Too Late

Ghost Whisperer
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After having dinner and going around the neighborhood to clear their stressed minds, the remaining 5 decided to go back....

“Young Jae has not answered any of my texts”

“He’s probably still mad”

You better sort this out by tomorrow got it?” Himchan began to scold the youngest

“If he lets me talk” Jun Hong scoffed “have you seen his attitude lately?”

 Approaching their destination, they noticed that one of the windows was broken

 "What the hell?" Jun Hong pointed out alerting the other as they looked at the damage

Carefully they all got in the house all of them looking around in case they find someone

“Young Jae Hyung?” Asked Jong Up

"Guys! Come here quick!!" Daehyun’s voice could be heard from the kitchen alerting everyone while they gathered into the kitchen in worry

Looking in horror what's there...

There laid Young Jae in a pool of blood surrounded by a large kitchen knife, his throat has been cut open as his shirt was soaked with the red liquid

Call 119!! Now!!" Dae Hyun demanded as Jong Up ran to call


"Who will do such a thing? Or did he killed himself?! "

Himchan asked as he also approached the younger, his body was losing heat

 “We don't know why he would do something like this? I knew we shouldn't have leave him alone! Danm it!!!"

Daehyun slammed the table in anger tears threatening to fall

"Calm down Daehyun remember he always avoided us and didn't talk much with us.... But I'm also curious, the best we can do is pray for him to be ok"

Assured Yong Guk

After the ambulance came and took Young Jae, they all went to the hospital as well hoping for the best

After two hours of waiting, the doctor approached them


I'm afraid Mr. Yoo had lost a lot of blood part of his body has already shut

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Short chapter I know... I'm still getting used to write in here but I try my best to improve...


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But omg what happened to Dae? Why is the guy passing out so often? So many mysteries I can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck writing!
Chapter 15: OH. MY. GOSH. I can't believe this, woah, I wonder how Junhong will have to face his reality of seeing spirits
Kira_mato098 #3
Chapter 10: How is the story so far?
Chapter 3: Looking forward to this story the storyline seems very interesting. Keep them chapters coming Author-nim.