Three Way Love

I Love You Jae… and Joong



Love is quite an abstract subject when it pertains to humans. It sometimes dictates men's actions which are then absolutely unpredictably. This is an example of a moment like that.


“Yunho… You’ve been cheating on me.”


“Say what now?”


They were at this nice french restaurant to eat dinner, when suddenly, Jaejoong dropped a bomb while they were eating their entrée.


A couple, Jaejoong and Yunho, all lovey-dovey, that was soon going to celebrate their 1st year together, was now on the brink of break up.   


Or so Yunho thought, as the salad he was munching dropped out of his mouth and fell flatly on his plate. Mouth open and trying to comprehend the situation, he stared at his boyfriend with utter confusion.


He is dead serious… isn’t he? Yunho thought, freezing all of his movements while he was bringing out his inner Sherlock Holmes. Jaejoong simply continued to stare at his boyfriend without saying anything more.


Is he maybe referring to that one lady I helped crossing the street? Or maybe the one I helped to find her set of false teeth… Wait no, that was my grandma. Uh. Then was it that man I greeted yesterday? Nah… that can’t be. I really can’t think of something I did with someone that could have been mistaken as me being such a low-life cheater. I never cheated, I know that much, so what is this all about?


“I’ve witnessed it, don’t try to deny it.” Jaejoong spoke up, pulling Yunho out of his thoughts.


“B-But I didn’t chea--” Yunho tried to reason his boyfriend but the man pushed himself away from the table and stood up all too quickly before Yunho could understand the situation. Before he could realize it, he was alone at his table, midday, his half eaten salad and Jaejoong’s now-cold-soup looking back at him, mocking. He felt the stares of the many people in the restaurant that witnessed their scene and wished he could bury himself somewhere.


All his brain could think up to escape this situation was to hide his face on the table. The thing was that his face didn’t touch the table for there was his half-eaten plate of salad in the way, and it seemed that his brain didn’t process that information in time. He ended up paying for the entrée with some salad dressing on his face and a tomato on his head, while the waiter was on the verge of exploding of laughter.


What a day.




Jae… that was mean.


Nah. I just like to see him flustered, don’t you think he looks adorable?


Me? I prefer his manly side. But I do admit that seeing him so lost was kind of endearing.


Right? Mmh… I was wondering if he would catch on all year long, but he is still so oblivious.


That’s what’s so cute about him, no?  Or at least, what you like so much about him.


You know me too well.


Yeah yeah… So are you gonna go on?


It’s too amusing to stop. I’ll go on until he’ll get it.




“-- and then he said I cheated on him.” Yunho was sprawled out on his friend’s apartment floor at night as he narrated the sad story that happened earlier in the day.


“BWAHAHA!” Changmin rolled around, laughing at his friend without any restraint.     


“Changmin, it’s not funny… Wait, it is HAHAHAHA!” Junsu tried to reason the other but started laughing too.


“Guuuuys… It’s not the time to laugh. My relationship with him is seriously at staaaake here!” Yunho lift up his bottle and tried to slam it down to make them settle down but instead, he spilled it all over the floor.


“Yunho, you’re a terrible drinker.” Yoochun came out from the kitchen with a bowl of nachos and some paper towels as soon as he heard the bottle being toppled over.


“NACHOS!” Changmin perked up at the smell and pushed himself up from the floor and wobbled toward his savior (aka Yoochun, the man who graced them of the nachos’ presence). “I might love you~” Changmin walked over and tried to hug the man that was sporting a beaming smile and was still holding the bowl.


“NAY!” Junsu dashed towards them and pulled Changmin back, accidently making both of them fall on Yunho.


“Ow… What did I ever do to deserve this.” Yunho groaned in pain,on the verge of crying.


“The floor is cushiony.” Junsu grinned and had the nerve to bounce on the said “cushiony floor”.


“I’M THE FLOOR.” Yunho boomed.


