Not his day

What are the odds?

The morning shift was quite pleasant for Kyungsoo, something he couldn’t quite say for the afternoon one. He almost always had to deal with rude people in the afternoon and he absolutely hated it, Kyungsoo was in a bad mood.  He was tired, no, exhausted. He had been running from table to table trying to satisfy a bunch of ungrateful customers.  It was around eleven in the morning and the rest of the employees had already arrived to do their own jobs.

“Baekhyun, Kai, did you hear?” he could hear Xiumin shout excitedly.

“No, hear what?” they responded.

“Chanyeol, he just checked in at the Leighton, we’re practically like twenty minutes away from him,” he said excitedly.

“What? I didn’t know because someone changed the station before I could hear it,” said Baekhyun while glaring at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and focused on helping the customer in front of him.

“I wonder if we’ll get to see him around here?” he heard the three males whispering.

“Xiumin, Kai, and Baekhyun, this is not the time to be talking about such things,” he heard their boss Junmyeon say. Kyungsoo released a sigh of relief.

“Thank you,” he said to Suho.

Kyungsoo was back to focusing on the customer in from of him. The rest of his shift revolved around tending to customer and dealing with the three fanboys he called friends. He glanced at the clock, time flew by quick, It was already nine at night. He left the counter when he finished with his last customer and headed to grab his belongings. He waited in the employee room for Baekhyun and Kai.

“Kyungsoo come with us,” he turned to see Baekhyun clocking out.

“Where?” he asked.

“To see if Chanyeol is still there,” he answered. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. He was not going to spend his free time stalking some guy. “I’ll pass,” he said.

“But Kyungsoo, he’s around here,” said Baekhyun. Kyungsoo was not going to go and that was final.

“No thank you,” he said as he carelessly shoved his phone in his pocket and left the employee room. He had a huge headache at the moment.

He said goodbye to the others and he was out the door in a few seconds.  His apartment wasn’t all that far. It was a couple of blocks away, so he took his time walking there. He liked to enjoy the scenery around him.  It was always peaceful when he walked home at this time, but for some reason today the streets were flooded with people. Kyungsoo was quite claustrophobic, so he made the decision to take a different route.

 He tried to make a turn to the other street, but the people around him kept on pushing and pushing. He tried his best to not shout at the bystanders. Once he successfully was able to disentangle himself from the crazy mob, he took a deep breath. If he hurried he could have time to read the book he had in his bag. He rushed to his apartment, but was knocked to the ground by a stranger. He drew a shaky breath. Great… just freaking awesome.  

“Watch where the you’re going,” he said angrily. He looked up at the stranger and couldn’t help but feel like he had seen him before. But whether he knew him or not, the fact that this practical giant knocked him to the ground was not okay. He looked at the ground and saw that his belongings were scattered on the floor. His headache had gotten even worse now.

“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you,” said a deep voice, but Kyungsoo didn’t pay any mind to him. He furiously grabbed his things. The stranger tried to help him up, but Kyungsoo refused to accept his help. Today was not his day. He looked at the person in front of him and couldn’t shake the feeling that he recognized his voice.

“Hey, are you okay,” said the person. He gave him a once over. He was wearing sunglasses with a turtle neck and a large coat.

“Yes, but next time, watch where you’re going,” he said as he stepped aside and walked back to his apartment.


Chanyeol didn’t like being crowded around so many people. He felt like he was being caged in. He hated it, but it all came with being a celebrity. He hand a couple days off to himself and he didn’t want to be cooped in his hotel, so he decided to go out for a while. The only problem was that there was a mass amount of people outside his hotel and he didn’t know how he was going to go out without being seen.  Usually that was what he needed a body guard for, but he just wanted to be by himself for today, so he left without warning anyone. He was going to be serious trouble for that, but right now he didn’t care. He stepped out of his room and decided to use the back entrance where the employees would come in from.  It was a perfect exit. No one would spot him and he could go without being seen. It was dark outside, so he could leave without being spotted.

He was lucky enough to exit without being seen by the hotel staff. He turned to an empty street and began to walk at rushed pace. He couldn’t yet say he was free to walk around aimlessly. He would have to go a bit farther until he could make sure he wasn’t being followed by fans or the paparazzi. He didn’t see where he was going until he collided with someone.  He didn’t register what happened until he heard a tiny ‘uff ‘  from the person he had managed to knock down.  

Damn’ thought Chanyeol. He thought that this person was probably a fan who managed to find him, but the fear of being caught was washed away when he heard the stranger curse at him.

“Watch where the you’re going,” he heard the person. He didn’t seem to recognize him, which was a good thing.

“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you,” he said apologetically. He could tell that the smaller male was pissed off.

“Are you okay?” he asked. Chanyeol offered to help the other up, but the other male refused.

“Yes, but next time, watch where you’re going,” he heard him reply. All that was going on through Chanyeol’s mind was‘Wow, this guy’s feisty.’ Normally, when he was out and about, everyone managed to recognize him, but here was this guy who didn’t seem to know who he was, not that he was complaining. He was about to apologize again, but the stranger was already leaving. Chanyeol just stayed in his spot. He looked to the ground and saw that the stranger had forgotten to pick up his book. Chanyeol reached to pick it up and when he turned to give it back the stranger was gone. Chanyeol opened the front cover.

Property of Do Kyungsoo’ he read.  Along with it he found a name tag from Suho’s coffee house. Chanyeol knows where the place is because he drove passed it on the way to the hotel.  It was getting really dark already. He guesses he’ll have to walk around another time. He first walked to the coffee shop where Kyungsoo worked, but there it was already closed and the sign said that they weren’t open on Sunday’s.

‘I’ll just give It to him on Monday,’ he thought As he headed back to his hotel. It was already midnight when he returned. He didn’t keep track of time.

“Chanyeol!” he heard his body guard say. Yup, he knew he was in trouble.

“Where were you?” asked his body guard.

“Sorry, I just wanted to walk around,” he said apologetically.

“Then you should have told me,”

“I know, but I wanted to be alone,” he said frowning.

“Chanyeol, I know the fame gets overwhelming to you, but you could have been hurt or something. You can’t just leave,” he scolded him.

“I know I’m sorry,” he replied as he went to his room. He sat by the bed. He didn’t want to be on his phone, so he looked at the book he had in his hands.

‘The Catcher in the Rye,’ he read.

‘Well, what the hell,’ he thought as he opened the book and started to read.

Meanwhile Kyungsoo ran back to where he had bumped into Chanyeol frantically tried to look for his book, but it was nowhere to be found.

Great,’ he thought. 'This was probably bad karma for yelling at that guy' thought Kyungsoo as he kicked the dust on the ground. He felt like crying. First he had to wake up ridiculously early, work the whole day, deal with rude customers, and now he lost his book. Could things get any worse?

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SooYeollie1227 #1
I really wish that this story will continue :(
dhe_kyungsoo #2
Chapter 8: thank u sooooo much ...
Chapter 8: this is good, I will surely be staying and will wait for the next update..
Alinat #4
Chapter 8: Finally, an update. It's been too long.
I should read this one, and why I didnt find it sooner ,to think its been published last 2016.. I will surely love your fic authornim..
yeolkyung #6
Chapter 8: Manager you! Hmmph.
dhe_kyungsoo #7
i just wonder why u not continue this very intresting story...
i am happy bz i found it in here...i read it in archiveforum before...
but sad bz this not complete too..
Chapter 7: Love ur story omg!!!! Please update soon i will waiting for ur update:):)