


"They say when you’re in love you’re getting prettier."


It’s written here and there in those love songs and poems that one sided love is never exactly what you called as love itself. Torturing as may it be, when it's a matter of heart, brain couldn’t even work properly. So the girl meets the boy and there goes this cliché first crush. 



As much as she wanted to believe it she still can’t put it in her head how in the world she could be in this very place, this pinky little cosmetic store. Yup, she was standing right in front of the skin care line, listening to this over excited clerk explaining how to apply the products to (so she say) get better result in your skin care treatment.

“So you see here miss, you apply the toner first before putting the clay mask and it’s better to gently .. yes, gently rub it to your face..”

She felt so stupid as she listening to what the clerk said. Before she entered this shop, she couldn’t even tell which the toner is. Her cosmetics vocabularies were only consisted from 2 things; compact powder, lip balm and that’s it. Line of cosmetics in the display, nice fragrant in those elegant bottles and the pretty skin care line bottles in the store were a brand new world for her, alien language. She had never cared about it, until now.


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