“I want the nachos… But I like being hugged by you too.” Changmin vacantly whined as he looked at Junsu who still had a strong grip on him.


“Well I prefer Yoochun.” Junsu said back.


“And I’d like it if you let Changmin go.” Yoochun joined the conversation after he put down the nachos on the nearest table and bent down with the paper towel to clean up his friend’s mess.


“I’M STILL UNDERNEATH, YOU KNOW??” Yunho tried to get their attention.


It still looks like they haven’t solved their love life problems… Yunho thought.


Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin were his long time friends, probably from their highschool days. Now, as all of them were university students, the trio decided to rent an apartment for the three of them, also inviting Yunho to live with them but he quickly refused because he wouldn’t want to get involved in their tangled relationships. A few months into friendship, when they were still high school students, Yunho immediately caught on the complicated nature of the three boys relationship. Yoochun liked Changmin, but Changmin liked Junsu, while Junsu liked Yoochun. Yunho still didn’t know if any of them confessed to someone, but it seemed that the state of their relationship didn’t evolve the past years. As for Yunho, he never really felt left out, because before everything else, they were all friends, and he also found someone to love almost a year ago. Jaejoong was immediately well liked by the trio, especially Yoochun who would joke about the fact that they were soulmates. Everything was fine. Yunho fell in love with Jaejoong’s quirky, sometimes weird, personality, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Just like he said, everything was fine… until today’s misunderstanding.


“Jaejooooong…” Yunho cried.


“Dude, are you seriously crying? Are we that heavy?” Junsu pushed Changmin out of the way and asked the sobbing man with concern.


“He haaaaates me.” Yunho went on.


“Man, you didn’t even cheat. Why would he hate you?” Changmin rubbed his own back, hurting because he was thrown out by his crush.


“He saw meeeee.” Yunho cried again.


“He saw you what? You didn’t cheat. What did he see?” Yoochun, who left to throw away the soiled paper towels, came back and tried to reason his drunk friend.


“I don’t know, but he saw and he hates meeeee.” Yunho rolled himself into a ball to cry.


“Trying to make him understand how stupid he sounds is useless. Let him drink away his idiocy and he’ll figure things out tomorrow.” Junsu said to Yoochun, while shaking his head.


“Fortunately, we don’t have any classes tomorrow.” Yoochun remarked.


“Why aren’t you guys drunk?” Changmin was currently hugging the bowl of nachos.


“Who said I wasn’t?” Junsu, being so close to Yoochun, took the opportunity to lean on him and hug him. “Oh look at that, gravity is suddenly being mean to me.”


“You know I can’t be drunk, unless I drink with Jaejoong. And I also have to look after you kids that have low tolerance.” Yoochun answered Changmin before he gently pushed away Junsu. “And I also know you aren’t.”


“Oh c’mon! We can have a bit of fun, no?” Junsu pouted.


“Not with Yunho here.” Yoochun winked.


“Tsk, ruining my fun.”


“And anyway, Changmin will soon reek of nachos…” As he said that, Changmin accidently dropped the whole bowl all over himself while he was waltzing with it. “Pretty sure you wouldn’t want to do anything with him in that state.”


“Our shower is pretty spacious…”


“Don’t go and give me any ideas.”  


“Jaejooooong my loooove…” Yunho whined in his corner.




“Why is the sun hurting me? …” Yunho groaned as soon as he was awake. He tried to hide himself underneath his blanket, avoiding the rays of light that were making him have a headache. Or amplify, his headache.


“Yunho, lazy , get up! It’s already past noon.” Yoochun opened the blinders and tried to tear his friends away from the blanket.


“So what? We don’t have any classes.” Yunho stubbornly hung to the cover.


“Well Jaejoong is coming over in two hours… Thought you might want to clean up before that.”


“WHAT?” Yunho practically fell down from his friend’s couch.


“Yeah. I sent Junsu and Changmin to go fetch Jaejoong, as well as make an errand to go buy some ingredients for a late lunch. If Jaejoong’s gonna be here, why not use him for our own benefits, right?”


