Happy Ending~~

~Getting u Pregnant~
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~Few months later~




~January 5th – Australia- Prince of Wales Women Hospital~




“Come on Chubby you can do it!! Come on Chubby push!!! Push!!” Yoseob cheered beside you



You on the surgery bed with your legs propped up widely spread apart, you bangs and long hair was drenched with hot sweat which lingered down the side of your head



“AAHH!!! YOEOB!!!” you cried pushing hard, as the pain ripped your body apart



“YOSEOB!! I can’t….AAHH!!!....I don’t want to do this anymore!!! It hurts like HELL!!!” you screamed, til now this was the first time you have not spoken in a nice and sweet way……..I mean who will?? When you having a baby right???



“Come babe, you can do this remember the little cute panda costume we bought for little Yobi??......and the love and congaz we received from everyone!!! They are all looking forward to little Yobi to come and Join our family, I know you are very eager to see him too right??......Come on Babe I know you can do it…” Yoseob smiled and planted a sweet kiss on your forehead and quickly stared into your eyes……




“I believe in you chubby……..I love you” he whispered and tightly held onto your hand



You quickly took a deep breath and smiled “I….Love…you TOO-AAHHH!!!!” you screamed as little Yobi started to crawl out




“Yinjee, I could see the head!!! Come baby sis push harder!!! Push!!! PUSH!!! You can do this!!!” G.O called as he’s your doctor




“AAAHHHHH!!!!...AAHHHH!!!...A-AAAHH-AHHHHHHHHH!!!”You screamed




Yoseob took a quick look at G.O and G.O look back at him giving him a ‘Just a little more’ look. The pain caused you to fling you head back and shrieked, you voice pieced through the walls and echoed out to the hall way and the waiting rooms, where all the other people were there nervously waiting for you and yoseob……




“OMO!!! Yinnie please be okay la~~ Don’t scare me” Woojin Pouted



“don’t worry baby, grumpy will be fine” Kikwang comforted, as he wrapped his arms around her waist



“B-But that was really loud…..I’ve never heard cutie scream like that b-before……it must hurt s-so much…” stuttered Dongwoon



“Aish! Why are you stuttering Woonie, it’s not like you’re having the baby!!!” Junhyung snapped



“Eh, shut up would you but considerate of Yinnie in there, she need our support not us fighting” Hyunseung complained drowsily as he was tired of waiting for so long



“Alright you all just be quit and wait for Yinnie and Yoseob” Doojoon barked and made everyone wait quietly but suddenly the silece was broken by another high piecing scream from the operation room….


































“waahhh….waaaahhhh……waaaahhhhh…”the sound of a little humans cry filled the room




“YOU DID IT YINJEE!! Oppa is so proud of you, it’s a baby boy” G.O finally smiled after the 16 hours of hard work




“waaahhh….wahaahh….waaahhhh…”the baby cried




You rapidly gulped in buckets and bucket of air, relieved from the torture just then.......G.O carefully passed you baby to Yoseob and yoseob stared at him with his sparkling eyes as tears gently circled around the brim of his eyes



“Chubby, look our first child…….Our little precious gift from heaven……” Yoseob whispered softly as he held the delicate treasure in his arm



“Yesss…..Yeobo…………Our first….child……….Our little…..treasure……..Yang…Yobi….” you puffed weakly



“Babe, I’m so proud of you” he smiled and gently kissed you on the lip



“Thank you Yinjee for granting me this gift, You are the best~~” Yoseob beamed



“thank you to you too Yeobo, without you I don’t think I could have granted you this treasure…” you smiled back and leaned softly on his shoulder, both of you watched your little prince tossing and turning in oseobs arm as all the nurse and doctors help pack all there equipments and cleaned all the blood and other liquid up……..




“Yang Yobi, welcome to this earth…………..Welcome to our family”








“Yah Yang Yobi and Yang Yumin stop running around la~~~” Yoseob called tiredly as he chased his son and daughter at his backyard




“Ah!! Appa, is coming this way, Yumin RUN!!!” Yobi a 5 year old boy told his little 4 year old sis



“Ahh~~ Appa come and catch us~~ Hehehe~~” she giggled now both of them running around circling their appa, Yoseob is now trapped in the middle of his running kids and tired yet dizzily trying to catch ither one of them




“Aish~~ My prince and princess please stop running la~~ Appa really need to change your clothes or umma will yell at me again” Yoseob pouted cutely, although he’s a father now but he still has his aegoo skills. But his cheeky little babies still won’t listen and continued running around him





“Hahahha!!! I see our aegoo King Yang Yoseob is in a little trouble with our Prince Yobi and Princess Yumin” a voice echoed from the gate, followed by few laughs  

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B2stjokerxxx #1
Chapter 9: Love ur story when reading this last ones I was thinking of getting ur heart starting of them being enemies and Yoseob being playboy and stuff lo I hope u write more stories like this hwaiting!
Neonismynickname #2
Chapter 12: love your story!!!!!!!
angeseop #3
Chapter 9: Aww! What an cute ending! Love this story! Good job author-nim
caramelcyra #5
Chapter 9: Love the endings..sweet and cute!!^^ Daebak author-nim!!
caramelcyra #6
Chapter 2: LOL!! The restaurant name is so funnyXDXD..just starting reading this story..hehe
cloverb2st #7
Chapter 13: such a good story! I was so into it i really love it!
anejae #8
hahaha jinjja daebak
fawbnerdy05 #9
Hehe. You got me thinking like yoseob for a second until I read on:))
Please write more awesome stories! :))