Bonus [M]

Define My Flaws
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The next few days was Jungkook receiving the bullying and whatnots, but maybe he could say they were kind of minimal and at the same time Jimin would pop out of nowhere and give him a small smile. Jungkook would play these memories in his head for as long as he wanted, for as long as he wouldn't get bored which he highly doubted. He would paint the picture in his notebook if he had the chance but his notebook was already full of Jimin's smiling face and he wanted to capture something more.

Bobby would once a while show up and push Jungkook to the lockers, trap him in the janitor's closet, slap his face with water just so the impact was stronger, and the list could go on. But Jungkook didn't care much. He didn't want to think that his life was dull. Maybe holding on to the little hope that Jimin might like him and his drawings was making his days livelier and he could certainly feel himself punching Bobby and laughing at the guy while he kissed his feet.

"Hey." Jimin was beside him. Jungkook could feel his face getting hot, "Finished yet?"

But there were times Jungkook would think if Jimin does have a liking on him. Maybe, a part of him was telling him yes the guy does, but there was something stronger telling him that he should stay away. That Jimin was using this as his advantage because he knows Jungkook likes him. That once he finished the drawings, he could tell to the world how much of a gay person Jeon Jungkook was, and then the bullying goes on forever.

The thought disgusted Jungkook a lot.

"Jungkook?" Jimin waved a hand in front of the younger.

And when was the first time Jimin even noticed him?

He just pities me.

"Jungkook—Hey!" He bolted out of the classroom. Jimin swiftly dodged a few students, keeping the boy in his sight though it was already impossible to keep up with him. Jungkook was walking way too fast, "Jungkook!"

"Seriously, you're friends with him?" Bobby snorted, a look of disgust crossing his face as he stared at Jimin, "What the hell Park Jimin. Want to have a taste of my—"

"Will you please shut the up?" He pushed him away. Bobby's eyes turned fiery in a second, "Oh don't give me that look." Jimin laughed, "I can kick you out of this school if you want to have a little trivia in that airhead of yours, or do you want me to tell you the story on how you were my friend I helped by literally begging for my father to enroll him in this school?" Bobby's eyes widened, "Yeah. That's right. Still not going in that brain of you—"

He didn't have time to finish his words when a fist landed under his jaw.

Jungkook hugged his knees closer to his chest, sighing loudly and staring at his notebook opened at a new fresh page. He didn't manage to draw another picture of Jimin. How could he when all he could think about was why Jimin was suddenly close to him? For all he knew, he told him days ago that he would never date someone like Jungkook—well, he didn't say it like that but it was like that mostly—and why was Jimin close to him again?

"Idiot." Was all he muttered before he heard the door open. His eyes widened as he saw Bobby and his friends from a small space where he was hiding all along. Bobby kicked an empty can of soda and it hit the spot where Jungkook's face was, and he backed away.

"That er. Look at him now, in the clinic eating his own words." He cackled like a maniac, "He can kick me out? Sure, like it's easy kicking someone out of this school. And he's close with that Jungkook , can you even believe that?!"

Jungkook shut his eyes tight. He slowly, and quietly danced his hand toward his notebook, flipping the pages of Jimin's face to ease the panic rising in his stomach.

"Someone's in here."


Jimin stared at the ceiling. Hard. Like he was having a staring competition with it or maybe that was what he was trying to do. He turned to his side where he faced the white wall, a blanket over him thanks to the nurse. He was transferred to the private clinic of his father near his office, and he was thinking about Jungkook.

He didn't know when in started, but he suddenly felt being lost in Jungkook's eyes. The need to protect him all the time was so strong but he tried to keep himself composed because of his reputation. 

He didn't want Jungkook to get hurt also.

Just then the door opened and he sat straight. The nurse was leading a guy, a hand on his waist while his around her shoulder. Jimin recognized Jungkook in an instant and he shot up from the bed. Even his face hurt so bad and

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lillijin #1
Chapter 2: amazing i love this
lillijin #2
Chapter 1: Am i okay I am not okay god im such emo trash right now i need serious help reading fanfics like these are not.

Please excuse my rambling.

This is very beautiful and I'd love for you to continue. c: