The Story Begins


"When you have the butterflies and can't seem to stop staring.We all know what most people think but...for me? That is not as close as to what I felt with her now. Its not hunger nor butterflies, I think I just swallowed a bug that has big wings. And I'm not staring, I'm just off to oblivious and maybe my eyes just happened to stop by her!? I am not in love or have a by any chance to like her, because I don't feel butterflies and I most definitely am not staring at her everytime!? So please stop it because I don't like nor love her one bit!"

"Please, you just changed the subject"

"N-no I didn't!?"

"Your just stating that you don't feel butterflies? Just a bug with huge wings?"

"Something like that"

"So you do love her? Cause huge bugs are a little extreme?"

"W-what!? N-no of course not!? With her? Pssshhhh hell no nu-uh!!"

"Then why are you so defensive?"




Its my first time so please tell me about it!! I accept requests but it may take a while so patients is a virtue!!


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Chapter 1: this is nice :D pls write tuna/natzu/jungmo/chaeda <3 tysm for writing this~
cathycathy #2
Chapter 1: please 2na 2na 2na
Maysoshi #3
Chapter 1: I think it's Sana. Hahahaha 2na! 2na! Lol
tZuYu_trash #4
Chapter 1: I thought it was Nayeon's POV tbh. It fits her more. I'm a NaTzu, SaTzu, and TzuMo shipper so you get the point lol. It can't be Nayeon tho... she has no unnie in the group.
hccc49 #5
Chapter 1: Chaeda ples hahahaha