of a cheap horror movie, dust collecting as an old door shifts open to reveal stairs fading into darkness.

"What the?" Luhan wondered, songs of all things?

"We're are particularly interested in music, plus it's so normal," Tao grins, reminding him of a mix of a feline and a panda, "I bet I'd be an awesome rapper in my next life."

"Hmm," Luhan tries not to judge. But it's hard not to.

That's when a voice calls out.

"Tao?" it's particularly low, pleasing to the ear. It drives Luhan's attention.

"DO Hyung?" Tao calls out to the dark room. The English and Korean combination is foreign to Luhan's ears, but who is he to say anything. He was a Chinese guy in the middle of Korea.

"It's us!" As if that explains anything, but it works. He whistles when the lights flicker on one by one to reveal an underground bunker.. 

Two men, probably DO and Kai, walk out, Luhan looks up to the taller one he expects to be DO.

That's not the case when the smaller one opens his mouth to reveal a surprisingly low voice, not matching his small stature and large eyes. What was it with baby faces and low voices? He had the short end of the stick. A girly face and a soft voice to match. Great.

"Hello?" Luhan introduces himself, "I'm Luhan, I don't know if we met before this."

"You're the famous Lu? I'm Kai," the taller one shakes his hand eagerly. He turns to DO to do the same but instead he's met with the fiercest glare that almost makes him stumble backwards.

"Sorry, his eyesight makes him glare a lot, although his attitude is usually also pretty sour," Chanyeol beams again, but coughs when DO punches him in the gut. Luhan hadn't even seen him move! His face was still monotonous as well. 

"Nice to meet you," DO's expression softens the slightest and greets them all.

"So what are you guys looking for this time?" Kai smiles charmingly, leading them to a selection of weapons.

"Just some upgrades in the latest guns you mentioned the other day," Kris pulls out a bag he  was carrying earlier, emptying all the guns shoved inside, "we'll take a look at the new things too."

"Okay, DO, would you? I can show them the other goodies," Kai pat DO's , receiving a glare in the process, "come with me."

Luhan sent a confused look to Kris and Chanyeol, Chanyeol discreetly pointing at the two and twisted his fingers together, "they're doing it!" 

Luhan's lips formed into an "o" shape, immediately understanding, it was surprising, just by the fact that DO seemed to be such a tough guy. He wasn't so surprised by Kai, he seemed like a flirt.

"Don't be too fooled by those two. Kai is always a big softie, and him? Sometimes he can look just as squishy as he looks," Chanyeol barked out in laughter.

Thankfully DO was out of earshot, working on the old guns Kris brought in. Even Chanyeol whipped his head in DO's direction, making sure he didn't hear. You would think he'd be used to not making him so pissed off.

They were an hour into looking at the array of weapons when a call came in.

"Yeah?" Kris flicked his earpiece on with the flick of a wrist.

A buzzing was heard, showing the intensity of the sound that came through.

"Okay. yeah. He is. what?" Kris turned to face Luhan, who looked confused by Kris' face of shock. Were they talking about him?

"What is it?" he stepped forward, as if to listen in on the conversation.

"How's the back?" Kris pulled away the earpiece to talk to Luhan. Those eyes warned him not to lie about it.

"I can barely feel it, I can just take another painkiller," Luhan's fingers trembled around the pill capsule in his pocket.

"Yes, yes, okay, now? Yeah," Kris turned back around, answering curtly and the buzzing stopped shortly afer.

"Who?" Tao leaned forward.

"It was Xiumin, he's currently away on a mission with Baekhyun, but suddenly something happened to them," Kris shushed Tao and Chanyeol before they interrupted, "they aren't in danger, just preoccupied, but there's a few guys heading over there now that could put them in danger, so he asked if we could take them down. They're right in the area now."

"Gotcha boss!" Chanyeol saluted and tugged along Tao, who didn't even complain about his wrinkling jacket and they ran ahead of the three.

"You two aren't even field experts!" Kris snarled loudly at their decision making skills. 

"That Xiumin needs to be careful, take care of him," DO's eyes mirrored a certain kind of concern he hadn't shown to anyone else.

