You and I

You and I

Title: You and I

KAI is an 18 year old high school senior. KYUNGSOO is a 19 year old college sophomore. The DRIVER is a 52 year old man.

Scene begins on a bus. It’s early in the morning (let’s say 5 AM) and KYUNGSOO sits on the bus talking to his friend on his cellphone. He stares out the window at the dark sky. He is wearing a jeans and a slim-fitting sweater and also has a small suitcase. The rest of the bus is empty. The DRIVER is driving the bus.

KYUNGSOO (on his cellphone): You are useless! You had one job and what did you do? Go out with Chanyeol, that’s what!

The bus jerks to a stop, causing KYUNGSOO to lurch forward. He sighs and narrows his eyes at the driver. KAI gets on the bus and pays. He wears athletic clothes and is carrying a duffle bag.

KYUNGSOO: What? (pause)  Oh my god I can't believe you. Now I, the best friend in the world, have to wake up early to do your part of the presentation!

KAI slowly walks to the back. He watches KYUNGSOO and listens to his conversation. He checks him out.

KYUNGSOO: I told you not to go. You are so annoying. (pause) What? Are you kidding right now? Tch… You do realize it takes me an hour to get back to school after these long weekends, right?!

The bus jerks forward and KAI stumbles into the seat next to KYUNGSOO.

KAI: ummm.... Hi.

KYUNGSOO looks at him weirdly. KAI  is looking at the ground.

KYUNGSOO scoffs and returns to talking on his phone.

KYUNGSOO (In hushed tones): Oh. my. gosh. This weird guy just sat down next me. (pause) What? (He glances over at KAI, and looks him up and down) I guess so… (pause then KYUNGSOO gasps) No. way. Baek. No way! Is that all you think about?

The bus suddenly lurches to a halt and he drops his phone. KAI’s coffee spills on his lap. They both stand abruptly.

KYUNGSOO: What. the. ??

KAI gasps and KYUNGSOO shoots him a wide-eyed death glare.

KAI: Oh ! Sorry!

He pulls a towel from his duffel bag and holds it out to KYUNGSOO. He glances down at it before narrowing his eyes at KAI and dumping his own coffee on KAI's pants.

KAI: OUCH! ! What the hell are you doing?! What was that for?!

KYUNGSOO: You spilled coffee on me first.

KAI: That was obviously an accident!

KYUNGSOO: And I thought that (He gestures to KAI's wet pants) was an attractive look on you.

KAI: Woooooowwwww….. And here I was trying to be nice to you.

KYUNGSOO pulls the towel from KAI’s hand.

KYUNGSOO: Thanks hot stuff. (He starts drying off his jeans)

KAI glares at the towel but says nothing.

KYUNGSOO: Where did my phone go? (He bends down and starts looking for it. KAI does the same, still wanting to be kind)

KAI: (looking under the seat behind theirs) Oh! Here it is! (He picks it up and hands it to KYUNGSOO)

KYUNGSOO: (snatches the phone from his hand) Don’t touch my stuff, creep.

KAI looks at him incredulously, scoffs and walks to the front of the bus to talk to the driver.


KAI: Excuse me, sir


KAI: umm… excuse me, I was wondering-


KAI huffs in annoyance.


DRIVER looks at KAI.

DRIVER: Oh. Hello there.

KAI: Excuse me, but… mind telling me why we stopped so suddenly? I have dance practice to get to in an hour and I can’t be late.

DRIVER: Well, Bessie here (he pats the steering wheel) broke down. The only thing we can do right now would be to just wait for the mechanic to come.

KAI: And how long do you think that’ll take? I still have to take a connector bus into the city.

DRIVER: You may wanna let yer coach know yer gonna be late.

KAI: (sighs) Thanks, man. (He walks back and sits across the aisle from KYUNGSOO and pulls out his phone) Damn, no battery. (He looks at KYUNGSOO) Mind if I borrow yours?

KYUNGSOO: Yes I do mind. But if it will get you to stop talking ot me, then knock yourself out.

He holds out his phone lazily, not really making an effort to give it to him. KAI sighs and takes the phone, sitting back in the seat next to KYUNGSOO.

KYUNGSOO: You know, I didn’t say you could sit next to me.

KAI ignores his comment.

KAI: Hey Sehun, this is KAI. (pause) I know, I know. Sorry. The bus broke down and I am probably gonna be late. (pause) Yeah but I thought that you could- (pause) Bro I covered for you last time! (longer pause) Dude I’ll send that picture out to everyone on the team if you don’t cover for me. You know, that one from two weekends ago (He smirks) Thanks, bro. You’re the best. (He hangs up the phone and hands it back to KYUNGSOO)

KYUNGSOO: Blackmail, huh? Nice.

