
Ghost Whisperer
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Three months has passed, and every Friday and Saturday Min Hi and Jun Hong would go together to his house. But what no one knows is that Min Hi secretly became closer with Young Jae. It was hard at the beginning since he would be rude and cold... But Min Hi was able to detect his insecurities, his sadness... Since then he agreed to get help from her. Young Jae is actually afraid you reveal his real intentions, Suicidal attempt... He knows if Yong Guk finds out, he will be sent to therapy again. For Young Jae, therapy is hell, talking to someone who has no intention to actually help you, just getting paid..... The therapist doesn't really understand your pain, sure they can listen to your words and analyze it, but can't actually go further and understand what’s on your mind.

Min Hi knows a bit of what Young Jae went through, it's tragic but she knows she can't do nothing but help him to move on, pain will always remain in those memories, because as he said before, no one can actually understand the situation but oneself.

Jun Hong has started to notice Min Hi’s closeness to Young Jae, even though he understands she’s helping him overcome his depression, he can't help but feel bothered by it.

 He thinks that Young Jae is somehow rude and ungrateful, he never understood why he still here, but Daehyun always told him that it was from Young Jae's own good, who knows what would have happened if they never reached him. Jung Hong always asks Min Hi about what Young Jae tells her, but she either avoids the question or lies to him. It makes her feel bad.... Lying is not her thing, but she does it for his own sake.

"Ya Young Jae-ah!" Him Chan called from the other room

"Yeah?" "I've seen you brighter than usual? May I know why?" He gave the younger a playful smirk

 "Nothing special, why?"

 "I noticed that since you always talk to Min Hi you have become happier, and that's good! I wonder what she tells you"

"We just talk."

 "But you have us too! The only difference is that you never smile!" Himchan pouted making Young Jae cringe

 "I'll be going now"

He got up and left upstairs

Do I really seem brighter?? No no that's not really true, I just making sure she never tells my secret to the others

 But why do I always feel warm when I speak to her?

  No… I hope this doesn't turn into.."

 "Hyung, can I speak to you for a minute?"

 Jun Hong crept in looking at the older male



"Alright but make it quick I'm tired"

 "I just want to know... If....if you have feelings for Min Hi-sshi..."

 "And.... Why are you suddenly asking me this?"

 "I'm just want to know… Lately she talks to you more than me.." Jun Hong replied giving a fake smile

Young Jae rolled his eyes in response

 “Look Jun H

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Short chapter I know... I'm still getting used to write in here but I try my best to improve...


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But omg what happened to Dae? Why is the guy passing out so often? So many mysteries I can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck writing!
Chapter 15: OH. MY. GOSH. I can't believe this, woah, I wonder how Junhong will have to face his reality of seeing spirits
Kira_mato098 #3
Chapter 10: How is the story so far?
Chapter 3: Looking forward to this story the storyline seems very interesting. Keep them chapters coming Author-nim.