"We'll be taking these," Kris threw a few guns to Luhan and pocketed a few for himself. He nodded at DO's request, feeling the same about his small leader.

"Be careful out there," Kai wished them luck, they would need it.

"I guess this is your first unofficial mission," Kris grunted, stowing away his weapons personally to his taste, Luhan doing the same when they reached their car. He also gave Luhan an earpiece to use which he gladly fixated on his ear.

"I guess," Luhan felt a wave of adrenaline run through his veins, excited to get out.

They stopped in an easily spotted gang area.

The buildings were either half built or on the brim of being torn down. Graffiti painted on any open space, pipes littered everywhere. The city was quiet, the sound of the sewage dripping out of any crack and crevice. The cloudy skies were mostly because of the pollution rather than the atmosphere.

"This is the area, keep a sharp eye," Kris motioned two fingers for Tao to stop the car at the side of the street.

As soon as they piled out of the truck, he then decided they would split up, Luhan with Chanyeol and Kris with Tao.

"Got it," Luhan put a hand in his back pocket, grasping the gun, trying to look as natural as possible, but his nerves were eating away at himself.

They walked around for a bit, looking for the incoming thugs or any suspicious actions. Nothing was in sight. Chanyeol's earpiece buzzed and through a short conversation, Luhan even came to a realization that Kris was in the same situation.

Luhan kept watch, serious, while Chanyeol stared at his feet, kicking around at the gravel because of their loss. A suspicious man ran around the corner, catching his eye.

Just like that Luhan burst off into a run, ignoring Chanyeol's cries of confusion behind him, who was still talking to Kris. Oops.

He ran for his life, trying to catch the guy, but his earpiece vibrated to life. Must be Kris. He'd probably be pissed.

"Lu! What are you doing?" Yep, pissed, "Abandoning, your partner?"

"I saw them!" Luhan said in a breathless voice.

Kris was about to yell again, but he bit his tongue at the larger task at hand, "the piece has a tracker in it, we'll try to find your location soon." 

Well, Kris was angry for sure, no doubting that. he tried to ignore the guilt in his chest but he was more focused on catching the thug.

Note: Luhan's first mission! 

I'll start updating again now that the daily challenge is over!

If you can find a difference in my writing because my writing got a lot better after the challenge!

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I love your story.. I hope there's angst about xiumin and caring lihan beside him.. update soon authornimm.. fighting
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for updating! akjshd so many things happened in this chapter ;A; the true about Minseok mom omg and the fact that Min is still alive despite his mission, lord ;;;

But Luhan being there for him ahh ;;; <3

Looking forward to see how this will change their current dynamics! ;;
Chapter 12: omg I was as shocked as Xiumin when Luhan rejected him , but I'm glad he talked about it with Baek and that he was able to give him another perspective about the situation ;-; the story just keeps getting better lord *O*
Thank you so much for the update ;w;
And about the Monster teaser omg lord didn't have mercy on our souls XDD is going to be so good ;AA; I can't wait to see is all these theories about Minseok being the bad guy are real haha
Chapter 10: Lover boy hahahhahaha omg luhan control yourself! XD
Chapter 8: Minnie Minnie Minnie hahah ^^
Kill Rate: 93.5% damn that's high! oh god Lu you're a total bad !
Can't wait to see Lu again in action, fighting! :)
MEnXiumin_07 #6
Chapter 8: hart hart~ lol Minseok showing off so cool *^* Love it author-nim >.<
DragonKookie #7
Chapter 7: Omg I saw the Xiumin thing in Vietnam.. It's so terrible how people forget that idols are humans too. All he wanted was to enjoy vacation with his family :( anyways keep up the good work on the story.
The_SnoWSprite #8
Chapter 7: Hahaha...sorry I am bit confused cause haven't read this long time..''''O.o Especially Minseok characteristics..but this one is his real one? Sorry..need refreshments >.< embarrassing Krisho moments XP when will Luhan get back on track?? I need more Xiuhan moments!!! TAT...and yeah...poor Minnie in Vietnam~ T..T Thank you for the update author-nim~ ♡♡♡♡