For Once, My Friends Did Something Good

Cookie Dough
Mingyu sat on his couch, lazily flipping through his magazine. He had to thank his niece later for buying him issues of Gossip Girl on a regular basis; he had too much dignity to go out himself. He inwardly cursed Soonyoung for getting him obsessed.
It has been a joke a first: Soonyoung would drop by Mingyu's workplace to give him a copy every week. At first, Mingyu threw them aside without a second glance. He started reading them out of boredom, and became obsessed. The inane magazines were his guilty pleasure. 
Mingyu loved his friends, but more often than not, their  'favours' ended in embarrassment or him getting in trouble. Tonight was one of those rare times where something benefitted him. 
"Saint West? How ludicrous." he muttered to himself as he read, shaking his head occasionally. He took another sip from his bottle of wine, and cringed. Although the taste was anything but pleasant, Mingyu wished for nothing more than to drown in alcohol tonight. 
"KIM MINGYUUUUU!" a shrill voice pierced the calming environment. Groaning, the blue-haired boy stood up, hiding the magazine and greeting the idiots he called friends. 
"There is no reason you should be bothering me unless Gordon Ramsay finally acknowledged my superior cooking."
Soonyoung, Jihoon, Seungcheol, and Junghan stood in his living room, looking bright, with wide smiles on his face. 
"We've decided that you need to get a life," Jihoon started, "So we're taking you out tonight. Get dressed, fleek you eyebrows, and get ready to get crunk!" He cheered. Judgemental silence followed. 
I'm going to kill them...
"I don't need a life, I am dressed, my eyebrows are always on fleek, and I have no desire to 'get crunk', thank you very much." Of course, Mingyu didn't didn't expect them to back down easily, or at all. 
"C'mon Mingyu, you have to get out more. You do nothing but go to work, come home and sit doing nothing. Live a little! Or I will kidnap you." Junghan reasoned. The four of them were all shorter than Mingyu, but he didn't doubt for a second that they could knock him out. 
"I'll consider your offer..." he answered vaguely, intending on locking himself in the bathroom until they left. 
Junghan stepped in front of Mingyu before he could get anywhere. "Bull. I know you. You're going to hide until we leave. C'mon, what's it gonna take?"
The taller sighed, not knowing what to do or say. "I don't--"
"Weren't you bothering us about cookies or something last week? If you come with us, we'll bake them with you," Seungcheol offered. 
Mingyu instantly brightened. "Really?"
"Yes. We can buy cookie dough on the way there."
He sighed. Baking cookies with his friends sounded like a lot of fun, and they were finally giving in after months of pleading; on the other hand, the proud side of him didn't want to be bribed so easily. But what was more important, food or dignity? The answer's obvious. 
"Let me grab my wallet."
The four cheered, ecstatic that their introverted friend was finally going outside. 
Why did I ever agree to this? The blue-haired giant thought to himself. There are muggers, rapists, and murderers outside. The outernet is terrifying and dangerous. 
Three bags of cookie dough in his arms, he entered Shining Diamond. The club was silver with a blue mosaic on the doors, and a long line that wrapped around the block. The only reason the five were let in so fast, if at all, was because Soonyoung was close friends with the owner. 
Feeling out of place, he took a seat at the bar, only to leave quickly because of all the girls that flocked towards him. 
The music was terrible, and absolutely deafening. He had no desire to hear Nicki Minaj rapping about butts, or SHINee Ring Ding Dong-ing. He usually enjoyed the latter, but today was supposed to be relaxing, and he was getting a headache. 
It wasn't that he didn't enjoy good music; he was a rapper himself, but parties and clubs were full of drunk sweaty people looking for attention e.g. his friends. 
Mingyu's eyes searched the club for them, only to see the two pairs making out on the dance floor. I should've known I'd be fifth-wheeling. 
The annoyed man contemplated his options: leave(Junghan would use that against him in then future), the dance floor(ew), or hide. 
Finding a seat near the DJ booth, he open a bag of snicker doodle dough, started eating. The food served didn't look bad, but Jihoon had taken his wallet, claiming he'd take a cab home the second they turned their backs. 
"I have a lot of questions, but I'll start off with: why are you eating a bag of cookie dough in the corner of the city's hottest club?"
Internally groaning, Mingyu mumbled something unintelligible, not wishing to make conversation. 
"Sorry? Didn't catch that," the newcomer said, walking closer and sitting down next to him. 
Why me? Tightening his grip on the bag, clinging to it as if it were his lifeline, Mingyu looked at the stranger. 
His hair was the color of the sky: the lights reflected off it, making it seem iridescent. The lights danced in his glistening eyes, across his cheekbones; his jawline was sculpted by the gods. This man was art: untouchable, perfect, and treasured. People would pay to simply get a glimpse. 
He waved a perfect hand in front of his face. "Hello? You're not a corpse right?"
Mingyu snapped out of it, shaking his head. "No, sorry, I was lost in thought." The other laughed; it was deep, enchanting, and melodic. 
"So back to my question: why are you sitting here eating cookie dough instead of 'turning up'?"
"Who in their right mind would ever turn away food?" Another laugh, equally as beautiful, escaped his lips. 
"I feel like we have a lot in common. I'm Wonwoo, Jeon Wonwoo," He said, sticking out his hand. 
"Kim Mingyu, nice to meet you."
Not sure what to say next, Mingyu held out a bag of cookie dough, and they sat in silence, eating, watching the partiers come and go. 
crapcrapcrapcrapcrap I'm gonna be late!
Mingyu grabbed his jacket off the chair as he sprinted towards the subway. He had met Wonwoo a few months ago, but never saw him again. That was the only thing that ever occupied his thoughts. It was pushed him to pursue rapping as a career, hoping he could find the mysterious man that way. 
Months of hard work had paid off, and a company had taken notice of his skill as a rapper. The exuberant man was on his way to an audition at Pledis Entertainment. 
The subway was surprisingly empty, so making his way to a seat, the tall man sat down. 
At the next stop, people flooded in, forcing Mingyu to give up his seat for an elderly lady. He stood in between the rows of chairs, praying he wouldn't go flying. 
God was not his side today, for they screeched to a stop, sending him tumbling.  Or maybe he was, giving that the next events led to a moment he had been fantasising for months. 
A pairs of arms wrapped around the falling man, prevents him from hitting the floor. "Woah, you okay? You should really grab onto a bar or something."
Mingyu turned around, to find himself facing Wonwoo: his obsession, the cause of many sleepless nights, the human embodiment of perfection. 
"Mingyu?" the black-haired man questioned, in a voice that haunted his dreams. 
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Chapter 1: pls tell me there will be a sequel ;A;
Firewish #2
Chapter 1: I feel like that would be me, eating cookie dough in the corner of a club instead of drinking or partying. I think Mingyu is my spirit animal >.< And oH MY GAWD THEY MET AGAIN I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT :D
wildrose88 #3