“Now’s not the time to talk about food! I’m not mentally prepared to see him!!” Yunho shouted.


“Look. This fight between the two of you is ridiculous. You didn’t cheat. That’s it.”


“... But if he knew fully well that piece of information… and went on with that false accusation to put a rift between us because he doesn’t love me anymore and just wants a reason to break up?”


“... For an idiot, you think too much.”




“Anyway, we thought it would be a good idea to make you two sort things out. We’ll be there for damage control, but if any of our furniture is flying because you decided to throw things at each others… Let’s just say I won’t be happy. Oh, and don’t think we’re doing this to get Jaejoong to cook us lunch.”


You totally are in this only for Jae’s cooking skills. Yunho thought.


“Why are you guys such busybodies…” He whined.


“Man, whatever you decide to do, just go take a shower. You reek of last night’s alcohol.”


“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Yunho got on his feet and stretched before handing to the bathroom.


“You’ll thank me later! For Jaejoong AND the shower advice.” Yoochun said before his friend closed the door.


Right… Yunho answered in his thoughts as he looked inside the shower. Why is there a nachos here? And is that a cheese stain on the shower wall? Everything kinda look sticky...




“So we’ve got pasta, cheese, basil, tomatoes…” Changmin enumerated as they walked to Jaejoong’s place.


“Yeah, I think that’ll be fine. I’m sure he’ll be able to whip us something with those ingredients.” Junsu said excitedly.


“Of course, he will! And I’m starving... Oh, here’s our master chef’s apartment!” The tall young man pointed at the building before them and suddenly ran like a madman at his “cook’s” door.


“Hey, Changmin! Don’t run like that with all of our groceries bags! Everything we bought will all get smashed!”


“Ah, true.” The running man came to an abrupt stop, but he was already only a few step away from the stairs which would lead them to their friend’s room.


“Don’t… run… like that.” Junsu trailed behind, trying to catch up as he wheezed out a scold.


“Sorry, cutie.” Changmin apologized with a grin.


“Don’t call me that. Only Yoochun can!” Junsu retorted as soon as he was to the other’s level.


“Suuure. Remember last night...”


“You were supposed to be drunk… Why do you recall that??” Junsu blushed as they both climbed the stairs, but not before he could punch Changmin for saying the last sentences in such a mocking tone.


Arrived in front of the door, like the kids they were, they both fought to know which one of them would press the doorbell, but they didn’t get to settle the fight for the door itself opened before they could announce a winner.


“Who’s making all this noise in front of my door?” Jaejoong called out only to laugh as soon as he caught sight of the two idiots doing some kind of extreme rock-paper-scissor.


“Ah, hi Jaejoong. Looks like we don’t need to press the bell anymore.” Junsu immediately greeted.


“Damnit, I was totally gonna win this!”


“Uh, hi. Why are you guys here for, anyway?” Jaejoong leaned on his doorframe.


Changmin lifted the groceries bag he held in his hands up in the air for the man to see before saying: “We’re inviting you to our apartment. We thought it would be nice to eat lunch together. Oh, and Yunho is at our place and wants to talk to you.”  


“Oh so that’s what all this ruckus about…” Jaejoong grinned.


“Nah. I’m only in for the food.” Changmin replied truthfully.


“Of course, I saw that coming from your part.” Jaejoong shook his head.


“But yeah… It’d be nice if you came with us just so that you two can make up. Fighting is no no!” Junsu intervened in the conversation.  




“Ah… And here I thought it would be more difficult to convince you.” Junsu said.


“Well, I’m not exactly angry anyway.” Jaejoong whispered before saying, “Wait for me, okay? I’ll go get changed and I’m coming.”




“Hurry up, I’m hungry!”


“Tsk, such a food monster…” Jaejoong slipped behind his door to go and get prepared.




