
~Getting u Pregnant~
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Just a short update for this chapter


Happy reading








Yoseob continue to think of what he saw yesterday when he was searching for you, he was curious about the white building that you come out of and the reason why you lied to him, since you were meant to be with Woojin………




~This Morning~



“Chubby, yesterday you said you were with Jinnie right??” Yoseob asked suspiciously



“Y-yea…..why???” you said




“Oh nothing really…..just wondering what you bought with her??” He laughed nervously



“Umm….well….I bought the…….the….night gown yea!! The night gown I wore last night” you stuttered



“Only the night gown??.........What about heels?? I thought you wanted to buy some??” Yoseob inquired




“Heel??.......Yea…but I don’t need them now….besides I can’t wear them at this state………*gasp*……..oops..” You gasped and quickly covered you mouth with your hands




“Can’t wear them at this state???.....What do you mean by that chubby??” Yoseob asked again



“Uh….ah…ummmm…..I….My feet started to have bubbles because of the friction of the shoe and my feet, so I can’t wear them now……it will hurt my feet” you quickly retorted




“Aww~ poor my baby chubby~~ Here let me take a look at your feet” Yoseob said nicely and bent down to take a look at your feet but you quickly refuse



“Honey, it’s okay la~~ I’m fine, it’s healing so it’ll be fine……” you smiled anxiously




“Ruff! Ruff! RUFF!!!.....” Lucky barked from the living room




“Yoseob, Lucky is calling us come lets go and take a look at him!!” you beamed and pulled Yoseob along to the living room….



~Back to the present~



“She only bought the night gown??……….that can’t be it, going out for the whole day and only bought 1  piece of clothing??? How am I supposed to believe in that!!! For a pretty lady like my wife, at least 2 bags of stuff or else don’t even think about leaving the mall…….” Yoseob muttered to himself as he spun around in his big comfy chair at his office




“…..But the most surprising thing is that……..Chubby said she doesn’t want to wear heels!!!! But chubby loves heels…….why wouldn’t she want to wear heels, I know that it’s a pain for your feet but the chubby I know , no matter

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B2stjokerxxx #1
Chapter 9: Love ur story when reading this last ones I was thinking of getting ur heart starting of them being enemies and Yoseob being playboy and stuff lo I hope u write more stories like this hwaiting!
Neonismynickname #2
Chapter 12: love your story!!!!!!!
angeseop #3
Chapter 9: Aww! What an cute ending! Love this story! Good job author-nim
caramelcyra #5
Chapter 9: Love the endings..sweet and cute!!^^ Daebak author-nim!!
caramelcyra #6
Chapter 2: LOL!! The restaurant name is so funnyXDXD..just starting reading this story..hehe
cloverb2st #7
Chapter 13: such a good story! I was so into it i really love it!
anejae #8
hahaha jinjja daebak
fawbnerdy05 #9
Hehe. You got me thinking like yoseob for a second until I read on:))
Please write more awesome stories! :))