You're Different

What Are We ?
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"Chorong ah, can i have your number?"

"Oh why not. Here let me type it for you" Chorong grabbed Eunji's phone.

"Thanks Chorong" Eunji said smiled.

"No, problem" Chorong smiled back.

"Oh, btw did you free after school?"

"Hm.. today not why?" Chorong puzzled.

"I'll text you later after school okay?"




Chorong walking to her classroom but everyone was not there since the reccess time still have 10 more minutes. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Bomi is sleeping on her table. 'Why she here? Did she don't need to eat?! Ugh~ why i even cared?' Chorong could not help thinking of Bomi. Her feets drag her way to Bomi's table. She scanning Bomi's face. 'Pretty and cute' chorong said to herself. The sunlight hit on Bomi's face. The window was closed by Chorong to prevent the sunlights hit on Bomi again. A little reaction by Bomi make Chorong frozen her movement. Chorong let out heavy sighed because Bomi still in her dream land.



'Why suddenly i feels unwell?' Bomi thought. Maybe she been exposed to the sunlight to much. She get herself dress up, wearing her black jacket and beannie. The hoodie of the jacket is pull up to cover her head. Then, she went out. 'Aigoo~ i'm hungry.. i forgot to eat lunch when i fall asleep in thw classroom' She stopped by the shop but refused to eat and went straight to the studio.



"Eunji,, what's this place?" Chorong looked around to the unfamiliar places.

"Ah~ i'll show you around, come here" Eunji pulled Chorong's hand.

"Err~ okay? "

"Don't afraid. I bet Bomi is here now, she always early." Eunji looked aroun to find where Bomi was.

"How come i'm noy afraid. There's nobody here."

"Of course there's not. Today is weekday everyone busy with their life school, work and all. When it is weekend it full here"

"Ahh i see" chorong nodded.

"There's must be Bomi" Eunji pointing. Both of them walks to Bomi who is closing her eyes while listening to the music. Eunji want to wake Bomi up but a call interrupt her.

"Ne appa?.. yea???.... right now?.. err okay" eunji pouted.

"Bomi.. Chorong i ned to go first i'm really sorry.. i've family dinner tonight. Sorry i couldn't make it for today" she wake B

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Chapter 3: Should i read this one even was not complete? I've already read too many ff good writing uncompleted. Still sad to know how's the ending will be :(
Chapter 20: Jyahhhh..update soon!I can't wait for ittttt...
Chapter 20: PLEASE BE NAEUN! And omg Bomi go chase Chorong! Thanks for update we've missed you too :)
Eririn #4
Chapter 20: The girl must be Naeun! Bomi please tell Chorong you still love her.
Chapter 20: HUEHUE TT HAHAHAH FAK "YOU LOOK UGLY" xD hope it's Naeun xD
6Pikachu #6
Chapter 19: If even eunji misunderstand her she's really alone already T.T
Chapter 19: Is it because bomi rejected chorong or because chorong kissed bomi?
Chapter 19: Ouch I feel bad for Bomi T-T
Chapter 19: Goshh EunMi fighting,,

That Paboo Yoon -___- ,