“-- but what if he really just wants a reason to dump me??? What am I gonna do Yoochun? What am I gonna do???”


“Dude, stop freaking out for nothing.”


“You don’t understand! This is a big crisis and you tell me to calm down?”


“Chill…” Yoochun was exasperated because Yunho was saying that thing for over an hour now.


“Oh my gosh… I was thinking about it over and over again in the shower and damn I mostly just came back to that conclusion… Oh yeah, why was there a nachos and some cheese in there? Plus, everything was sticky...”


“...Uh that is, I mean it’s--” Yoochun was flustered by the sudden question but was cut midway by the sound of the apartment’s door being open. “O-Oh looks like they’re back!” He hurriedly left Yunho alone on the couch to escape further questions about the mysterious discovery his friend had in the shower.


“Hey Soul--” Yoochun greeted Jaejoong with their special handshake.


“--Mate. Good to see you. I heard you guys had a drinking session without me?” Jaejoong finished their usual greeting and inquired about last night activities.


“Oh please. I’d hardly call it a drinking session with these low-tolerance babies.”   


‘Heyyy! I didn’t get drunk!” Junsu butted into the conversation.


“Well Changmin and Yunho did. Anyway, you didn’t drink.” Yoochun retorted.


“I did get drunk, but I remember everything.” Changmin said back with a smirk.


“Good for you, then.” Yoochun returned the smirk.


“Hmm… Talking about Yunho, where is he?” Jaejoong pipped up.


“I’m not here!” Yunho had the bright idea to announce his presence to the enemy.


“Sure, you cheating idiot.” Jaejoong went past the trio to the living room where Yunho was trying to hide unsuccessfully behind a cushion.


"This is gonna be fun. Who wants popcorn?" Changmin grinned and asked.


"Sure, why not. It seems like our cook won't make anything right now." Yoochun replied.


Junsu also nodded.


"Good." Changmin went to the kitchen to make a bowl of it.


Now in the living room, Jaejoong immediately spotted his lover on the couch, and held back a laugh when he saw Yunho behind a cushion.


"Yunho... I'm not gonna bite. Get out from there."


"Mmh, right." Yunho reluctantly let go of his shield from reality.


"Look... I just wanted us to talk. Fine, I went a bit too far and your other lover will give me an earful once we switch and--" Jaejoong went on only to be interrupted by Yunho.


"Wait what?? My other lover? I'm not cheating on you!!"


"This is what I call a drama!" Changmin jumped on the other couch, along with the two others, the bowl of popcorn in hand.


Jaejoong glanced at them and shook his head before continuing the conversation. "You say that, and I'm sure you do not realize it, but you are somehow cheating on me." He grinned, just because he knew he was purposely messing up with his boyfriend and it was so much fun. Well he was getting back at Yunho for not realizing the fact that he was dating someone else beside him.


"W-What?? But how... I-I..." Yunho stuttered. He really couldn't understand what Jaejoong was telling him.


"Mmh, I think it might be better if I just go and show you." Jaejoong said and closed his eyes.


Go on, it's your turn now. You'll give me a headache later for being such a little . Tell him I do love him.


"Jerk." Jaejoong reopened his eyes and whispered with a soft smile. Somehow, something was different about him.


"What did you want to show me?" Yunho asked, still confused.


"Let's just begin all over again. Hi, I'm Joong, the guy you've been dating while you were also with Jae." Joong extended his hand for a handshake, but was met with air as Yunho was frozen on the couch.


"This is too great." Changmin continued to comment, a handful of popcorn in his hand.


"--- Uh ah what I you..." Yunho mumbled.


"Hmm, sure take all your time to process it." Joong then smiled sweetly and strode to the trio of friends


"Can I get some of it?" Joong asked while pointing at the bowl.


"Sure." Junsu shook off the bowl from Changmin's grip and offered some.


"Sooo... I'll assume you guys have DID*, am I right?" Yoochun, always the rational one (when Changmin was too obsessed by food to care about stuff), asked.