KAI raises his eyebrow, but doesn’t look at the other..

KYUNGSOO: I wish that I had something to blackmail my friend with. He literally just left me to do this whole assignment on my own. …

KAI: (confused) Didn’t you just say he was your friend?

KYUNGSOO: Just because he’s my friend doesn’t mean he’s not a …

A pause follows and the two steal glances at each other every now and then.

KYUNGSOO: How old are you anyways? You look pretty young. Are you in high school?

KAI: (He nods slightly)Yeah I'm a senior though, eighteen.

KYUNGSOO: Oh, high school. It was so much easier!

KAI: Really? You actually want to return to high school? Honestly I can’t wait to get out.

KYUNGSOO: (thinking) hmm… no. I just want the easy workload.

KAI: (chuckles) Im glad it's almost done though. Thank cheezits. It’s really tough this year. I am just ready to be done with my AP exams.

KYUNGSOO: Really? You don’t seem like the type to be in AP.

KAI: Haven’t you ever been taught not to judge a book by it’s cover?

They both laugh softly.

KAI: So… why did you get stuck doing this whole assignment on your own?

KYUNGSOO: (fiddles with a string from the hem of his sweater) Ugh, don’t remind me. We’ve had this assignment for a week and he’s spent the whole time goofing off. It’s due today and he decided last night would be a great time to go to the Kappa Delta Theta party with Chanyeol, the school's resident klutz.

KAI: That’s one of your sororities? My buddies and I usually go over to KDT parties regardless of how much we need to study. They throw the best parties. And last night I didn’t go so that I could get all my work done. Not worth it.

KYUNGSOO chuckles and they fall into a short silence. KAI pulls his legs up to rest them on the seat in front of him.

KAI: (looking out the window) Do you believe in destiny?

KYUNGSOO: (looks at him weirdly) Was that supposed to be a pickup line? Because if it was, you certainly need some help. What a subject change...

KAI: No, I was just asking. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. What does it feel like to meet your soulmate? I don’t think I’ve ever met mine.

They sit in a comfortable silence. The mechanic has finally shown up (offstage) and they both watch as he looks under the car and starts pulling out the tools to fix the bus.

KYUNGSOO: It’s weird. To be honest, I’ve been wondering the same thing. Do sparks fly when your finger’s touch? If you look into their eyes, is there a sense of comfort? Will I feel a sense of belonging if he holds me in his arms? Sometimes I just wish there was a watch to tell us when we have met them.

KAI has been gazing at him intently.

KAI: I think there would be almost a fuzzy feeling in the back of your mind. It should feel like something is nagging at you, ‘This is the one. Take your chance now’.

KYUNGSOO: Yeah, that seems right. But I think its unlikely that you would know right away.

KAI: What do you mean?

KYUNGSOO: Well, like, if you have just met someone, you wouldn’t like them right away would you?

KAI: I guess that’s true.

KYUNGSOO: I think the stories where couples start out by disagreeing often are the most romantic.

KAI: Why? Doesn’t it just seem like they hate each other in those stories?

KYUNGSOO: No, because it only takes one touch, one conversation, whatever, to make them realize they are meant to be together.

He gazes out the window with a small smile.

KYUNGSOO: And then when they make eye contact with that person all those feelings come at them in a wave, and you just know.

KAI is about to say something but gets interrupted when the DRIVER returns.

DRIVER: Alright, kids. Don’t worry, you’ll be on your way soon.

KAI and KYUNGSOO gaze into each other’s eyes for a moment before tearing their eyes away quickly. They steal occasional glances at each other as the bus starts moving again.

KYUNGSOO: (After about fifteen minutes of silently riding the bus) Well, this is my stop.

He looks at KAI and reluctantly stands to pull the cord. KAI stands up and holds his wrist. He stays silent for a moment, scanning KYUNGSOO’s eyes, before slowly releasing his hold on the shorter's wrist.

KAI: Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime.

KYUNGSOO chuckles. The bus pulls to a stop.

KYUNGSOO: Yeah. Maybe


End Scene.

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Chapter 1: Oh wow, it's rare to see play scripts in this site; it's an interesting take of fanfiction writing, yet I'm not complaining xD
Their interactions are pretty cute c: I hope they met again someday!
Thanks for sharing