We're Friends??

What Are We ?
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Eunji asked Chorong to come with her and Bomi to hangout at the mall. Chorong agreed at first since she think Bomi will not teasing her anymore. Yet, she already know why Bomi bullied her now.



Bomi decide to take a bus ride since the mall was quite far from her housing area. Suddenly, a girl just come in the bus and she looks familiar to Bomi. Then, Bomi gasped, 'aahhh~ so we meet on the bus now. Should i call this lucky or destiny?' She though. Everyone on the bus were busy with their phones and the seat was full except beside Bomi.



Chorong just standing while grabbing the pole to avoid from falling. Some random music hits on her ears. 'You need to be nice to her from now, Bomi' Eunji's word coming like flash memory to Bomi. She look at Chorong then trying to call Chorong, so she can sit next to her but an old woman suddenly sat. Bomi cursed inside. The view of sakura tree were so beautiful that captured Chorong's attention. 'Erk~ oh i took the wrong bus. Look who i met now' she faced the other way so she could not see Bomi.



After 10 minutes riding the bus, both of them reaching their destination. Because Chorong hate and feel awkward with Bomi she walking faster than Bomi. Bomi who at the back giggles to Chorong's actions. 'Lol, that no need tho'. Eunji already waited for them inside the mall. They decide to buy some clothing due to the new arriving fashion. Chorong's hand interwined with Eunji's hand while they are walking passes the shops.



They chatting happily forget about Bomi's presence. ' For who sake i need to be with them. And look at them, what's might happen with Eunji? This isn't right' Bomi furrowed looking at her friends behaviour, but her small finger still playing with her phone. She does not know whether she felt jealous, mad, or bored now.



When they finish bought some cloth they spend another minute at the accessories shop. Sure, girls always like stuff like that and it more great when friends are around.




"Bomi~ i want to pee for awhile.. i drank a lot of juice while waiting for you guys earlier" Eunji said with anxiety voices.

"Seriously Eunji?!"

"Yea yea" Eunji giving her bags of her stuff to Bomi

"Did you did that on purpose?!" Bomi feel like Eunji always left she and C

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Chapter 3: Should i read this one even was not complete? I've already read too many ff good writing uncompleted. Still sad to know how's the ending will be :(
Chapter 20: Jyahhhh..update soon!I can't wait for ittttt...
Chapter 20: PLEASE BE NAEUN! And omg Bomi go chase Chorong! Thanks for update we've missed you too :)
Eririn #4
Chapter 20: The girl must be Naeun! Bomi please tell Chorong you still love her.
Chapter 20: HUEHUE TT HAHAHAH FAK "YOU LOOK UGLY" xD hope it's Naeun xD
6Pikachu #6
Chapter 19: If even eunji misunderstand her she's really alone already T.T
Chapter 19: Is it because bomi rejected chorong or because chorong kissed bomi?
Chapter 19: Ouch I feel bad for Bomi T-T
Chapter 19: Goshh EunMi fighting,,

That Paboo Yoon -___- ,