Trace of the Shadow's Realm


A new virtual reality game called "Trace of the Shadow's Realm" is released worldwide.
Created by Alpha Corp, this game allows you to live as someone you see yourself as but inside the game.
While on a speical tour, 26 young men were invited to play the game before it is officially released.
With the help of Shin Dong Hee and his NPC Shindongm, he will guide the players through the game.
While preparing to enter the game, the power in the whole building went out.
Suddenly a black hole appeared on the game gate.
Shindong shouted at the new gamers to get away from it, but it was too late.
They were all pulled through the game gate into the game world.
What will happen to these 26 players once they find themselves inside the world of "Trace of the Shadow's Realm"?


AN: Look guys, I appreciate that you want me to continue. But getting mad at me and demanding I contiune the story won't get it 
to continue. Also, I don't appreciate people telling me my stories have to be good or live up to their standards. With that said, I will update stories when I can. I am busy looking for a job and have a life too. 
Thank you for the understanding. 


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