"You can say it like that." Joong then walked to Yunho's couch and sat on it while watching his boyfriend processing everything.


"Who is the real--" Yunho tried to make sense of something but Joong immediately shut him up.


"Don't you dare ask us which one is the real one. Do not invalidate our existence just because we are two souls in one body."




"But you have to know that the both of us love you dearly. Jae wanted to get back to you for not catching on the fact that we were two different persons and so he pretty much messed with you by saying you were cheating. I felt slightly bothered, but it didn't really matter. I consider us different, but similar at the same time.The most important thing is that I love you and he also loves you." Joong said warmly, a bit of a contrast with Jae's previous direct way of speech.


"If I said I didn't love you, that would be a lie. I came to love everything about Jaejoong as a whole. Surely, I also fell in love with the both of you... But how is this working?"


"Hmm, about that..." Yoochun butted into the conversation and rose from his couch.


"What is it?" Both Yunho and Joong inquired.


Yoochun then glanced at both Junsu and Changmin who were engaged in a fiery exchange about popcorn. He suddenly kneeled to Changmin's level and kissed him softly before smirking.


"Ah?" Yunho was surprised.


Next to Changmin on the couch, Junsu was frowning, but Yoochun quickly smoothed it with a kiss.


"Oh." Yunho voiced.


"Well as you can see, we're in a relationship. The three of us. And it's working quite well. I don't really see the problem of having two lovers." Yoochun explained.


"I see... Should have seen that, though. How long ago has it been?" Yunho calmly tried to process it.


"More than a year ago. Before Jaejoong. He knew about us before you did, which makes it obvious that you are too dense for your own good."


"Wait, Jaejoong also knew it?!"


"Yeah. It was quite obvious." His boyfriend asserted.


"Yunho's an idiot~" Changmin sing-sang.


"... I'm beginning to think I am." Yunho sank further into the couch.


"Well, I'm-we're in love with an idiot, then." Joong scooted closer to him.


"I love you... I'm sure I won't be able to live on without you. Let me have a bit of time to adjust to it, but I'll be sure to differentiate the both of you. I'll try to be a better boyfriend."


"Thank you. Jae's sorry for being a jerk and he says he loves you."


"I love him too... Even though he's being a brat."


"All good then!" Joong pulled him into a kiss.


"Yeah." Yunho smiled.


"I'm hungry!" Changmin chimed in, suddenly breaking the mood.


Joong sighed lightly.


"I'm gonna retire. Jae's the one who knows how to cook." He said.




"Um before that..." Yunho said. "The sticky bathroom was-- OH MY GOD YOU GUYS DIDN'T--????"


"Oops..." The trio said sheepishly.


Love wasn't so complex afterall.


(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)



* Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID); extremely rare mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior.


Credits to Wikipedia for the thing on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).


Hey there!


Aaaaand I just had to go and write a one-shot instead of writing my other fics. I'm hopeless.


Hope you liked it, though even I felt it was too short. I may have to write some others chapters one day, just because I fell in love with the way I pictured DBSK here XD One day maybe~


As you can see, this is waaaaaay different than my previous works. It's light, funny and NO ONE DIES YAY! No angst either! I'm so glad I was able to break free from the cage of angst I kept on writing /(>o<)/


Oh well, thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you want, you can always drop a comment!


Love ya bye bye <3

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naoplume #1
Chapter 1: ahhh so that's all about xD jae and joong
Chapter 1: I'm lost... it's friggin' funny but I'm lost.... nevermind, I still loved it. :D
Kattan69 #3
Chapter 1: Poor doubt Jae n Joong fooled others before...but I'm surprised Jae can control which personalities to come out.
fanfan69 #4
Chapter 1: what I liked about this piece is the fact that u touched the subject of being a poly amorous. there aren't much or any for that matter, fics about poly amorous. nice one :D
Chapter 1: not bad, good job author-nim!! (':